so I only log in on thursdays..and now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iamlightning, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. akaivy Dedicated Player

    First of all, call me a Fangirl. I don't care. I probably am.

    Now, for my input on this subject.

    There's nothing wrong with this game. It's how we play it.

    New content comes out and everyone logs in to play. Within a few days, a lot of people have a full set of the highest gear and have maxed out their marks. Then all of those people who have maxed out refuse to play with those who haven't. Refuse to even consider playing with someone who isn't 108 with 150+ skill points. Then they start complaining that there's nobody on the game. There are plenty of people on the game. You just don't want to play with those people. Then they get bored because they've maxed out and have nothing to work toward. Then they complain here about being bored and having nothing to do and then they foresee the end of DCUO.

    That's not the way the game was meant to be played. How is any developer supposed to keep up? No game is going to give you new content every week. Not Final Fantasy. Not Destiny. No one. And both of those games are new or relatively new. They aren't going to be praised and loved forever either.

    I say we get rid of replay badges. Yeah, I use them, too. Used several yesterday to get a feat for completing a couple of the Battle for Earth feats since I hated them when I was that level and now I can breeze through them on my own. (You're welcome to several new people who got speed feats as a result.) Though it is kinda cool to be able to kll the sub avatar by myself now.

    I also have a couple of things I'd rather see differently, but they aren't going to send me packing.

    1. I wish we got more marks.
    2. I wish I got MoF in the vault.
    3. I wish I got something other than useless crap in the vault or that I could sell the useless crap I do get to vendors or salvage it.
    4. I wish some of the older gear that I didn't get yet (and need for feats) cost less MoT.
    5. I wish I didn't have to put 200 items in my base to get the most League Hall prestige.
    6. I wish all gear drops were either attuned or could at least be collected for style. I hate getting that last piece of gear I need for a feat and it turn out to be for tank or troll.
    7. I wish I got better stuff in lockboxes.
    8. I wish rare base items dropped more.

    And last, but certainly not least, I wish all the people who threatened to leave this game would just leave already and stop posting on this forum that they are leaving. Those of us who are staying really don't care.
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  2. iamlightning New Player

    I can careless about those who stay I want the devs to care that someone who payed faithfully for almost four years wont be paying anymore...anytime you lose a customer is a bad thing
  3. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I think its funny when people say " just quit then". Its like they don't realize the more people that quit will actually effect the game they play. Less money coming in is a bad thing. But hey, keep thinking you carry this game and if more people quit paying that this game will be here for you to play...
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  4. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I imagine hearing from players that are unhappy is helpful to the developers. Even if some players have gotten to the point they are thinking of quitting. These "Quitting" threads should stop when the majority of the community is happy with playing DCUO.

    In other words it may not help SOE to get nothing but pleasant feedback when there are still issues in DCUO. So as long as the OP is describing the issues in a constructive way I do not see an issue.

    Side Note: I believe the majority of the community does not post on the forum. So every constructive and relevant piece of information may help from those that do.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i have like 6 and im premium...i stick to synthetics, so i can play independantly..even though you are hero filth would you like them? quote me and put your in-game name in it and ill send them to you im USPS
  6. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Last week I got 7 FE6s and marks. This week I got 2 FE6s and marks.

    All I want is the legs and the OP neck them I'm done until experts mods come out. :mad:
  7. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    90 % percent of your league left out of spite for people they don't, for a thing that's not theirs, for something they could play for any financial interest they choose from free to as much as you want to spend.

    Your post says more about your leaguemates then it does about anything in this game.
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  8. Twilight Man New Player

    I've been playing a lot of The Witcher 2, its a great game.

    I still love my DCUO, Im just not addicted anymore and it takes a lot before I feel it kick in these days. Even when I take a really long hard hit of its fun.
  9. the swoosh New Player

    actually it is a good thing for developers to hear when players are considering quitting, that means they have room for improvement....
    if the game was rly that great to its customers it wudnt have half as much ppl complaining as there are today....lots of ppl in myleague are logging in much much less and its not because of other games or because of work...its because they (just like me) feel dcuo is boring them instead of entertaining them....

    that has to do with a couple of factors....the 1st is that the latest content does not keep us buisy a full 3 months.
    the 2nd is the complete overhaul in game play... 3rd it seems like the devs dont even know what the hell they are making these days becuase every dlc has been wonky as in the devs didnt know what the hell to make out of it....2nd mark, now its token, 1 tier 3 dlcs oh no now its 4 pvp season every 6 months,,, nah lets change it to 12.. lets revamp weapons,,,,didnt work out that great,,,lets revamp powers....3rd or 4th year in to the game? and still balancing beta powers? come on

    i still just play and enjoy the game for what it is btw
  10. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    To me it is challenging for the "average" player to accurately judge DCUO since their the only one's that made it this far on consoles as an MMO. To my knowledge, DCUO does not have a rival.

    To me, judging this game with PC MMO's is not going to paint a clear and accurate picture of how DCUO is fairing. I believe people generally depend on their gut reactions to when they are playing DCUO at the time. Not an overall, near unbiased estimation of whether the game is fun for them or not.

    Side Note: I do not count Final Fantasy. I see that game like the Wii U, it is in its own world.

    So is what they are really doing that horrible? I am not sure anymore (aside from how they price what they sell).
  11. the swoosh New Player

    im not comparing this game to other i said the devs dont even know what to make out of this game anymore and it has been more then obvious...beta powers still unbalanced? that baaaddddddddd..... taking 4 dlcs the time to figure out how u want to release content and still failling baaaaaaaaadddddddd.... this list can go on for a long time, im a beta player so i know pretty much every level they fd up on....actually the dev team we have now is the mop up crew from when the game flopped in its subscription only days....

    id love it not to bash the development of this game...but in all honesty i think it is a realy bad development and i am not judging what the devs can do individually i believe the devs arnt bad devs its just the full package is bad these days... i still enjoy playing with my friends from time to time so in the end ill just take the game as it is but i will never deny that the development of this game is pretty weak
  12. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I read the OP's post and I do not see anything but a complaint without a solution. It is one thing to complain about something to get a "problem" noticed but without any kind of recommended solution then it is viewed as just a random complaint. I have seen other post that state a problem with loot drops from the new material but possible solutions were also presented.

    Plus, when the statement "the game is dying" is put into a statement then the post can just be viewed as a disgruntled person complaining because they didn't get something they wanted. When facts and viable information is presented in a complaint thread then that complaint will probably be viewed as constructive.
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  13. the swoosh New Player

    you do realise ''we'' are paying to be entertained not to help develop a game, the development should be fully capable of noticing any trouble/problems. as a customer we are entitled to state our dissatisfication as much as we like, its called free speech, and in no way are we obligated to come with a solution for someone elses product. its simply not our job.
  14. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    I appreciate the people offering but im making out fine on buddies are taking care of me...truth to tell I love telling my tank friend I run with that hes ninja looting my FEs lol

    there is something wrong with th eloot drops or else I have "the Curse of the Mepps" :D
  15. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    yes it says that dcuo has pushed our willingness to put up with rehashed buggy uninteresting content too far over the last 3 1/2 yrs.
  16. ErnieB Loyal Player

    make a new toon, I have 7 and out of those, 3 have been getting gear on every run every time, 2 have had to struggle with the extra MOF which are pretty much worthless unless you need to recharge base trinkets or get iconic gear from style vendor (and even so 70 is a little much for one piece), and since you need double the amount of MOF for T6.1 gear then I have to work twice as hard to buy something since nothing drops on those too, now I'm up to #6 and so far it's been going fine with it as far as drops go, so question is on what side of the scale will # 7 fall into?.
  17. iamlightning New Player

    I wasnt really complaining about getting drops Im full 94 modded and everything I dont need anything from the raids I was just simply stating there is very little to do at the endgame to keep players loggin in on a regular basis once you get geared no reason to play until next set of gear...
  18. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I don't understand this. I don't have full Imperial Insect on my one toon I use. I got a bunch of marks. So what did I do? I bought all of the Colonist gear. It improved my stats from my 92 gear which I found to be a benefit. I also got a feat which was also a benefit. And it does not seem to affect my ability to complete all content negatively.

    93 gear drops from alerts and I've gotten every piece except legs which I use for dps role and have managed to complete all content with it as well.

    For the most part, I only run the raids once a week and the alerts twice or thrice. The rest of the time I PvP, run all content where I need styles and base items and break treasure chests. You would be surprised at the amount of stuff you can salvage from this. Heck, if you don't have the reapers feat, do that for a while and see how much stuff drops. Salvage Mecca.

    Back to the marks. When I run T6 content and get SoP, nothing happens because I can't use it. But I also get MoF. When I get 70 of those, I go to the rare vendor and buy styles that I have not been able to hunt down. Just finished Hive Defender! And got a feat!

    So all that to say, I fail to see the logic of no rewards or nothing you can use argument because I seem to be able to benefit from this DLC in multiple ways. Granted, I am not maxed out on feats and so this affords me some flexibility to play the multiple layers and parts of the game. I can see that if you're maxed out on SP or nearly and if you view each DLC as independent games, and you use RBs galore, then yeah, system does not benefit you. In that case take a break or start another alt and do it all over again. Heck T1-4 you can progress at a leisurely pace on your own and get drops that help, etc.
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  19. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I don't play anymore because the game is no longer fun for me. The community is largely ignorant and abusive, the content is buggy and the same 50 people run stuff 24/7 anytime new content comes out, then complains there's nothing to do. The community (outside of a league) is what's killing the game.
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  20. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I am not saying that you can't complain and I am all for freedom of speech but I was simply responding to someone who quoted my post. I have no issues with people complaining on here but if they want the complaint to be taken seriously then I would suggest coming up with viable solutions. Otherwise, like I stated before, it just looks like a random complaint.

    You are on these forums a lot and you should see how the developers do take our opinions into consideration for the progress of this game. For example, SP is now purchasable on every toon, Loot is unattuned and subtitles now display and that is just some of the things they have added from customer input. If I were a developer I would love to have input from my customers to help make the game better and more enjoyable for my customers.