So is all bombshell gear useless now?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Do we get full 123 gear in elite? If so then that makes all the gear useless from bombshell. If thats true, then whats the point of getting the elite gear from the cathedral if they roll out another dlc next month with even better gear? Just seems pointless if thats the case, so i hope its not.
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You'll get half an elite set in this episode, and half in the next episode. You will replace elite gear once every quarter - meaning, for example, once you get a certain piece of elite gear, you won't find elite gear for that slot for three Episodes.
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  3. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    To answer the topic, yes.
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  4. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Yep that's the beauty of monthly content now you have more of a reason to buy total recovery kits since you'll be modding gear every month.
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  5. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Ok so if we get 123 elite gear this month, then does that mean next months dlc wont have gear as good as this elite gear? Also does it mean next dlc after that wont have better gear either?
  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    what is the point of ever having top gear or especially spend replays to get it.. As nothing in the game needs it to complete and ..... the next month will have gear just as good and some pieces that are better as is the design for several reasons.
    one is to allow people that only want to buy the DLC's that interest them to still be able to keep up with climbing CR's so that they can still get in groups..
    and the other is to make money through the whales that games rely on to spend lots of cash to be top geared in the time frame..

    while i don't necessarily agree with the direction the game is taking the new parent company Columbus Nova is a investment company designed to make money and push profits so this type of trend will only continue.

    as long as the game stays fun and they dont start restricting it to a lvl that makes playing too pay to win I'll still be here as I enjoy my fellow gamers but don't get it wrong they are in this to make money. As long as we have Devs like Yens and them that still care about the game they will still try there best to keep things fun but if we lose a few of them it will be a down hill rush to obscurity
  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    What Mepps said and also, read this thread and see the chart:
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  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    So all the people who spent replays last month on elite version gear now means nothing for tier 7 cause the best elite gear will be from thus month and next month? Really? I can't say I'm shocked
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  9. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    There wasn't any elite gear last month ...
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  10. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I thought there was an elite raid tho no?
  11. Pr0tojay Committed Player

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  12. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

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  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Wow had no clue ... But that stinks that the raid gear was essentially pointless to gather ... So from here on out its vest not to bother replaying the first episode raid in a tier cycle? Cause the good stuff doesn't come out til the second month?
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  14. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Thats what it looks like.
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Next month's elite raid will have elite gear for four different slots.
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  16. Rekn Well-Known Player

    Really guys n gals it is not that difficult nor as bad as you are trying to make it out to be.

    We had new content released every three months. They have decided to piecemeal it out now so that we get a part of the new content every month instead of just once every three months.

    The three month cycle is all one episode just broke down to be released once a month.

    So let's see if I explain this correctly.

    start at say cr100, the next cycle starts with cr 108.....for the next three months the elite ( best in slot ) will be released in monthly intervals such that you get 4 pieces per month ( helm/neck/Ring/Shoulder slots released in the first month of the 3 month cycle ) the next month you would get 4 different pieces available, and the third month the final 4 pieces to complete the elite set. So there will be nothing for you to replace from the first month till the next first month of the next cycle of 3months.You would not see an increase in the gear combat rating till three months later.

    1st Month = 4 pieces of 108
    2nd Month = 4 more pieces of 108
    3rd Month = the rest of the 108 set.

    Now begin the next cycle of new combat rating gear of 116.

    1st Month = 4 pieces of 116 the same slots as the 1st month of the 108 gear you would not have to obtain new gear for these particular slots for 2 months.
    2nd Month etc repeat last cycle 2nd month with upgraded combat rating slots
    3rd month repeat - hope you can understand this.

    For three months the top rated CR gear slots will be the new top CR for the next three month cycle.

    I know this has been explained in much better detail in a load of other threads. These types of threads got to get annoying thou they pop up every few hours it seems.
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No, not at all. The issue has already been corrected for Episodes 18+.
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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    How is it getting corrected ? Is only the elite gear going to be relevant for the 3 months and we always have to change out gear on standard versions ? Or is standard raid /alert rare drop gear going to be relevant for all three months of a cycle ...
  19. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Keep in mind, the elite gear should've been IL 120. However, this episode has the elite gear (which include only the pieces that dropped as IL 120 in bombshell) dropping as IL 123, which does make the bombshell gear obsolete 2 months earlier than planned. I believe this is a one time issue (for episodes 16 and 17) and future episodes (episodes 18+) will follow a path that has the elite version of gear coming out a month after the regular version, while still being the same item level. This means no stat increase nor cr increase, just an affinity bonus.
  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    they will probably make it the same gear progression through the 3 month cycle but only having 4 pieces of it drop with each month

    if i were a betting man :D