SM Heals

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Inspo, Mar 24, 2021.

  1. Inspo Active Player

    Just wondering- has anyone else gotten above level 20 with anything other than water heals? Curious about the viability of sorcery, elec, and celestial. If so, what loadout are you using and what are your artifacts??
  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    I know a celestial healer bearing r30
    I know elec healer that got 25+
    I saw nature doing 21 and 22
    I saw sorcery doing 23 and 24

    That’s just things I saw personally on streams of friends.
    I think all have the potential to beat sm. Water just gives more space for mistakes of the group.

    And that’s what I actually dislike

    I can only speak for elec and celest since I am not familiar with the others.
    Standard healing loadouts.
    Most have 2 specs for artifacts. 2 sc with scrap and eog or normal phr/Page/Trans (or eog)
  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I switched from sorc to water for this. It's just so easy this way. Not at 20 yet tho. But yeah, since I had to switch to rifle to be lunging all the time and everything is 1 shots, shields are op once again. So 4 man and 8 man with riptide and put a pool down to keep tank topped.
  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Electric works pretty well, provided that your Tank doesn't suck. If they do, you're gonna die, but you'd die anyway so...
  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Water is helping the Tank a lot, but you can finish with any healer power.
    Your tank needs to pay a bit more attention without a water healer tho.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Probably a tad too off topic but as I said, I switched from sorc to water for this. I had used water a few dlcs back and loved the healing, hated the pool (still do), but the dps was killing me. But took one for the team. My lord, it's just so easy. Beating rd 15 freeze with ease. Like had 1 player go down twice from not being able to see the bomb balls due to pool was it. Rage tank, muni dps, pure power quantum troll. Tank advice, do not get between golem and freeze or you dead.

    I do believe we would have gotten thru it with sorc but not as easily. Sorc I was running 2 loadouts. Orb/page/purple one was priority heal, 4man shield, 4man heal, 8man (probably could use anything hot here) soul well, watcher. Green spam, replaced 8man with bloom and swapped purple for eog.
    Water, also 2 loadouts. Eog/page/orb and using priority/4man/4plyr shield/8plyr shield/ riptide/ single shield super. May try this again and drop riptide for pool.

    The easiest has been page/purple/orb with priority/4man/4plyr shield/8plyr/pool/riptide. Like just so easy. I've got the dps working well with a seriously random build but had artis that work well with sorc so decided to make them work for water. I may end up staying water. Just need a quislet now to replace my grim.
  7. Inspo Active Player

    I’m genuinely curious on how you use soul well, because from my experience with 64k resto outside of content, it’s only healing for 2.6k a tick and 5-6k with a crit, and the hot isn’t fast by any means. I can get more heals per second out with pretty much any other healer power, including soul bolt and transmutation. Is there something I’ve been missing? because almost all my Sorc friends seem to be running it now, and the only reason I could think on why is because the animation is cool lol.
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  8. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Mainly just because 2 of them is pretty much like standing in CoP but cop is useless in here because it targets the boss but the boss is always moving. Low power cost too since trolls aren't exactly dumping out power in here. Is it great? Not at all but after rd 15, there isn't much healing really. Either you're alive or you're not so trickle heals is ok
  9. Inspo Active Player

    Makes sense for SM. For regular content though you have to wait the 12 second cooldown to pop the second one, and if my testing is correct it’s still a lower amount of total heals in comparison. Hopefully they do something with it, because with it’s cooldown it deserves to put out some more heals. Thanks for the response.
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  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Oh yeah for sure. I'd never use them out side of sm. They're terrible. But in sm, not awful. Slap one down since the healer troll and dps stay bunched up for most fights. If transcendence wasn't a 10k super, sorc would have been cake in here. But water is just crazy op thanks to shields and stacked pools.
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  11. Inspo Active Player

    Yeah, it would be nice if it was, just to give another option for sorc. I don’t like using arbiter in SM at all. A lack of a decent 5k SC for heals is also the reason I didn’t go elec. My main “issue” I guess you could call it with water is that I just am not having fun in SM just due to the fact that I don’t really feel like a healer lol. With the typical water SM loadout I only have priority and group, the rest are shields and the SC. Although ive definitely noticed it’s easier, I tend to like to go against what the meta says because it just feels like I’m cheesing my way through it. I think I’m gonna give sorc a try and see if I can finish off getting to round 30. Maybe I’ll try out soul bolt or transmutation for the quick bursts as well.
  12. Inspo Active Player

    Oh on the topic of sorcery, what would you say about soul siphon?? I’ve quite literally never used it, but the idea that you get heals upon getting hit actually sounds like it could be viable in SM. Have you done any testing with it?
  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Was going to but then just wussed out and switched to water lol. Wasn't sure I wanted a pull but seems like I maybe should have.
  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Ok, switched back to sorc last night thank god. But I'm dps'n now mostly. Have a loadout of priority heal/shield/group heal/soul siphon/watcher/soul well to try. I'll let ya know of I do any healing but we had alts mixed in with our group so we made some changes so everyone is on their mains. Aka, had to start rd 1. Got to 12 quick but got tired.
  15. Inspo Active Player

    Awesome thanks. I switched back to sorcery as well and I’m actually digging soul siphon a bit in content right now, although I’m unsure if I’d switch anything out for it officially yet, but I still have yet to test it in SM. I’ve noticed it has kinda acted like an overtime, and the ticks from what I’ve seen are roughly 8-9k with crits, and it can proc 6 times before it’s effect is removed. This paired with watcher has actually helped quite a bit with keeping the group up, and the cooldown is low enough that I can use it relatively consistently while I wait for shard or invocation to come off cooldown. What I don’t like is that lack of any type of heal (even if it’s small) upon use, so it’s not good for spike damage which happens frequently in SM. I guess you might be able to use it preemptively if you’re predicting a flurry of hits, and pair that with the group/priority for consistent heals. Definitely needs more testing, if I can I’ll try it out in SM tonight
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  16. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So yeah, we started over and now I'm back to healing anyway. Back to sorcery for the time being. Switched to a whole new loadout and dropped the green spams cuz now we're all a bit more to the battle style builds. Troll is literally in full might dps build/ gear, prec electric and back up healer, rage tank and me healing.

    Using priority/shield/group heal/watcher/shard/siphon. Page/purple/orb. Working very well. Thinking I'm not even gonna need to go back to water but we'll see. Still only doing about an hr a night since we started from 1 again. Just hit the rd13 checkpoint so I'll check back in again and let ya know how we do. Abyssal horns dropped today too woot woot. But yeah, aside from a lot of wth moments of just random 1shots, it's been fast and smooth like this
  17. Inspo Active Player

    I’m surprised you liked watcher. I ended up switching him out for soul well because he was dying way too quickly. I was surprised at how well soul siphon was doing. I was wrong about the 8-9k ticks, I was seeing over 10k, and I think with soul well it’ll give a steady stream of overtime heals when the team takes dmg. Overall I’m enjoying sorcery as well in SM. The tempest guard was nice but I’m enjoying the mix of bursts/ overtimes that are going on.
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I always use watcher. He ain't great but basically like a moving CoP since it's always fed with the 4plyr heal that I'm spamming anyway for revivify. Plus it's another pet out for the bosses to target instead of someone else. Only time I take him out is for Manta. That dude tips pets to shreds with the bombs he drops while the tank is running around.
    Edit: plus he's helping with a bit of dps
  19. Inspo Active Player

    Yeah, I have to go back on my statement simply because I found that it was actually acting almost like a brick at times (much more squishy of course) in that he often times became the target for one-shots or heavy dmg mechanics instead of me, particularly on Johnny quick. So even though I have to summon him continuously, he’s essentially healing and mitigating damage at the same time.
  20. Elusian Crowd Control

    All of them can be feasible for SM. Some more some less. It mostly comes down to the tank and how he fares with boss mechanics.

    Havent seen much natures around these days but I'm sure they could beat or even have to by now.
    The other powers finished round 30 for sure.