So Here We Are Again... Group Content Only DLC's

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChuckLess, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Mepps said this in a thread which is now locked so I can't respond:

    But this thread is evidence that it isn't working. I have experienced the exact same thing. Twice. Once during DLC9 and again during DLC11. I didn't solicit this thread, either. In fact, I haven't spoken to ChuckLess in the game or privately yet we have similar experiences.

    Going backwards through this thread on this page alone, 4 different people have commented on how they aren't going to bother chasing the RNG raid gear:

    ^ This guy thinks you've done an awesome job on building cool missions and storylines but the game part of the DLC sucks. Something I thoroughly agree with.

    You can add me to the list, too. I'm not subscribing currently and I haven't bought anything off the marketplace in months. All because the best reward is distributed by the RNG system.

    This DLC isn't even a month old yet and this is where we are. Why? because there's nothing to chase. It's too unrealistic so people don't bother. The current method isn't working. It would work if you weren't doing another DLC for a year. But the next one is already in the workshop and will boast better gear than anything achievable in DLC13. I'm not in a rush. Especially as I'm not required to play DLC13 to access DLC14.

    I just don't understand (well I do, but I'm not going to post what I really think) why we can't have a fair system which doesn't dispense rewards based on whether or not you're lucky. Why can't we do something like this:

    It would keep a lot of people who currently don't give a **** more reason to hang around and carry on supporting the game. Myself included. You'd even get to determine the recipes and calculate what is needed based on how many times you expect us to run content, thus controlling the length of the grind to ensure longevity between DLCs. Not to mention if you make it require components found in non-raid instances, you keep those relevant for longer, too.
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  2. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I really enjoyed the solo from this dlc. It allowed me to try different roles and find a new love for the game. I liked one alert and hated the other. The nexus one was a bit too long, the one I dread. I actually thought the raids were really well done. However, I have two characters I run through the raids each week and I just do not get any drops and am now to the point where I can no longer progress with gear. I mean if I was lucky I would be at 114 now. However, all of my friends that I have run the raids with are now 114 or better and every raid they ask did you get something? I keep getting no drops so the answer is no. I don't understand how the probability of me not getting anything and people that had lower crs than I did when they started running this with me using no replays are now higher.

    I have nothing to spend my myth on so they are just accumulating. I am full 99 and I have lost interest. I will run the raids until my subscription ends and if I still have not accumulated enough gear to be 114 I will call it good until the next dlc. I love the game but I will just do free content until the next dlc launches. It seems pointless to run content and hear people get 2 pieces of 100 gear off ONE boss and I get zero through the entire raid.

    The actual content was fun but I no longer get the thrill of completing it because it is now just expected unless I get a group of people that just don't belong in the raid in the first place, their crs are too low and they have too little skill points even for a fresh lvl 30.

    All in all I thought this was dlc was well done except for the drops. There really should have been something in place to make it so people increased their gear at the same rate versus a lottery system where some were rewarded and some were not. If some were rewarded one week and others the next I would have been fine with that but that was not the case. They get rewarded each week and I do not. I would rather have had a system where either everyone in the group got something or none got something. It is disheartening to hear people get gear and you think to yourself I just wasted my time. Again it was fun the first few times but after getting kicked in the teeth multiple times it just lost its luster for me.

    One solution for making the game last longer is just to not allow replays on a new dlc for 2 or more weeks. Then the developers would not feel like they needed to make drops so infrequent or sporadic since it seems some people get something every week. The other way is to make it so the percentage of getting a drop the first time is substantially higher and every time after that has a lower probability.

    If this continues I will be a member only when a dlc launches and I get the vendor gear or the best I can get without the bad luck I have and then quit until the next dlc. It just isn't worth the money to help others get gear and be left behind. Gaming is competitive and when luck dictates a players competitiveness it is less fun.
  3. Zeo Committed Player

    I introduce DCUO to new players all the time, one thing that scares them are the DLC's, DCUO have too many DLC's, while I agree that the price of them are very accessible, we have too many, look at GW2, they released another DLC after years, count how many DLC's World of Warcraft have and how many years the game are running. I'm not a hater, I like a lot of this game, but content should be worthwhile, DLC's in other games gives a big "BOOM!!!" inside of the game, old DLC's become obsolete, DCUO shouldn't handle new content as DLC all the time.

    Unfortunately this is a big decision that are only up for the higher ups of DCUO, this isn't a thing for a Dev or two to decide, now that the game will be released for Xbox and the servers will merge, this is a perfect opportunity of how DCUO should make it's approach.


    • DLC's should be big, impact the world of DCUO, even if they coust more $$$;
    • keep up with the micro transactions, like new powers, styles, base items, etc;
    • variety of the game it's also part of your job, don't charge us for every small addition to the game
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  4. Unida Dedicated Player

    I'd like to see something similar to what happens in Path of Exile where you can get map drops. Maybe maps wouldn't be the play, but maybe a boss instance dro/item.

    * running Throne and you get a "Black Adam - Hero Mode Challenge" map/item/whatever
    * in the vendor you can craft boost mods Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3 etc that add an increased % of loot drop for the group.
    * group can be as many as you like up to 8 - less people, more loot for those that complete.
    * but it would be HARD, single boss - wipe n out like survival mode. boss CR116/7/8 or something hard.

    you form the group
    mod the instance item if you want
    map owner equips n consumes item
    queue pops for group
    tele to the relevant boss location - maybe they all fight in sciencecells or last room in Kahndaq etc
    Challenging boss level + sm styled play scenario
    rewards - well i dunno, lots of tier marks, uniques styles, small chance highest level gear?

    the beauty about something like this is you could have so many instances, so fast and use a lot of these characters we've barely seen
    Black Adam
    general adnan or whatever
    Ra's al ghul
    that lil doctor from the leveling mission
    the judge

    and so on........

    i know resources are scarce which is why im trying to focus on mostly existing things and how to recycle them into new options. this one works for all tiers and levels and lets players revisit a lot of very popular classic villains which tbh we've not seen enough of.


    in addition to the villains, we should have corrupted challenges where you can fight corrupted heroes. double up!

    c'mon, lets do this!
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  5. Unida Dedicated Player

    also surely after x years, the first DLC's should become super cheap or free? a new person coming into the game as premium looking at 11-12 DLCS of content to purchase to 'catch up' is pretty ridic. make the first 1-3 part available for marks or something. I'm sure you have the sales figures etc so maybe they are decent revenue streams - but if i had to start all over again, but not be legendary i honestly dont think i would,
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  6. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    I have been expecting something like this for a while, actually. Start giving away the first DLCs in order, 1 or even 2 per year, so new players aren't starting so far underwater for buying everything. So "buying" a DLC basically becomes 3 years of early access, after which it joins f2p content.