so I only log in on thursdays..and now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iamlightning, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. iamlightning New Player

    Im probably not gonna do that anymore im tired of getting 8 drops worth of marks lol and im capped plus got rare style feats....the devs need to realize the game is dying and the direction they are going IS NOT RIGHT or going to bring and keep players....ive been legendary for 3 and a half years not this month tho..There needs to be more more incentive to run content..even though pvp update is almost here once were done getting gear....all theres left to do is duel and run scrims no reward or incentive to do that either
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  2. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I thought fun was the reward.
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  3. MARK2099 New Player

    Is just bad luck, i always get some drops between all raids, besides the drop rate is not as bad as some try to make it look, the gear drop from raids have better stats than vendor, which is the same category as HOF 8 man operations drops from last boss, the only difference is only last boss used to drop the best gear, and i remember i rarely see any drop in weeks, where in this 3 raids i see some drops every week.

    You can also take a break from the game, force yourself to play something may not be healthy in the long run.
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  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    The drop rate FOR YOU isn't as bad as some would make it seem.... I ran all three instances multiple times (I'm guessing 10-12 times) this weekend and have MoF and FE6's to show for it... Not a single piece of 94 gear dropped.
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  5. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I know how it feels when the RNG gods turn their backs on you.
    I hope your luck on drops improves soon.
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  6. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    if there weren't 16 characters available to me..i don't see why id even bother anymore... even so..
  7. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm not that worried about it.... Gives me a reason to whittle down my 12k replays and let's me gear up for DPS so I can try to do that when needed. :D

    Just saying that just because it doesn't happen to some that way doesn't mean it doesn't happen to some of us that way.....

    There was a point in time when I had a row and a half of 94 utility belts that kept dropping, there's no rhyme or reason to it sometimes.
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  8. The Drama Club Level 30

    I feel your pain. I'm capped at both MOF and MOT, and I'm currently 0 for 10 on the new raids. That's right. Ten runs, zero gear drops. I got dual pistols once (which I don't use) and two Utility belts, but as for the Imperial Insect gear, nada. Other than the three items above, it's useless Marks every time. Ugh.
  9. EP Ice Loyal Player

    These "the game is dying" threads are really annoying. If you are not satisfied with the game then stop playing and play something you do enjoy. Like someone posted earlier, take a break and stop coming on here complaining about what you don't like or what's not happening for you. I personally enjoy this game very much but I am also not one of those that spends every waking hour trying to get all the gear and feats one day after release.

    Bottom line, if you are not having fun then quit playing and, no, the game is not dying but just your interest in playing it.
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  10. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    9/10ths of my 3 1/2 yr old league has left for destiny..not because its all that great an mmo...more out of SPITE for what the Devs have done to THIS one...
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  11. Twilight Man New Player

    I wish more people understood this.
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  12. Delta795 New Player

    Most of last week I would have agreed with you, THEN in 4 runs these dropped
    Feet, waist, back, Dual Wield, Pistol and Neck. Too bad I didn't need any of them and would have preferred marks.

    3 days ago I ran LD, LD, LD and myself and 2 others got ZERO, so I know how it feels.
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  13. Delta795 New Player

    And 80% of my league (same time in) is still playing. Only 3 picked up Destiny and they still play DCUO.
    What's your point?
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  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Play another MMO and I guarantee you'll be saying the same thing. DCUO has at least more updates than WoW to keep you interested. MMOs are about repetition, you'll have to get use to that.
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  15. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    I think I made my point quite succinctly...its not so much the game is dying...not everyone likes the direction they are taking it... that's about 30 legendary subs... many that have supported this game over some hard times the last almost 4 yrs glad your league is still prospering..and I truly hope it stays so..but you should never take that for granted..
  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    We lost quite a few people to Destiny as well, but those people are all already 94 geared out and just have nothing to do... I'm sure they'll be back when the new PvP season drops or the next DLC drops anyway.
    • Like x 1
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the community got exactly what they asked for...unattuned gear..but as a MMO there need to be resistance to keep you playing and striving for the gear. Players complained about ninja looters, we got our own loot, players complained we kept getting gear for off roles, they gave us un-attuned loot and people are complaining about it doesnt drop. Now what do they do at this point?
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  18. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    To be fair, I'd like everyone to realize that this wouldnt have happened to Fester, but see there's a conspiracy by the Dev's to nerf Festers account. Everyone else is allowed to get drops but his account is on "Double Secret Probation"
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  19. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I knew I shouldn't have asked all those questions during the FNL event or the AskDCUO part on twitter! :D
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  20. Veritasum Loyal Player

    This is the only game I've played over the last 3 years and have very little reason to complain TBH. And that's mainly because I play for fun. "Rewards" are cool part of the game, but that's not why I play.

    Nonetheless, with all of the Destiny hype, I decided to give it a go and thought it'd be an opportunity to gain a lil perspective on DCUO. Turns out, it all ends up being the same. People complain to no end over there about "rewards" and who gets them. Repetition, grind, many like it, many hate it, blah, blah blah. Same thing.

    I play both games now because the shooter thing is cool once or twice a week. Different games, but same "community" dynamics. I bet any other game I try, I'll find the same. So I'm good with DCUO with a little shooter sprinkled in.
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