So about higher levels in lower tier dungeons...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morcra, May 17, 2016.

  1. Morcra Committed Player

    Now before u go, "here we go again". let me just say, i have no problem with high tiers in lower tier instances. Some instances dont have walk ins and not everyone is accessible to people to group up with all the time. How else are they gonna get their feats?.The only thing it conflicts with to me is the way i like to play. I like a challenge, so when a higher tier enters, i simply leave. cus there will be no challenge.

    So im asking, if its possible, to add some type of a filter system to instances. Like, idk, make it so any player can adjust it to find suitable groups to their level or even people to carry them. Because even with faster queues, doesnt matter if im confronted with a situation like that. Plus it gets more frequent every day. Im not on as the same time as my friends. yada yada yada the usual excuses.

    soooooooo yeah?
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Sorry, unfortunately not. This would increase queue times and we absolutely can not do that at all according to many people on the forums.
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  3. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    And DGC: "you can slow down your queues but not others" is always the reasoning for not allowing complete control over how you queue and who you want to interact with.
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  4. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Yep. **** actually enjoying the content and playing the game, getting that queue to pop is much more important. You can have your fun choosing loot from the loot picker :)
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Sorry DBG does not want to slow down queue times so high level players will be in almost every run you do.
  6. Morcra Committed Player

    How so. Most people, from my experience playing games, wont even use it cus, well, they dont rly care. If anything it only slows down my queues.

    But apparently, as apparent due to the replies, it doesnt matter either way cus dbg wont allow that v.v.
  7. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I clicked your name. 664 posts. really?
  8. Morcra Committed Player

    is that a bad thing....or a good thing?????. if it means my lack of posts or something then yeah. Most topics in this forum are just petty arguments that i dont really wanna take part of. Not much actually happens in offtopic. so yeah.
  9. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    guerss what, devs learned to make new stuff that is not comparable to old stuff. It's called improvement.
    Balance????? are you freaking insane?? :oops::rolleyes:
    WM then AM. on top of the various powers. but hey, they all have a combat speed which serves no benefit. THE only reason it's not removed is possibly due to Speed Feats that include story animations that should be skipable. Not seeing the big picture? 500 ALERTS FEAT? Chests Feat, where not all instances have Chests, but sometimes do include chests. RNG... biggest reason for quitting? i think so.

    suggestion, luck item amplifier item or Luck progress bar. Faction vendor. Faction vendor offers previously PvP styles/since added to Vault styles.

    Including common styles in Lockboxes.... it made me end my subscription. It's simply stupid.
  10. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    So what does that have to do with the OP's comment?
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  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It's mostly because you could be that 4th or 8th player in an Alert/Raid featuring 3 or 7 other High CR, out of relevancy players but by opting out of running content with them, you're slowing their queue times down and you have no right to do that apparently.

    Just for the record by the way, I'm in complete support of you and understand exactly what the problem is that you're experiencing. I'm merely posting what stance the developer and sections of player base are regarding your complaints and also the reasoning behind it. If it was up to me, this would have been fixed a looooong time ago before it manifested itself into the problem it has become today.

    The only advice I can give you is to try your hardest to find other players who also want to run content at level to experience the challenge and befriend them. This is the only solution available for now and the immediate future.
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  12. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    why are style items (with no stats, after reaching rank 30) not salvageable??????
    (Vault items. rare style vendor items)
  13. AccOp Well-Known Player

    A suggestion would be to form your own group beforehand then queue up (be it friends or pugs from lfg), that way you won't run the risk of higher levels ruining your experience. Using the on duty menu to randomly queue up, you the run the risk of getting said higher levels since they added the loot table to all instances now, you'll come across a lot more higher levels in lower instances for marks or rare base items.
  14. Backseid Devoted Player

    I don't think any of your three posts, in this thread, belong here.

    Are the in game glitches affecting the forums now :eek:

  15. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    lol at lower tier players wanting a challenge.
    You pretty much have a challenge when you queue into instances, considering that many of the new players don't know much about their roles, mechanics, and stats.
  16. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It's the same reason you can't have enforced Suicide Squad/Task Force X. You can choose not to join a villain group but you can't choose to not have villains in your hero group because you are not allowed to slow down someone else's queue. Which is ironic since if 3 villains needed just 1 player (villain or hero) and you choose to only play on a hero team you just slowed down that villain group too.
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  17. Kroye Loyal Player

    I assumed he had sold his account and the new owner was posting from it.
  18. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I think it's precious that some of you think players teach other players in-game. Yeah, I can safely say after many years of this game, many not at endgame, a few at endgame, that teaching of any sort is rare, like 10% rare. Moreover, the important teaching, instance mechanics, as opposed to power/combat mechanics, is virtually nil and you're insulted/harassed if you bring it up.

    I remember asking about Fatal Exams mechanics during my 3rd time through (first two were so fast that it was never an issue) and I was ridiculed for asking. It hadn't even been out two weeks but you expect it to be common knowledge to everyone?

    And as for the whole WM/AM being the cause of it, no. Just no. People were acting like this before WM/AM was added. Frankly it was worse than, with the only bright side being CR and census info was not easily obtainable. If that info had been available then so many people would have left over bad experiences.
  19. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I like the idea of a better queue system, but yeah....

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  20. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    According to the forums lower CR players should be thankful for having higher CR people carry them because otherwise apparently they wouldn't be able to beat stuff. Of course this is not at all related to people reaching endgame and not know how to play because they never had to use any of their power mechanics or complete instance objectives by themselves.

    Queue filtering or stat clamping for lower tier stuff should have been implemented years ago but it seems clamping is literally Hitler and you are even worse if you want to increase other people's queue times...
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