So DPSing is hard...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KrilTsuuroth, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Dazuzi New Player

    That's only the case if the other players aren't receiving enough power, but the thing is, they will receive power when they're low. Also, tanks and healers don't use much power, the main power drains are damage dealers and trolls themselves. As an example I tend to heal T5 raids with around 3k restoration to boost my offensive capabilities, and I still have lower power in than damage dealers or trolls. I also rarely run into trouble with power, rarely as in only when a troll dies, gets caged or something similar that leaves one troll alone, and even then the one troll can restore enough power for me to keep going. If not, I'll just use soda, supply or SC. And just to point out: most healer SCs also restore power, so you can actually help the trolls.

    Obviously if the trolls aren't doing their job, then that will be the case, but then it's more about people not doing their job or not being able to do it, and even then the damage dealers will need to find a way to maximize the damage output with the available power. It's not just damage dealers who need to be able to deal with varying power in, healers and tanks also need to be able to handle situations when there's not enough power. It's part of being a good player.

    EDIT: just to add to that T5 raid run thing: I also run with damage dealers who take everything out of the power they receive.

    EDIT #2: completely forgot to point out that tanks will always receive power. Their power pool is the smallest in the group, so if they don't have full power, they will receive it.
  2. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I don't know how hard it is...I know I can't do it well
  3. Black Prime New Player

    At this time in the game this would be my list. This list is not just playing the role, but playing the role very well.


    Being i really good dps is rare. You can tell when your raid has one or two. Controlling was easy mode until T5. Learning to give massive amounts of power, hitting double dics, alot of little things go into being a great controller. Having high vit does not make you good. Tanks are not as easy as healing because you do have to learn counter mechanics, beyond that tankin is pretty easy, and boring a times. Healing by far is the easiest class to play. Alot would say no, but you would be wrong. Healers are the only class in which we benefit from other players being stronger gear wise. The more health and defense on everyones gear makes our job easier. Look at trolls, just the opposite. The better gear the more power they have to give you. Not to mention the amount of resto healers have is pretty op. This is why most run one healer.
  4. KrilTsuuroth Well-Known Player

    I think everyone saying "DPS are the easiest to play, but the hardest to be good with." should apply that same logic to the other roles. I have yet to see any comments fully supporting any role but DPS'. People keep saying it's harder to be a top tier DPS but no one has stated what it takes to be a top tier tank, healer, or troll. Everyone keeps saying the minimum requirements of tanking, trolling, and healing. A lot of tanks can get through raids and grab agro etc., but how many are you amazed by? How many tanks have you played with that went above and beyond and really raised the bar for others? Would you put the average tank that can do the minimum to get by with those that go above and beyond and really shine in the same category?

    I've seen so many comments about trolls only needing to do PoT and IP to be good. If that's the case why are there so many people that can throw PoT and IP just fine that are considered "bad"? Most people see the difference between a beast troll and a "bad" troll by the numbers they put out, which really comes from gear. To me a beast troll is a troll that can throw PoT, double tic, manage their power properly, debuff, CC, etc. with no trouble. Out of all the trolls that you know, how many can you say are truly beasts not based on how high their PoT is? How many of them use their power to the fullest extent? Would you put them and any other Troll that can simply press two buttons in the same category?

    I know a lot of people are gonna debate with this one because of the current resto. I've run with healers that can simply get the job done. I've run with healers that blow my mind every time. Healers that will shoot my hp straight back up to full just when I'm about to give up all hope because I think I'm going to die(In this case I'm talking about a healer that is paying full attention and I'm not going to die because they're being lazy). Healers that have learned a bosses moves just as well as the tank has so they can anticipate when to heal/pop shields. I know with the current resto that pretty much any healer(nat especially) can simply role their fingers across their keyboard/controller and get everyone back to full but there is still a wide gap between those that do the minimum and those that will go above what is required to simply get by. I know a lot of healers that I consider to be beasts and I wouldn't put them in the same category with those that spam away mindlessly and hope no one dies. Would you?
  5. KrilTsuuroth Well-Known Player

    For me, IMHO, what I feel takes more skill/effor to be the BEST from hardest-easiest is:

    Tank- The Leader. Tanks stay on their toes, watching the bosses and everyone else in the group so they can focus on taking as little damage and making sure no one else does either. Knowing when to pop shields, knowing when to juggle, knowing when to block. I feel like I'm always learning and there's always new ways to do things and as the tank, the leader of the group, what you do can make or break a group so there's no room for mistakes(Yes, I know some people can still manage to do well without a tank depending on the instance and the health of whatever you're fighting.). You go down, the group goes down so the weight of the group rests your shoulders. Some think it's simple some don't.

    Troll- The backbone. They are still imo one of the most complex roles if you do more than play like an Energizer Bunny. It takes a lot more time and effort to become a "top tier" troll than it does to be a simple Energizer Bunny. Without full Vestments/Ion(whatever the Hero equivalent is) it's hard to keep up with the power spamming DPS which makes top tier controlling hard.

    Healer- The Watchful Protector. Healing has gotten easier over time but I do still feel it takes a bit of effort to be a beast healer. I've learned how the bosses work as if I'm the tank. I've learned what attacks they use, when they use them, what said attacks look like. If I see someone close up to the boss that isn't the tank and I know a big move is coming I can anticipate it and counter their death with a shield or well timed heal. If you want to be a beast healer you have to pay a lot of attention. A beast healer can prevent full wipes and can prevent any deaths at all simply by observing the group and their health bars instead just watching green bars to make sure their up. There's no use in starring at green bars to make sure their up if you can watch everyone and their green bars to make sure they don't get K.O'd.

    DPS- The warriors. What I believe to be a top tier DPS is someone that doesn't chase the scoreboard. Do much damage as possible while still being a team player. A top tier DPS is not someone who only goes in to be TOP on the scoreboard, a top tier DPS is someone that will do as much damage as they can, mind their power so it doesn't strain the controller, and pick up anyone that goes down(I still believe it should be the DPS who pick up and not the troll.) I just wish that people would get over this "Top on the scoreboard = Beast DPS." Most of those "Beast" DPS are the ones that will rush in without the tank just so they can get ahead of the other DPS'. They're the ones that will leave someone downed directly next to them because every second counts, every hit counts, and if they picked someone up they'd lose their place on the "Holy Scoreboard". A beast DPS is someone who can top the charts without putting a strain on the rest of the group. Most importantly, no "beast" DPS cares about the damage output another DPS puts out(unless it's EXTREMELY bad), and no beast DPS overly brags about their damage and rub it in anyones face. It's okay to be proud of your damage but some people go too far, thus breeding the egotistical DPS' we know and love.

    EDIT: I mean top tier as in the caliber of your play style, not your gear. You can be a "top tier" player in non-top tier gear.
  6. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    You, pew, you pew, and then....wait for pew some more. You try to use your 50% or 60% pew modifier to pew some more, but sometimes a 45% pewdifier will pew you pew.
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  7. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Pew pew pew pew lol.
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