So for giggles...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Tyrranus, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    1)What do you do first?
    Probably freak out and nerd out at the same time
    2)How badly is this going to screw with your head?(for those that play a different gender or chose alternate bodies like cat or ice)
    I would be conflicted because, come on, I could use super powers but then I would see that I'm wearing too revealing clothing
    3)For Heroes, Will you be able to resist the temptation to use your powers for selfish/evil in the "real world" with your "real life" circumstances?
    Doesn't apply, I'm a villain who just happens to work for the NYDA, lol, got to mess with the man :D
    4)Will you go vigilante like your character and become a Super Hero/Villain? (keep in mind real cops have a very dim view of vigilantes and this is an era where 'domestic terrorist' charges can fly for little)
    Villain for life but will most likely put up a shield all the time (cops tend to have an itchy trigger finger)
    5)How screwed are you now that you legally look nothing like yourself, with different genetics and fingerprints?
    Well it will be weird, because I would have to make something up or explain what happened to my family, my husband's family, and to all our friends and acquaintances.
    6)Do you even try to maintain your daily life as it was before?
    Most definitely, alter ego an all, but if this happened to everyone in DCUO, then I would have to search out my fellow sisters and brothers from my Corps
  2. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    One of 'em is about to pop out, I swears. o_O
  3. Elusian Crowd Control

    1)For this forum actions I would take on my teen females body would be inapproriate to post. Go figure lol
    2)I would see the positive things about being a female now first, then slowly the horror creeps into my head. The period .... the horror. Oh well, with great body comes great evil I guess.
    3)Evil. No. Selfish. Of course.
    4)Maybe hero for hire but I'm kind of lazy.
    6)I would mostly try to turn my Celestial powers into profit. As a healer powerset maybe start a medical career.
  4. Tyrranus Well-Known Player

    That is one singularly brave man... and very very comfortable with himself.... rocking both spandex AND pink... I'll admit that... nope I couldnt do spandex....
  5. Tyrranus Well-Known Player

    I realized I never actually answered my own bonus question lol :p

    My plans would shift fairly heavily once I realized the scope of the situation. Id immediately go hunting up a few tech oriented villains, another magic, and a meta or two to form up a League. I'd keep it small tho like around 6 to minimize in-fighting and chances for infiltration/detection. Why would I go this route? Most tech heroes/villains make their own gear but would need heavy cash injections to make use of their (usually)super-science knowledge/skills. I might be magic based but I can appreciate a good powered armor or nanoweave undershirt. ;) So Tech characters will likely start off needing the help most. Magic (in lore) has a ton of rituals and such that require rare/exotic/expensive components so I'll need cash as well for upper level abilities I expect. As for the metas? Well who doesn't like having a friend or two thats naturally bullet proof and can throw hondas at annoying people? lol They have the easiest initial start imo, but can benefit from both Tech and Magic so the League would be a mutually supportive group to raise ourselves up to the top of the food chain and own the planet :D
  6. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I'll add some of the story from my YouTube series into this.

    1) Call Dad Taylor. He works at WayneTech, he can hook me up with gear and training.
    2) Considering how I based Dezarrakks' personality off of my own I don't think there'd be a major adjustment period. Then again I have a child, Dezarrakks doesn't. Hopefully I'd wake up in the body of the "Saviour & Son" version of Dezarrakks. That version has a son, based on my son.
    3) Relating to question 2 I'd be annoyed that I wouldn't have my son, unless I'd be Dezarrakks in my (Michael's) world. If Bradley did exist then I'd obviously seek him out. And have a tonne of explaining to do to his mother.
    4) Again it comes down to the world I'd exist in. In this world I'd probably take the vigilante route, as I wouldn't trust the government either way.
    5) Pretty screwed considering my son wouldn't have "my" DNA.
    6) I'd try to be a father, and brother, still. Other than that no.
  7. Tyrranus Well-Known Player

    yeah you wake up in the "real world" not in the DCUO world :) and you wake up as your main, whichever version that is for ya lol