Sm progress point tooken away Why?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sarcasm, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Why did you take the round 13 progress point away devs???
  2. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Because it was never there to begin with... And I mean NEVER.
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  3. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Dah took dar jobs ! :eek:
  4. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Yes it was there dammit!
  5. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Nope it has always been Round 15
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  6. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    Whatever happened to a good, old-fashioned passionate azz-whoopin' and gettin' your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken?
  7. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Back in my day, I used to fight Korona in 15 feet of snow.