So after 5 years of playing DCUO...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrSuperman, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Some doosh decides to join the league, raid the league bank, and bounce!

    Who steals focusing element 6's? Who steals simple materials? Who steals base mods?

    Is this funny or what? My the community we have! And on the hero side! Lol..

    Then i realized he was an iconic toon of booster gold! Priceless
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  2. Minnion Devoted Player

    And this is why league leaders shouldn't let just any newbie have access to the league banks where the good stuff is stashed.. >.>
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  3. Kzinti Committed Player

    Give new players a 30 day or so probation period before access is granted
    Set different access levels for the different bank tabs.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    " Hey kids, this is booster gold. Remember when joining your first league, always remember to raid the league hall bank to stay gold!!!"

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  5. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Well the answer is apparently the guy that stole the stuff. The better question is who invited him to the league in the first place. Might want to check his decision making capabilities before giving permission to invite players to the league.
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  6. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I've seen this thread now and than (thankfully not frequently) and I always wish my first thought wansn't "Why did they have access to the bank?"

    Granted for the most part I think that the ranking system in and of itself is mostly silly (frankly their isn't much to do, and if you have enough helpful people signing on every day you can just give them x rank and give them access to the league bank) ... and consider it mostly unimportant... but I don't think people who just enter should be able to pick things at will.

    Granted I have had people come to the league, look through our bank ask for something and than leave a day or two after they got it... but at least than they were at least polite :D.
  7. Gods Disciple New Player

    Have heard it happen many a time! As others have mentioned, it's best to have a "New Recruit" rank with limited permissions until you really get a feel for what that person is like and what permissions they can be trusted with.

    A lesson learnt the hard way I'm afraid :(
  8. Zlohsac Committed Player

    Here's the solution, don't put important stuff in your league bank. Have trusted people store the important stuff in their personal banks.
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  9. Backseid Devoted Player

    So, just spread the word who this guy is to everyone you know. If nothing else, that specific toon of his will have a bad rep.

    Just keep it off these boards, and the chat tab, so no one can call blacklist.
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  10. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    This can possibly be considered griefing which is against ToS. This happened to my league but thankfully it wasn't very good stuff. We have a tiered system now. No access, access to one bank slot (the new member bank slot), access to three bank slots, access to the Leadership bank slot.

    You might want to take screen shots and send them to Daybreak CS. I'm really interested in how they would handle this. Would they say it's ok for people to do this? i.e. "tough luck" or would they consider this a griefing incident?

    Edit: @ DAYBREAK and this is why we need an account wide ban from league option. Otherwise people like this can just join the league again and do it all over.
  11. Emoney Loyal Player

    This happened to my league as well. Daybreak said as far as they could see that person had permission to take EVERYTHING. Also that they don't get into the politics of yeah basically we were SOL.

    So....I got on one of my toons no one knows.....tracked the guy down through wavedox.....and his newly formed league. I got him to invite me....and to give me permission to use deco in his hall....and more importantly his league bank....and I took our stuff back. Then decorated one of the rooms in his hall with random objects forming the initials of my leagues name. Since the devs didn't wanna make things right....I did lol. We are far more strict on our permissions meow.
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  12. Kroye Loyal Player folks still recruiting? I've been looking for a league.
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  13. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    So get this...
    The same doooosh sends me a random tell. Says he was "pissed" at the lack of communication in league chat. So he "got revenge" by raiding and looting the league bank.

    I really wish i could post his message. I have it saved on ps4 and took pics with my phone.

    If you can give me simple instructions, ill post his sorry backside on here. And report him. If its even a bannable offense.
  14. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    I know i cant "blacklist" trash players. But i have the proof. Lol

    I even sent him a tell saying "who raids the league bank that is filled with non-valuable items?"
  15. megamanzero Loyal Player

    i dont think that should be a bannable offense. especially if you are saying you dont find the items valuable. why bother complaining at that point? while i wouldn't do what he did i can understand his frustration with a league who doesnt communicate.
  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    'An idiot'.
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  17. megamanzero Loyal Player

    its not like he hacked you. i would equate this to accidentally putting a stack of mods for 50$ on the broker. obviously people will take advantage and not refund you but its your own fault for not being careful. if you dont wanna get hit then ne more careful and less trusting of others. take precautions.
  18. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

  19. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Can I join?

    Oh wait - did you re-stock the bank?

    Oh never

  20. Proxystar #Perception

    He was just taking the old stuff from your bank,

    protecting your past to ensure your future.