So it seems this issue/bug still around....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, May 15, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I was running new gen and hh yesterday and for whatever reason when someone dc's or decides to leave or even if we invite someone once I press up on the Dpad and choose w.e my hud decides to disappear. Heck even when killed first boss, and pressed up on my Dpad the second I went to highlight loot the damn hud disappeared all damn day yesterday.

    And I know for a fact I had some good gear, because I ran those raids both 3 times each with no luck, so I know with the new system I was gettin somethin good. But with my luck at the right time 8x with my loot my hud just decides to disappear for no reason.

    I don't know why this is a damn issue still. I've seen this problem since early in game life cycle on ps3. And when it finally went to ps4 it seems that most issues were eliminated. But further in fixes and gu we went the more issues/bugs emerged and I still don't see any permanent fixes for issues like this. I mean come on last week in the middle of a boss fight, lost my hud, and even my rages visual heart beat disappeared with my hud!!! What kinda crap is that? All I'm asking please make this one of ur top priorities please!! We shouldn't be losing our hud in middle of fights or even, like in my situation, lose all hud while running to and can't even pick what loot u can get.

    And just my luck and thanks to RnG of this dn game. It decides to give me 3 shoulder pieces of 98 from all 3 boss on new gen. Why why in God's name do i need 3 shoulder pads that's 98 item level. I just hate it when I lose my hud, only thing I can do is relog yes, but what's the point in relogging when loot dropped Already and waiting on u to pick what gear or plans u like, just so u can't do diddly.

    Sorry if this sounded like a rant, probably was. But I hope lot of u don't go through this. Just today right before I posted this, happened to me while running hh, no matter how much I relogging. The sec the damn vault icon appears to tell u u got loot, press up on my Dpad whether it picked loot or not, the hud goes bye bye. I don't get how we on ps4 enough resources for them and we still have lil issues like this that causes big problem.