So how 'bout that FNL?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by ThunderlesStorm, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'm probably way over-thinking it at this point to be honest :p
  2. Troll Zama New Player

    Are they from HTRAE?
  3. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Everyone's a jerk to you, ya know that?
  4. KillshotX Well-Known Player

    You could ban him back, we all have the same server rights :p But yea WW/WG is not the best, just the easiest combo to use.

    In terms of USPC, yea I'd expect some interesting lineups from Clutch and Slob. Maybe V and pyro might do something different too. I'd have to talk to Impervious about our lineups, though ww is kinda my main due to me not having much characters on uspc hero side.
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  5. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Everyone knows the OG Superman is the best legend. He's superman, he has to be right?
    But seriously I'd guess its Catwoman/WW.
  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Catwoman is paired with Twoface not WW. You cannot use them both.
  7. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Damb I didn't follow the fnl thing. What were the requirements?
  8. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Characters must be duoed/themed.
    Two Face-Catwoman
    Wonder Woman-Wonder Girl
    Hal Jordan-Saint Walker
    Jon Stewart-Killowag
    Sinestro-Amon Sur
    Dr Fate-Donna Troy
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  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Basically in addition to what Sab said, most of the teams were using Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl.
  10. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I have been trying to get the lasso combo fixed since it came out, wish people wouldve have my back from the jump *cough*clutch*cough*
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  11. comrade sonya Committed Player

    I'm excited to see this mystery combo
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  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I want to guess Lex/Bizzaro combo Cat/Twoface combo Circe/Cheetah or Fate/Donna
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  13. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Those were my exact thoughts as well :p

    Circe/cheetah is definitely risky but someone who is good with counters could stay alive long enough for Circe to bb people to death
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  14. Solutha New Player

    People are over thinking it. The best combo in the game is and always will be Batman and Robin. (In the right Hands they can put out huge damage and stun constantly.) They are the only group that get a boost when together as well.
  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    On an equal skill level basis, WW/WG can beat them.
  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Even with that damage boost there are still teams that out dps them. There was a Batman characters only tournament and iirc none of the top tier players were using Batman and Robin.
  17. BigAl Devoted Player

    Mine as well.
  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    The interesting thing about Donna is her self heal. The faster you KO her the less damage you need to deal to her to KO her. Fate helps her survive longer so I might be settling on this as well.

    A second choice for me will be the Lex and Bizarro combo.
  19. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I've been telling them to make it blockable since donna came out, I also told them at SOE Live and they said that they would change it.
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  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Well the odd thing is that it used to be blockable right?