so I only log in on thursdays..and now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iamlightning, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. iamlightning New Player

    I have been playing ffxiv and the biggest difference is alot more to work for after you get geared plus a bigger open world with more to do in it.. and I think thats what dc needs to spark more interest in long time players
  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    All I understand is it is taking twice as long to queue into things this week compared to two weeks ago. Definitely a lull (hopefully not a drop) in the population right now (at least on USPC, not sure if USPS is experiencing similar wait times). :-{
  3. iamlightning New Player

    Exactly...and some people arent realizing if you are cr 108 with 150 to 180+ sp theres no reason to log in at all really..hence we need a real reason to log on
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  4. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    wanna hear a bad drop rate????

    2 Focus Element 6 since amazon fury dropped...I play daily...beat THAT

    and seth..half of what remained of my 3 yr old PS friends list has gone..i only hope eventually some come back
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  5. Captain Neos Committed Player

    I checked out Angry Joes review and chuckled as every single thing people conplain about Dcuo appears in Destiny, poor loot drops, repetitive missions, lack of content unless you fork over the dough. Makes me think its just how mmos are made.
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  6. Delta795 New Player

    Ouch..drop me a tell when online. Got like 2 stacks you can have.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    I brought this up at SOE Live this last year. The single mark instead of gear is extremely disappointing to the player. Then there is the role and off role thing. Having unattuned gear is great and all, but I have no quelms on getting a piece of gear instead of the mark that doesn't help a whole lot. Especially since it isn't even a Symbols of Power, which I would probably say a lot about.

    It would be nice if instead of a mark or gear drops, that leave the best gear at the same rate, but instead of the mark, give a slightly lower gear. This way people that are leveling alts or their off role, can still progress. And for those that need salvage, it's a win win.

    Example would be:
    Boss has a chance to give 94 best stats piece OR always get 93 gear in the raids. Alerts would be a chance at 93 or always get 92.
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  8. KidMidnight Loyal Player


    its how it goes.

    we're no better or worse off than what the game was like when we were striving to complete our t2 and 3 sets hoping to get 1.5 and 2.5 drops out of the raids. there were weeks i would get nothing, weeks i would just get garbage and weeks i would score big. the only difference now is i dont have to listen to people scream "ITS MINE! MINE! MINE!" over their mics which is a very nice plus. its the best plus there is.

    i dont even care if i get the three pieces i need. i have no purpose for marks of fury now. im just buying the three styles i need for the feat from the rare style vendor and if i get the actual gear from the raids its a nice bonus. i havent replayed any of the new content in a good month or so and dont plan to. i have enough alts to keep my running these raids six and seven times a week once on each toon.

    i'm in the same spot i'm always in two months into a new dlc. feat grinding, working on alts and impatiently waiting for the next dlc but i also know how to make my own fun instead of wanting gear to make me look better in front of other people.
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  9. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    thats a good idea.
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  10. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I'm not so sure. The faster you get the gear the more time you end up doing nothing or working on alts. Its a pretty good balance right now overall. My healers almost done. Healer sides done working on dps thats almost done. My troll is done, working on dps side. Working on my 3rd. He'll be 106 shortly.
  11. Bast10n Committed Player

    Since the first week of HOP, I haven't reset content. It's just not worth it. I had reset 12 plus times the first few days and the only thing that hit my inventory... Was grey items. (Perspective: one months worth of Raids)

    It's so discouraging to finish an instance... And at the very end... there are no spoils of war. Once the initial excitement of beating the content wears off... there is no sense of satisfaction when you walk away with a big fat goose egg. Angst, is what I feel running these raids.

    I was happy to reset the heck out of Nexus and Paradox. Even when 90+ percent of the loot was off role. At least I walked away with something. Even though I couldn't equip those items I could still salvage them. That was at least something that went towards progression.

    If I'm maxed out on marks. I'm maxed out on symbols. Don't get any gear to salvage. Don't get any gear to donate. And... The carrot (raid gear) has an almost mythical drop rate... There is no logical reason for me to reset. It's Norseman all over again.
  12. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    The drop rate is pitiful...

    I hope it's broken, if not, this sucks!

  13. INS1GNIA Active Player

    DROP ALL THE LOOT!! Full role gear drops per boss! Every add gives a mark! Completing an instance will give you $100k! :cool:
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    The biggest issue is that you are buying the style from the dropped raid gear after completing the full vendor set. Then you have nothing to salvage. I still need my salvage feat. I understand why they did it, but they are only throttling the average player, as the ones that need to be slowed down will just replay to no end. I've got a leaguemate that ran the raids since they started, twice a week, that has gotten ONE piece for the set and a trinket. That's it.

    The issue is that you are getting nothing beneficial at all. IF 93 gear dropped instead of the mark, you can at least progress your character and if you don't need it, you can salvage it. It still has the 94 vendor gear and the 94 best stat gear at the same pace, you at least can support yourself.
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    since they made the drops unattuned they had to lower the drop rate to extend the time it took to get geared other wise we would all be geared in a week or two and be gone until the next update. I have taken my time not replaying content and im 108 with very little effort.. Granted most is purchase gear from the vendor not the raid drops as they are sparingly to say the least but this was there response to the community request to give us gear we can use but still allowing it to take time to finish the gear set. we have to think hell it will most likely be Jan before we get another DLC if history is any indicator
  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    They better have WoTL2 out in November for sure.... They lost a good amount of people to Destiny (note I'm not saying the sky is falling here) that I hope to see back sooner rather than later.

    Plus the main area of the new DLC is just unlocking more of the remade Metro, so that shouldn't take up a huge amount of resources I wouldn't think.
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  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    heres to hoping but there normally inst another one after the August one due to all the holidays that come when DLC is due. Destiny really wont effect this game long term due to its great lack of content for a MMO and the fact that FPS dont make great mmos. all those players will be back soon unless destiny really changes some stuff up quickly
  18. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I'm an altaholic and I'm burnt out on that, the fun used to be gearing them up in PvP and seeing how I do with lesser toons, but PvP isn't worth the time and huge amount of frustration anymore.
  19. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    unfortunately I find the old original material MUCH more compelling than anything since...the one exception being wastelands which was the last REALLY good worthwile dlc imo...
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  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The drops are so bad, because they revovle around replays. Out of 10 toons I run with I have 1 toon with 5 pieces, and another with 0.