So about higher levels in lower tier dungeons...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morcra, May 17, 2016.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    I don't know, he seems like the usual Doctor Nova to me! I love reading his posts, I always feel like I'm having an acid trip trying to interpret them. :)

    @Op, how about just walk ins placed in our teleporters?
  2. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Funny, I don't see many of these supposed teachers out there in the wild whenever I queue up for anything. It's just whining about damage and "Why didn't you psychically understand what I wanted?" commentary.

    And that's nothing new. Don't try and pin this on the game when the community itself is like that.
  3. Phill Committed Player

    That does not work very well at all.
  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Considering Mepps told us that there were significant technical hurdles to overcome for the teleporter idea, I'm now in favor of adding an option to the On Duty screen that says "Do Not Look for Other Players." If you click it, you enter the instance with however many people are in your current group even if it's just you and you alone. The queue already works. Just tell the game to not fill the group.
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  5. Phill Committed Player

    That's what I was thinking......... or he drank to much cough syrup.. LOL:D
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  6. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Wait. That makes no sense at all. "Too much?"
  7. Phill Committed Player

    werd nerd in the house :p
  8. AccOp Well-Known Player

    Not saying it's the best solution. The best would be that the devs add an option to the on duty menu where you can apply specific cr ranges that can queue and be taken into your instance. I don't see any other way on the live server where you can queue up and guarantee that no high level players will queue up with you in a random queue.
  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    You misunderstand me. You can never have too much cough syrup.
  10. Phill Committed Player

    Ohhhh, LOL

  11. Senko Committed Player

    I've met a few. Of course I've also met people who told me they would be happy to help me improve my sorcer dps damage (something I'm still working on one day I'll figure out what I'm missing) as long as I quit my current league and joined theirs.
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm down. It was a proposed idea that they had in 2013's SOE Live if I remember right.
  13. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Here we go...NVM
  14. Controller Devoted Player

    If they added some Old Style pieces to the Watch Tower Vendor I'd gladly stay out of Outer T2 Alert (HINT HINT MEDIEVAL HEAD, please.)
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  15. Morcra Committed Player

    jesus talk about assumptions. I like to take my time with characters and i create many alts based on powers i like to make the game more fun for me. I feel no rush too get to high tier. Once i get a chracater to 100, they go on skill point hunting, so as to avoid those Idiotic arguments and insults.

    Also, whats going on in this thread???
  16. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Remember, the devs are enablers of poor behavior. Anything that should've been in the system LONG ago will be frowned upon by the community with worthless, self-objecting cries that it goes against the sickness that's plagued the game for literally 5 years now (or is it 6?).

    Stat clamps and level synchs for content longevity? Nope, pointless losers want to be god mode all day.
    Role locks and tutorials that teach how to play your power in both roles and give an evened out group for a smooth(er) run? Nope, gotta have those numbers and as few pickups as possible or else the AM and "those godly numbers" go away.

    Anything that promotes "teamwork" and "working together"? Hell would've frozen over 6700 times before that happened.

    Teleporters are the only thing I recall being positively suggested by players, but the devs come back with an explanation that it would have "too many hurdles" or some such thing.
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  17. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    When the following items are obtained you will be free of my diabolical controlling and giving unlimited power in lower level instances,

    Viking - Legs

    Medieval - Shoulders

    Ariel Defender - Chest

    Kryptonian -Head

    Until then I will be in your raids and alerts doing next to no damage but giving you more power than you can use.
  18. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I agree with most of your points. But as players we are at fault a bit ourselves. First, how many people play both roles? In my league almost everyone does. But how many people use that role to queue into other content just to get into content faster? You made this point in that people are not willing to be locked into a role. I haven't figured out why the developers don't at least make it so a group always has 2 of each role, even if they later play as a dps. It couldn't be that difficult to code it so that a person must have a minimum of whatever the controlling stat is for their role to queue into content.

    I admit I against clamping, not because I need to play in god mode but because I am usually going after one style, that I have been going after for years, not months, but years and I just want to complete the set. I don't want to waste more time and not get what I am going after. The loot picker did help me complete a set after 3 weeks of running the content, but before the loot picker it was years....runes of the east hands!

    The problem with people learning their roles is problematic. I don't feel a tutorial is necessarily in order, but they should have to play as roles in alerts at least to tier locked into whatever role you queue in as... We have the two options....role optional and role "mandatory"....if you choose optional you should not be locked, but if you are playing with that setting so it is not optional then you should be locked into your least until the person that is playing that role dies....I thought that was the point of the option.

    But players need to change their behaviors and not require the developers to babysit them. We hate rules but we are part of the problem. People that don't want to learn are part of the problem. People that are too lazy to google or post their questions on the forums are part of the problem. I rarely see anyone without a data phone these days...I don't know a single person that doesn't have one unless they are 5 months old. So if we all have phones, then we have no excuses for not at least trying to find information.

    But when people post on this forum, they should be encouraged, and not be made fun of for not knowing. People often want to hide the best way to do something from others because they are afraid someone will be able to master it better than they could... its a game, we don't get paid by being top dps or not sure why it matters.
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  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    True story.
    Over the past week I have been trying to get Metallo in BIA. I queue, and hope for the best. When I get lower levels, I ask "burn, or let you experience the content?" Guess what the same answer has been EVERY time?

    Makes me a giggle, each and every time. :rolleyes:
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Don't ever stop drinking.
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