So...Oceans also left DCUO\Dimensional Ink

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Mar 4, 2022.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    No, this whole post is ridiculous, sorry.
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player


  3. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    Drathmor is just making a lighthearted attempt at whimsy. There is no ill intent behind his words. Oceans leaving is sad to us but we all hope the best for both her and the rest of the Developers at Daybreak.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    The way is written can be seem as sarcastic and as if they paint the company in a bad light for whatever reason. Again, I don't think It's any of our business why she left, and I'm sure she wouldn't have stayed for years if she was being abused at work. That goes to any worker.

    (Nothing personal towards Drathmor by the way)
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  5. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    I have faith in y’all’s abilities. I believe in you and the rest of the team. Things will be different of course, but I believe in things being just as good.
    I am happy for her and hope to see more Devs step up and become active with players in their interaction with us. Of course as much as I believe I y’all, an equally big part of me kinda hopes she left a lot behind for y’all to just do even though she won’t be there to get the credit. Lol
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  6. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    I will miss the fun and positivity that Oceans brought to game whenever she interacted with the community.

    Good journey Oceans, all the best in the future.
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