So if we're meant to use EITHER DLC 10 or 11 to Reach 12...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Marorin, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Marorin Active Player

    I have two questions I'm curious about that, I did read Mepps discussing that and it did get me a thinking:

    How can one with only AF1 reach the needed CR for the next Tier?

    How can one coming off of WOTL1 go through DLC11?
  2. Vampirebit Well-Known Player

    Well WOTL1, if you have full 90-rage gear and have it modded with Experts or 6s then you can probably run the new operations. I've done it on my tank and the runs are smooth. I just need to work on getting those high teir'd mods out of my 90 gear and into my 93 lol. But yea it's possible.
  3. Caleus New Player

    WotL 1 gear, Vestements of Rage is Item Level 90, if modded you can easily reach 100. OC has Traces which if modded grants 101 CR so technically you need either WotL or OC. AF1 isn't even needed, only for the marks and feats.
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  4. The Johnny army New Player

    DLC12 will not be the next tier, it will still be T6. Also, remember that next DLC is small group content, so most likely we will have solos (possibly iconics) and duos, so that might be the reasoning behind being able to skip HoP1.

    I do agree on that going from WotL1 to HoP1, but the alerts should be moderately "easy" in full vestments of rage... No, I do not want to try it :)
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  5. Sbel Devoted Player

    The next dlc will be T6.5 not T7.

    A full set of 92s modded with T6 mods gives you CR106. T5 Expert synthetics gives you 105.

    Get a full set of 90 from WotL. Mod them. You'll be over 100. Dlc 11 is a little challenging in 90 gear, but not too bad. (but do get the 90 gear. If you're running HoP wearing 85s you're just being a jerk.)
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  6. Profaci New Player

    Nice. After reading all of this i know that i got the right dlc's. Good to know i can skip a few and still get my toon strong.
  7. Marorin Active Player

    The next DLC (12) requires a CR of 106 to enter. Hence why I asked!
  8. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    Where did you see this? And I highly doubt that that would be the minimum cr...they basically keep minimum cr the same, for all the tiers. You only need 100 to enter now, so assuming that DLC 14 (tier 7) comes out similar to this tier, we are looking at a cr minimum of 104 to play alerts and raids and 103 to play solos/duos.
  9. sterl320 New Player

    where did you hear that?
  10. Sbel Devoted Player


    Loche: [will min cr for 12 be 100?]
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  11. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    Awesome thanks Sbel! SO that means 106 for Alerts and such but only 105 for solos. I still feel like them lifting the min cr 5 points is huge and wont be done. Based on trends im still banking on 104 alerts and 103 for solos. I guess we will see in two and a half months.
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  12. Gemini Warzone Well-Known Player

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  13. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    So if they stick with the plan of 4 DLC per tier, in 2 sub-tiers (CR100 for 10 and 11, CR~106 for 12 and 13), the overall message is you need to buy half of the DLC they make in order to keep moving forward in CR. Because DLC9 can't give the CR to get directly into 12 or 13, getting either DLC 10 or 11 has become mandatory. Similarly they can set CR requirements for DLC14 (starting T7) so that gear from DLC 10 or 11 is not high enough, so owning either 12 or 13 is required to advance.

    That is a lot more required DLCs than has been necessary before, e.g. only needing to own one DLC in T5 or T4 in order to advance. This is important news for non-legendary players.
  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yes, though in T4-5 there were only 3 dlcs per tier, so you'll need 3 of the 6 next dlcs instead of 2/6.
  15. 6000Degree New Player

    So... with 4 DLC/year, you basically want to buy 1 DLC at 10$/year and be able to reach endgame...?

    They should make all CR requests to scale, so that you need each DLC gear maxed to get into the next one.
    That's how every other game progression works.
    After all, it's still only 40$/year compared to 150+$/year of subs.

    The need to satisfy players paying just 10-20$/year that like to play zig-zag with DLCs is ruining this game, and that's why you get T6 people which skipped content, got no SP from skipped DLCs ( 80+ SP? A luxury ), and no skill to play...
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  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    I think the main people that skip that many dlcs are new players who don't want to have to spend a couple hundred dollars to catch up. I'd think only buying 1 dlc per year would get boring pretty fast.
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  17. Gargamond Dedicated Player


    I don't understand how somebody could stand not attempting all of the feats. And also not playing all of the content. Why play if you don't want to play?
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  18. RandJ New Player

    Because they can play whatever they want to play?
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  19. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I swear the iconic solos better not be completely unrelated to the dlc. Like i'm not gonna buy a lantern dlc to play as Donna troy, Robin or superman. I'm hoping its sinestro vs some greenlanterns on Oa and Hal vs some sinestro corps on Qward or something. But i'm also thinking it'll be Kyle as he's gonna be a new toon. It could also be Jon. Just give us a good legends character related to the dlc and i'll be good

    Only reason i say this is cause the Huntress's solo seemed out of place. Imo of course
  20. Crimson Jonni New Player

    But a Lantern or a superman solo would be the only ones i could see myself enjoying