SM Serums adaption

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    These SM serums are very powerful and nice to have. They Stack with all other consumables wich makes them essential for high rounds in SM.

    I personally dont need anything else the SM Vendor has to offer, so im sitting on 600+ Data chips without even grinding Low rounds.

    If those serums could be used in regular content it would give us another intent to run SM, aside from completing it or farming the rare drop rounds (2,5,10 etc).

    The main stats you currently get are over the top and would cause balance issues for regular content, but if they'd get a treatment similar to Qwa-bombs, it could result in a nice new consumable worth using everywhere.

    • Aggressor's Serum = 7% Might/Prec in SM, 4% in regular content and 3% in Elite content
    • Protector's Serum = 7% Defense in SM, 4% in regular content, 3% in Elite content
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  2. FreyDCUO Well-Known Player

    I'd be on board for this.
  3. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Do you know where this will lead? Besides, one very well-known part of the gaming community will shout that the new elite content is too simple (they will also buy these bottles in reserve for 5 years in advance), and another part of the community will shout that everything needs to be nerfed because everything is too hard. With this change, you will simply add gasoline to the fire of this eternal dispute ...
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Negative, because then they just account for that stat boost when designing the content in the first place to the extent it just simply becomes redundant.

    They're simply not necessary in regular content.
  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Thats not really fair to give people a upper hand because they played SM. SM (free content) and episode (costs money) elite raid content shouldnt be considered as the same. They should be seperated and i dont see why you would ask for more buffs in Elite raid content if they are already underwhelming?
  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    People buying those for 5 years in advance are very welcome for my wallet, if i decided to make a business out of those consumables.
    Content is not balanced with consumables.

    Consumables have always been a choice and were never mandatory. By adding those, its easier for some groups to bypass damage checks while other groups dont even need those consumables. Thats how its always been and how it always will be no matter how many consumables there (unless they start taking those consumables into account for balancing content of course).
  7. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    i agree, but having the choice would be nice.
  8. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    They are tradeable, so you dont have play SM. You can just trade them with/from other players.
    Also, i dont feel like Elite content is underwhelming when it comes to "damage needed" and rather when it comes to mechanics.
  9. zNot Loyal Player

    Soo you just want this so that you can make money from the serums even more of a reason to decline that suggestion.

    Also i personally would say it depends what roll you view it from what makes the current elite raids easy are the fact that the bosses dont put the Tank in danger look at SM we can take hits from bosses that have 150+ higher cr then us imagine the elite raid bosses compared to that ,that get solo tanked even though the dev told me that he designs elite raids to be made with a off/second Tank its still not needed at all the difficulty on the Tank is not high enough to justify using 2 Tanks, so they have to force people to use 2 Tanks which is also a more fair roll distrubution having 5 dps and only 1 support roll each is really not balanced.

    i strongly think the mechanics towards the Tank are way too easy on elite and that the bosses arent doing enough damage with normal weapon attacks on the other hand the mechanics/difficulty for the DPS is average.

    They mainly have to focus more on the Tanks/support rolls first look at false idols elite first boss and second boss high difficulty on Tanks but easyier on damage dealers that is definetly much better of a design. Older raids had more difficulty on support rolls such as origin crisis currently its more difficulty on damage dealers and much less on support rolls and its still not that hard for dps making it underwhelming overall for all rolls especially for support rolls.

    Also they make elite raids too much based on damage dealers they (The DPS) shouldnt influence the difficulty of the Tank/s by killing all adds in 5 seconds the Tank has to deal with them like he had to in false idolse elite first and second boss otherwise its not difficult.
  10. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The reason you can use 1 Tank and 5 Dps for most elite raids is, that for every 20 Dps 1 tank takes the place. Most groups decide that way, to save 50% of the time to form a group. I've seen countless groups struggle at Trigon in CuE because their solo tank couldnt keep up. I have never experienced someone say "lets do it with 2 Tanks". Its obviously much easier but most players are too stubborn or simply do what theyre used to.

    Remember the time you needed 2 trolls for an instance and it took forever to form a group because you needed 2 tanks and maybe 2 healers too? I dont miss those times if im honest.

    If you look at Cue, i still encounter many tanks with max cr and artifacts that struggle at trigon. That is because sometimes or even more often the tank difficulty is depending on the damage too.

    I feel like the difficulty on the Tank in Fgse sets the bar of how it should be. Nothing of these topics have anything to do with a 3% defence increase in Elite raids from my suggestion tho. Thats not going to play a major role.

    Also, i am actually not a person that likes to grind content and make my money that way. So its an option to grind SM for those consumables but i will probably not do it anyway.
  11. zNot Loyal Player

    Just to touch on the topic with the roll distrubution on endgame level its definetly not 20 dps on 1 Tank newer player tend to be dps mostly im talking about endgame/elite players look at the current sm 4 player group has 2 Tanks which is 50% of the entire group! and theres so many sm groups going and so there is no shortage of Tanks.

    Everybody can play a support roll if they let 5 damage dealer setup continue thats why people go DPS whats the point of being a Tank if the only content you are needed for is elite/reg raid? And many tanks cant find a group because 8 player only needs 1 tank its simply a not fair distrubution. 2 tanks out of 8 players is very achievable on endgame most people have 2 rolls dps/support roll ,DPS is needed more frequently why would there be that many tanks currently? Theres probably more Tanks then trollers imagine if we needed 2 trollers for a 4 man group !

    They should design elite raids for 2 Tanks and see that there will be no issues the current 4 man sm as i said litteraly has half the group as Tank and theres only a few that cant find Tanks so for 8 man elite this would be even lesser of a issue. Also people are very picky about Tanks and think they deserve the best Tank and wont invite Tanks based on their power set,so again there are more then enough Tanks to make 2 Tanks for 8 man elite raids work.

    Even the dev knew that 2 Tanks for elite raids have to be more common it litterally makes no sense imo to be against such a design and to support the current broken setup of 5! Dps out of 8 players.. oh yea and a battle troller that speeds up the damage further.

    And FGS e for example was designed for a second Tank look at first boss the MC but guess what? It aint needed same for last boss they specificly Have to force people to use 2 Tanks otherwise people always avoid using 2 Tanks and yes nobody says lets use 2 tanks for COU e because it would be to easy which proofs my point that the elite content on the Tank is litteraly underwhelming and im sure COU e first boss was designed for 2 tanks on first boss but you see even as a solo tank its kinda a joke especially if you have 5 dps that do decent damage those eyes die in seconds.. and the trigon himself never kills the Tank unless that Tank blocks.. and i think FGS e wasnt really difficult on the Tank the statues were annoying but thats about it i personally think FGS e is mostly about healer healing during/after skull attack of zeus and the Dps not f... up the order of the cages i dont see high difficulty on Tanks in FGS e but yes DPS difficulty is definetly very well made there.

    There are other elite raids that were made more on the Tanks like false idols elite first boss and second boss its very simple but effective design also another thing is putting 20 adds in that cant be killed can be fun too so the Tank knows how to survive if he doesnt he shouldnt pass that fight so i think thats a good setpoint for tanking difficulty we simply need harder jobs on support rolls.
  12. inferno Loyal Player

    This will give the very few people that finished rounds of Survival Mode and advantage against the rest of the players for the entire game. Or it will only further encourage players to go to speed hackers. Or they will have to pay( more likely a high price) to get these consumables.

    Right now these special consumables are tied specific to the SM or event, I say, KEEP IT that way. If you have a lot of unused chips you can buy a bunch, just think, next Survival Mode, you'll have plenty to sell and use.
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  13. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    The seasonal cookies are practically the same thing, at least for damage. Yeah I know that the serums stack with the cookies, but we also don’t get the adaptive augment stat buffs in SM so the serums kind of replace that.

    Essentially: DLC adaptive augments + seasonal cookie = SM serums + seasonal cookie
  14. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    The difference between seasonal cookies and SM serum in 2 things: the first is that the SM comes out irregularly, unlike other seasonal events, and the second is that we have 2 Base Items where you can get seasonal cookies every day. The difference is in availability.

    By the way, I don’t know if you counted how much this additional 3% are. So the additional 3% might is the difference between the regular vendor equipment and the elite equipment ...
  15. nawanda Loyal Player

    Can see the logic of the suggestion, but it opens up the possibility of more criticism for the developers. Players use seasonal consumables all year round and nobody has an issue with it, because obtaining seasonal currency isn’t ‘hidden’ behind a difficulty paywall. Even though the items could be traded. Look at the complaints about the rewards that are locked behind rounds.

    As for unused currency, if you don’t own a gorilla in all the different styles, that’s a must.
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  16. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    You get a 6% might buff from both adaptive augments and a 7% damage buff from the serum. It’s a 1% difference. That’s a pretty negligible difference.