So how 'bout that FNL?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by ThunderlesStorm, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    I got knocked out first round. I wasn't too salty about it because the opponents were good sports about their win. I thought I just got outplayed. Then watching the stream, there was no outplay. It was seeing which WW/WG team could spam lasso faster. Remember the days skill used to matter? Me neither. Thanks for making us look good again USPS champs...
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  2. Silly Goose New Player

    I thought spamming fast was "skill," at least that's what all jump cancel proponents claim.
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    This is why that lass combo needs to be adjusted so it's blockable. It's currently by far the best safe damage in the game. Amazingly enough it used to be blockable.

    Being able to execute something like that in conjunction with other attacks is. If you want to see something like that put to good use, watch a good Lex player.

    That being said and done, spamming a single power then clicking the melee button and repeating is in no way skillful.
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  4. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    I closed the twitch tab after 5 minutes of lasso spam.
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  5. Embraced New Player

    Yeah Embraced and ACE 1 allways cheese it up. lol but seriously everyone was doing it not only us if we didn't use wg/ww we would have been at a disadvantage.
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  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Oh we know that much. It just got very, very boring and tedious to watch. I have the utmost respect for the team that made it to the finals with Two Face and Catwoman.
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  7. Embraced New Player

    Im not going to lie it was boring but it got the job done
  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea I know :( it's similar to how a while ago people were basically forced to use Circe during the ladies night tournament due to her blink.

    Hopefully this means the combo will be getting an adjustment so it's blockable again.
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  9. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    I saw the lasso spam and shook my head while turning it off.
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  10. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl Seemed like the best combo considering that it had great burst, while being pretty tough, to be honest Lex and Bizarro have better/quicker burst potential than WW/WG but they don't have as much survival. This might be quite presumptuous of me, but I'd wager we still would have won with a lex/Bizarro if our opponents were not all using WW/WG.

    The lasso is safe damage, should be blockable, but can be countered (as you see in the video I roll away from the lasso taking little to no damage)

    It's obviously what everyone gravitated towards because players know how to use the characters they play, calculating damage, considering what series of moves to use after a counter in the time it takes before your opponent gets off his butt is skill.

    Some fool just spamming lasso without putting thought into it would have been Destroyed.
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Pretty much this. That being said there was just way, way too much of it.

    It's a little hard to tell from a stream but how bad were you guys impacted by the recent crowd control disaster?
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  12. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    This is probably the biggest complaint, CCs are horrible now, and Lasso certainly didn't help, it did suck but with everyone using it, it was fair game.

    To make it clear, if something is allowed in a tournament, and the general view is that it's "top tier" it's going to be used.

    We made the choice to pick that setup because we knew everyone would use it, we were comfortable with at least 3 different set ups.
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  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Surprised more people weren't Amon and Sinestro to take advantage of that actually.

    That's basically why in any competitive scrim I'm in most people use a top tier character (or if you know the person you pick someone who can counter their most likely choice).
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  14. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    those are 2 different things, spam and JC
  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    One is considered to be a cheap tactic [Tactic nonetheless] the other was an exploit.
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  16. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    I'm not trying to call you out. I've fought against you before and know you have skill. I would just like to see some skill in the next tournament
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  17. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    for 1st one i agree 100%. for 2nd one eh... it was a part of combos, when integrated with them it made gameplay faster for those who knew how to perform it. yet, mastering JC was a bit harder then mastering what we have now, which can still be called JC in a way. so i never had any complains, its not like it was an exploit that granted u with 5k free dmg each time u use it. but lets put that a side pls, there are way to many threads and posts about this topic anyway.
  18. iamlightning New Player

    Lol this^^^^ man them bois are amongst the cheesiest fighters I know
  19. KillshotX Well-Known Player

    Well at the end of the day, you are limited by the combinations given to you. WW/WG was certainly the safest bet to play among the lineups. However, if we take into considering the highest level of play, ww and wg are not necessarily the best choices available, but they definitely the easiest choice to play.
  20. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    I just skipped through the FNL and I saw a CW/TF team! Its a miracle! Also, I'm surprised there wasnt a Lex/Bizarro team and only one person playing as CW.
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