So Mepps I Did This In Preparation For Next DLC

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Anima Committed Player

    And then you guys announce a completely new mark that will rule them all.

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  2. Bobburt Committed Player

    I've been hoarding the 10 MoF to Triumph tokens. Currently, I'm sitting at a little over 600k MoTs that will be rendered useless T_T
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  3. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    How is this possible? That is my only question.
  4. Anima Committed Player

    Spend your life on the game is my only guess. Not sure how else this could happen!
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  5. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I feel for you mate <3
  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    this is why we have to deal with stupid caps. thanks for being that person. is it really that bad earning your gear?
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  7. Anima Committed Player

    I'm sitting on 216.80 SP. It's not like I don't play the game, lol.

    But, no problem.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Impressive, though. Also, nice outfit!
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  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    thanks for the skill point update and all. not sure what that has to do with your attempt to cheat the system or look for work arounds but congrats. obviously your talented enough u need no edge so why do this? this has lead to annoying mark caps we all hate and is as bad as glitching IMO. gliching cost us so much also i mean how cool would it be to duel in a raid again?
  10. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Um... His eyes are up there.
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  11. Brother Allen Loyal Player


    That's a sweet style. That's what this thread is about right? :D
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  12. lukelucky Devoted Player

    ur complementing a player attempting to cheat the system? this leads to headaches for the "loyal customers" and your our community manager so id expect................ NOT A COMPLAMENT WTH?
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  13. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    With the amount of time he spends in the game, it's a safe bet he did actually earn his gear a few times over :p
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  14. Anima Committed Player

    Laughing so hard IRL right now. I wish I could give you five likes.

    Thank you very much! But I must confess, I totally stole it from the Amazon in Diablo 2.
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  15. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Uh technically he did earn those boxes. It's not like he logged in and the game went, *POOF. I award thee 50 Marks of War. Enjoy*.
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  16. Sin Cattvo New Player

    but wait dont lockboxs exprie in 30 days still??? the new dlc isnt even on test yet is it??? anf dosent it get tested for 3-4 weeks?? there alll worth nothing..
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  17. Anima Committed Player

    Start early. Open the boxes that are a day from expiring. Keep hoarding until the DLC is out.

    Yeah. Not my first time doing this.
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  18. Sin Cattvo New Player

    well guess since you got alll your sp and stuff ..and its not cheating and keeps you in the game rock on man..and thanks for the idea..i wont go that far but might save them as i get them got to much otherto grind trying for that 190 mark now lol
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  19. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    My only question for you is, where the heck do you keep everything else? My inventory is always hopelessly full :(
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  20. Anima Committed Player

    How? xD I have my two other gear sets in the bank and most of my inventory/bank is clean. I have some exclusive/collectibles like the Phantom Zone Kryptonite Chunk I finally got this morning...
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