So DPSing is hard...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KrilTsuuroth, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Gunny New Player

    Easiest role to do.

    Hardest role to do right.

    Sure, you can hit your targets and they eventually die. Optimizing DPS using all of the tools at your disposal is the hardest thing to do in the game. Considering most of the populace cant even LIST all of the tools factoring DPS, that might give you a clue ;)
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  2. Tule New Player

    You're over complicating things. Similar things could be said about healers.

    1. hot
    2. instant
    3. revives
    4. juggles (Sents FOS3 in example)
    5. Freeing the jailed (Dox)
    6. Shielding
    7. Buffs
  3. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Yes being a top tier DPS is hard. Just look at all the bad ones out there. Some think they're good running with pugs until they run into that person who destroys them on the board and does it with a minimum 10-1 damage to power in ratio. Then you'll realize the gap between a DPS and a great DPS. Sadly, instead of improving, most DPS players complain. This is why gu36 and wm were created.
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  4. KrilTsuuroth Well-Known Player

    The exact same thing goes for me with DPSing....I could close my eyes and do my rotation just fine.
  5. KrilTsuuroth Well-Known Player

    THIS^ Thank you.
  6. Larfleeze New Player

    DPS is the only role that you are actively changing what is happening.

    As a troller you're either poting, dumping power and maybe debuffing/encasing
    As a healer you can literally just roll your finger across your keyboard and keep everyone alive
    As a tank you either single target pull or aoe pull then block

    As a DPS your rotations are constantly changing, you're switching between melee/range, between single target/aoe targeting, clipping like a madman. I played tank/heal/troll almost exclusively the first two years I played this game and switched over to mainly DPS sometime around Origin Crisis and the stress it puts on your mouse/hands is ridiculous compared to the other roles.

    So yes, DPS is the hardest role in the game, and in practically every MMO for that matter. The other roles are incredibly static whereas DPS is always changing, especially with how often powers get nerfed/buffed
  7. KrilTsuuroth Well-Known Player

    From what I'm getting here competitiveness = hard, but what does a virtual pissing match have to do with difficulty? Everyone keeps saying it's hard to do it "right"? How could you possibly DPS wrong? The only wrong way to DPS I can think of is to simply not use your powers, or not use them in the correct order. I do my rotation, I get numbers. Like I said before what I get from people is either you're top or your trash because if you're not top you're doing it "wrong".

    Another thing I hate is that some DPS get happy when another DPS goes down because that's just more time for them to get ahead, and God knows they aren't going to pick them up. I wouldn't be surprised if some people actually hoped a DPS in their group would get knocked out. This is what I see when DPS are being competitive. Pick up no one(unless it's the tank/healer in rare cases) and don't mess up your rotations as if you'll die irl if you don't get top DPS.
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  8. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    3, 4, 5....Have to disagree. In opinion, especially in raids like Paradox where spam healing is almost mandatory, a healer should never revive, don't see the need for them to juggle (especially these days with 3 trollers doing buffs and CC I'd be inclined to disqualify 7 as well), and freeing from jail is just asking the healer to get killed.

    # 3 in particular though. A healer should never revive unless there's a lot of time to do so.
  9. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    the way i see it:

    controlling is the hardest role in the game followed very closely by tanking then dps'ing followed by healing.

    dps'ing is the most competitive then controlling, then healing then tanking.

    tanking is the most thankless role followed very closely by trolling then healing then dps'ing.

    straight up damage dealers are the most spoiled.
  10. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    lmao, really? you should move this to jokers funhouse.:)
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  11. KidVicious93 Well-Known Player

    And that's hard? all you have to do is Pot every 20 seconds and recharge.
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  12. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    lol. yeah sure. at least you are wrong consistently. you also missed the word HEALER in your sig.
  13. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Id consider myself a good dps, not THE greatest ever, but good, and as such id consider it just as hard as any other role. And its simply because a good dps' main focus is to get the team to the end boss and beat it, not be top dmg.

    Let me give you's an example here, as a dps, to me at least, my job is-
    To do as much dmg as possible,
    To do so while also keeping an eye on power-use,
    To target-switch to weaker targets so that we thin the adds as fast as possible,
    To drop supply drops to replenish our power/health but do so close to a healer/troll to replenish theirs,
    To pick up as many KOd ppl as possible within my reach without risking my/another KO,
    To carry buff trinkets and support trinkets and make sure they and white mods are always up to date,
    If the tank KOs to aggro the boss and get him/them away from the tank long enough for another to revive him,
    To carry top-end sodas to replenish health/power and not just leave it to others,
    But most importantly, to FULLY understand how to get the most power efficient dmg from my power no matter what game changes are made.

    Good dps do all that and more every single duo/alert/raid. All of it.
    Average dps would only concentrate on the damage aspect and go on to become scoreboard chasers.,
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  14. KidVicious93 Well-Known Player

    I did it on purpose:oops:
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  15. TrueOlympus New Player

    It would be wise to also add, that with the introduction of any new 8-man content, Tanking is the hardest Role.
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  16. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    i know dps is not easy, there is a lot to know to do it well. same goes for being a great controller. i dps with ice, heal with sorcery, and contoll with light and gadgets. i used to tank with fire till they <fixed it>. i'm just saying its not THAT hard...:)
  17. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    i'll grant you that. very true.
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Perhaps the only dps who goes into a solo challenge, times himself and records his damage, and then does the same challenge the next day with a more refined loadout to compare the numbers and the time.

    Did the same for my healer in trigon to test damage and healing efficiency with outside variables. DPS is far easier and more relaxed
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  19. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  20. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    There are tons of Average or Below Average DPS'rs which to be one is not very challenging. However, there are few DPS that are well above Average that show it takes a ton of focus and concentration to do what they do. To be one of those types of DPS is indeed probably harder than any other role.
    Average (Not Hard - 16:05 mark of video to get the idea):

    Beyond Average (Hard):