So if open episodes are being extended...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DoctorP2, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Seethra Well-Known Player

    Then I humbly apologize for misinterpreting your post as if it was a reply to my post.
  2. Graviton Well-Known Player

    No problem , happy gaming and may your holidays be safe and merry :)
  3. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    Naaaah, i understood it right exactly as it was written O : - )

    Quite the opposite... To me, that sounds like this: "mommy has bought chocolate to one kid, smaller one, and the bigger one is jealous" ;)

    I'm not free 2 play, i'm premium, which is HUGE difference... And it was choice made by FORCE, cause not everyone can afford 200$ for the game only for the replay badges... You must understand that there are people who wanna play the game, but they cannot waste bunch of money.

    Truth is: "noone force you to play, if you have no money, don't play the game", but that doesn't say anything about those who have no money to pay all that sh.t, but it does a lot about those who have opinion like this ;)

    Yeah but in the end you had "BUT" part, which actually destroys everything you previously said. I salute their move, even tho i have nothing from it, since i have most of the episodes, but this way new players will feel the taste of the game and maybe subscribe when they realize what can they have.

    Well, and you say you don't have that little extra?

    Let's start:
    • BROKER! A chance to buy everything, to EARN money, to buy phoenix and every other material, auras, collections and EVERYTHING YOU BASICALLY WANT
    • HUGE INVENTORY! Unlike me who has to delete some item for repair every 2nd death, can't store any important items, can't store any loads of exos for example, or any cool and silly trinkets if i don't have some use of them, not mentioning buff sodas bla bla
    • NO CASH CAP! Unlike premiums who have 2000$ cash cap SINCE THE GAME STARTED (tell me that's fair? Especially after cr is over 150, you die 3 times and your repair is already 2000$, and your inventory is pathetic to store items for repairs.
    • TOON CAP! 6 toons!
    • You got replay badges, 150 EVERY MONTH, that's 15 sps bought by RB you get. IMAGINE what could i achieve with that if i didn't have to farm every dang feat on 6 toons
    • You have 500 DBC too.
    • Every christmas you get some silly but cool thing as a gift from DCUO (i know cause i got it last christmas when i had membership)
    • You have huge bank, and more shared bank space if i'm right
    • Doing Monster training, for example, you get MORE OF THESE THINGIES to unlock 1 capsule, still more than premiums.
    • Lower Q (thank God, q is low for everyone for now)
    • And knowing all that, you have 10 times more pleasure than i do as premium. And all i'm whinning about is that i think that it would be nice if premiums could have just 10k $ cap for dang repairs, and only 1 additional row of inventory, and i'd never say a word...
    Conclusion, they gave open episode "EVENT" (if i can call it that way) to LURE NEW PEOPLE into the game, which i salute completely. But what would it be if they give for example 500 replay badges more to members, how would you call that demanding after f2p fellas got their chance to taste the game?

    You know how i'd call it? JEALOUSY AND GREED!
    I'm sorry, don't want to (and didn't mean to) hurt anyone, just saying that there's more issues in this game than just some simple UNNECESSARY demands and desires.
    Thank you <3
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  4. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    That's because i always win. :) One way or another :) And facts are always facts. :)
  5. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

  6. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    Sorry, didn't read further than this, fu.k it...

    Anyways, i'm not contradict to myself. :) I just state the way it is. :)

    Not sure if you got any present this time or not, i'm not a member now, but last years, you did. :) And i don't think DCUO will owe you this year too ;) So be patient, you'll see your thing in your mail, just i hope it's gonna be better than last year. :)

    Chears. :)
  7. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    A lot of your facts are conjecture.
  8. UltraVillain Committed Player

    imo episodes should always be open and free - the legendary or premium players should indeed get double rewards and have more pieces of content to make the journey both more rewarding and more varied....the destination and potential however should be equal across the board.

    In my world all content would reset daily for legendary subscribers with the rewards being 2xf2p
    Premium content would reset on the current schedule with 1.5xf2p rewards (also perhaps a 30 arena pvp limit per week)
    F2p all content locks weekly (possibly also introduce a 20arena pvp limit) with only one solo and one raid available each tier.

    RB still enable more frequent runs of content (and they could rb the arena reset on the pvp side). It may seem outrageous to promote the idea of RB intruding into pvp but I would suggest it is the lack of connection between rb's and pvp that have led to it being so badly neglected.
  9. Seethra Well-Known Player

    I can promise you that, judging by the remainder of your post, you didn't.

    That only emphasizes the fact that you don't understand what i actually wrote.

    No one is judging you for that, but you not being able to pay for a sub/wanting a sub ultimately creates the difference in packages received.

    An opinion in which i clearly say that I am happy as is without additional things, but where I can understand that some subscribers might be a little confused as to why nothing is done for them?
    All this is emphasizing once again, is that you do not seem to understand what people are discussing here, rather you assuming that only what you say or think has any merit in this discussion.

    If you truly believe that a simple "but" invalidates anything said prior, attributes to the fact that you assume that only what you say or think has any merit in this discussion.

    You know what this is called? Not a little extra, but being a subscriber.
    If someone contributes their subscription fee every month, then of course then get full access to the game.
    Premium is not a subscriber.

    The way your post reads is that it's not the subscribers that are jealous or greedy, but you rather being envious of what the actual subscriber package consists of.
    If you choose to not subscribe, then your access will be limited.
    And if you consider that you receive two whole months of open access to loads of content that should otherwise be payed or subscribed for, that is a pretty big thing in my book.
    You seem to not realise that.

    And what the OP is suggesting, is that since this is being done for non subscribers, be they F2P or premium, that it would be nice if the other customers would also get something in ADDITION to their regular package.

    It seems that you only appear to listen to your own reasoning and automatically disregard anything that conflicts with your opinions (which is actually JUST that, your opinion and not necessarily the facts you claim them to be)and thus this will be the last thing I will have replied to you.
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  10. Wiccan026 Loyal Player


    You contradicted yourself by saying legendaries were the the ones who got discounts and than correcting yourself) thus contradicting yourself openly.

    As for not being aware of legendary members not receiving a gift, there have been several belly aching threads about such things, you must have missed them all and for the record I wasn't one of the ones complaining, with the way things are currently going in this game I didn't expect anything so why bother complaining about it.

    For the record I could care less if they extend open episodes, I only posted because the post I quoted painted legendary members as being ungrateful little children. At the end of the day the community as a whole seems to act that way, regardless of what your membership status is.
  11. Seethra Well-Known Player

  12. Gimpy Loyal Player

    • Like x 1
  13. Skull Collector Committed Player

    What do you get? You get the satisfaction of knowing you got the best deal available. A deal that was not offered to PS3 players and one that was only offered for a limited time. You get all the perks and benefits that came with that membership along the way. You get the warm feeling inside of knowing that you got the best deal the game had to offer, and you get to understand that because of that amazing deal, you aren't deserving of any consolation prize whatsoever. You get to be grateful for having the opportunity to have a lifetime subscription. That's what you get.;)
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  14. Shadow Force Committed Player

    Best Deal yes, but it wasnt fun not being able to play for 4 days because of the **** up with subsctiptions.
  15. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    The greed is strong in this thread. Do you people always demand your gifts? Maybe the devs should give us some coal this year...
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  16. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    This community will find a way to complain about anything.
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  17. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It's not greed to be a long time legendary member and simply ask "What about us ?"
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  18. Graviton Well-Known Player

    It's nuts how what others get or have can determine if you're happy with what you have. I swear there are a few people here who would quit wiping if they found out their neighbors paid less for their toilet tissue.
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  19. Skull Collector Committed Player

  20. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Just to make one thing clear here: last time I looked, Legendary members were actually PAYING for those benefits. It's not like they're getting free hand-outs like, you know, open episodes or something.
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