so I only log in on thursdays..and now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iamlightning, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. HellBornAssassin New Player

    I understand what everyone is saying but I personally think the game has seen a decline because there are some other great games that are coming out but people will come back out.. It's hard to just play dc when you have Diablo 3 destiny now drive club and nba 2k15 coming out 7th I mean it's just a time when some great games are coming... I like DC don't like all the choices made but in general people are just playing other good games at the moment but They will be back...

    On a side note I loved back in the day grinding fos 123 no replays I remember those days being super excited for reset but that's just me
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  2. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    It's more than just the games though. That's obviously the biggest issue, but there has also been a series of bad decisions and poorly executed DLCs that people are frustrated about too.

    Here are most of the issues people have had, at least stemming back over the past 6-7 months or so (in no particular order)

    1. Combat - Combat was the best part about this game. They made a decision 3 years in to completely revamp it. No more jump canceling, clipping was no longer viable and we were lied to about what we received. Whether you like it or hate it, I like to think that most people can see that WM was an unnecessary addition that upset as many people as it pleased. The changing combat and WM had many people upset and they left the game because of it.

    2. Challenge - There is none. It's a casual game, I get that, but theres absolutely nothing that's even relatively hard anymore. People have 8-DPSed the newest content less than a month in. Just because the playerbase as a whole is casual, doesn't mean that there can't be no hard content in the game. SM isn't actually hard, its artificially hard, there's a big difference.

    3. Loot - What's the point of running content if you know you're not getting anything from it? Resetting these new raids is the equivalent of burning money. I've run them every week since theyve been out on my main, resetting about 6-7 times in the beginning. On my main, I have 2 raid drops. TWO. Absolutely ridiculous.

    4. Interesting content - Again, nothing here. Mechanics wise, all the raids are boring. Environments are totally rehashed areas with slightly different skins. All but 2 boss fights I would classify as purely tank and spank in the new DLC and in Amazon Fury, all were. People want to fight iconic characters, in iconic locations alongside iconic heroes. I have no desire to fight "random dreg 1" in a reskinned batcave or "Ten ton Takis".

    5. Support roles - How many threads can we start before they get the hint that support roles are horribly underutilized. We don't run alerts with Healers. We only run raids with 1 tank, heal and controller. We stack DPS and they allow us to. Enough is enough. We want something to do.

    6. Powers - Hard light has had about 3 revamps now. Why? Because the devs didn't listen to test feedback. When Drenz did the revamp the first go around, there were countless threads saying what people didn't like, on top of pages of people who just had no interaction with him. Now here we are 5 months later and Tunso is finally taking HL back to the drawing board for its AM only to try the same thing players suggested months ago. Fire tanks had issues go unaddressed, Earth tanks had issues go unaddressed.

    7. Content balance - This was a problem as of the past 2 DLCs. No small group stuff in the Halls of Power, no large group stuff in Amazon fury. This should be solved with upcoming DLCs, but with the past few especially their balance has been completely dreadful.

    I could go on as well. This is the biggest dry spell we've ever had by a long shot. Its usually kind of slow around this time, but to be as completely dead as it is? Never before. It was bad after Hand of Fate, it was bad after Sons of Trigon, but this is a totally new low.
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  3. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Very good and accurate list.
    I would add, 1 more "problem"

    8. Census app: Love it, hate it, or "eh", this has done a lot to polarize the community and has alienated many. I'm not saying to trash it, (I think it's too late to do that), and this isn't the place to debate the pros and cons, but it adds to the frustration levels like all the points you listed. For several of my friends, this was the "icing on the cake" or the "straw that broke the camel's back".
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  4. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    man this makes me feel like my good karma is about to run out. :( Since release i have not gone a single week without a 94 piece of gear dropping on my regular run of the raids, without replays. Just a few mins ago I got hands and a trinket from artifacts and legs i think from necro. Granted i have had several repeats and haven't yet completed the set, but I certainly won't complain when I read cases like yours. Hope your luck gets better man ;)
  5. Ice Lantern New Player

    I'm not one to support crying and whining about every little thing but if the game is in decline then it's not always a bad idea to make a few suggestions. I personally think the loot system killed the game for me. I've gotten loot so infrequently that missing raids doesn't bother me anymore and I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way.

    Also, sometimes you just need a break from the game. But other times it's just not that. It's that they changed some things and you don't enjoy the game nearly as much as a result. So between WM, the new loot system, and now knowing that the game won't be releasing any more raids that are actually challenging, I am seriously considering not coming back. Right now I am only logging in to buy proficiencies for the league and I recently gave people permissions to do that so I don't even have to do that anymore.
  6. Ice Lantern New Player

    I agree with your list. I've realized a long time ago that I only played DCUO because there was nothing else I really enjoyed. Destiny has changed that for me. On top of that DCUO doesn't seem like it will get much better. So it might very well be time to cut off that sub and maybe for good this time around.
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  7. Gravatrex New Player

    I hear ya on this. I ran all t6 raids on 4 of my toons last week and on all 5 this week already and last week only drop i got was 1 face and this week it was 1 ring. A lil ridiculous imo. I dont mind the drops being rare but 5 toons getting 1 ring? Thats 45 drops and 1 piece of gear, yea thats crappy.
  8. High Troller Loyal Player

    At least you can buy those booster packs while legendary cannot! Incentive of not being legendary.
  9. Gravatrex New Player

    Couldnt be said any better. Sad thing is most players dont see any of these problems and just love anything the devs do so things wont ever change. Just look at skimming, so if im already flight and legendary i still have to pay for it? Awful, just awful imo but there are a buncha people who are gonna pay for it and dont the problem with it. If its just a reskin of the flight movement why should any1 thats already flight have to pay for it? Makes no sense to me.

    I just had to do a merge with mine and another league because things had gotten so bad that thursday night at 7pm (which was prime raiding time for my league) was dead. Was like a ghost town. And this was exactly 30 days into dlc11. Ive played this game for almost 2 years now and iver never seen that b4. My friends list is always dead too. But somehow the soe site always says population is "high", i mean do they think we are blind? Big expectations for alotta people with dlc11 and it has flopped big time imo.
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  10. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I get something almost every time I run the new raids, it's always a necklace or a back, but I get something.......
  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I have no issues paying for skimming. I just think they should include a "variant movement respec" for $5 instead of paying $10 for a true respec. If I'm flight, why would I pay $10 to fly differently, if movement makes nearly zero difference in combat.

    We're in the same boat (and actively looking to take in groups of Greenman on USPS if interested). We're a huge raiding league. Our guys love raids and hate anything under it, so to hear we were getting 3 raids was awesome. And then we ran it and the raids were so boring, so easy that it turned our guys off. Especially because of boss health, to sit there in a long drawn out boss fight is brutal if you don't have to pay attention to anything in the room. Even Lockdown is easy.
  12. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I really don't see the appeal to Destiny myself, but a lot of others are in the same boat as you. I'm sticking around because at least they are trying to come around. As much as I disagree with a lot of their decisions over the past year or so, I think they were made from the right place.

    - WM came as a result of balance, I absolutely hate it and think it's one of the worst additions we've ever gotten in game, but it was an attempt to solve the balance issues.

    - The challenge issues they are attempting to address with SM, but the issue is SM is not only meaningless but it's not actually difficult. It's the same thing as the raids, high boss health is the main reason for wipes, not mechanics. We can sit there and dodge 1 shots 9x out of 10, but because the health is so high, we have to do it for a long time, which leads to wipes. It's a 3 hour instance we get nothing for. We want something to work for in the actual game.

    - Loot changes were made as a result of players being continually unhappy with getting healer gear as a tank, so they made everything unattuned, but had to alter the drop rate as well. They just made the drop rate too low. It should be around 50-50 whether I get a drop from a raid or not. In actuality, its about 20-80 and I can get masks, weapons, belts that don't count towards the feat. That's a major issue.

    - They're addressing content balance with all future DLCs

    I'm very unhappy with the past few months game wise because I think I'm a pretty easy guy to satisfy (I stuck around for 3.5 years with some major issues), I just need some relatively interesting content to keep me satisfied. When we get raids, I want 1 that people can grind out for marks/gear and 1 people have to work for and I'm happy. I want support roles to have an active part in gameplay, not boss fights centered on 1 shots so healers dont have to heal people or solo boss fights with no adds/adds that don't buff affect the boss in some way so the tanks and controllers have something to do. I'll be on the game till it ends, but I'll certainly be a lot quicker to go premium should we continue to get content I don't like.