SM feedback

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Original Cryo boy, Mar 11, 2021.

  1. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    There's something I'd really like to understand in the developers' logic, we're told that the DM is available from CR 310 onwards, okay, but I'd have to be told why bosses do twice the damage than the available CR, and even when everyone executes the boss strats correctly, I want to believe it's a SM, but still, for example, my tank is CR 326 and yet, as soon as I get in front of the minotaur, it's really hard for me to hold on to his attacks, no, skull, it's not normal, with savage the balance is correct, but the minotaur, it's unplayable. ..

    Also I want to add an extra note about the artifacts in this game which has become too discriminating, I hope everyone sees this now with the SM, I don't find the idea of artifacts so bad, just that artifacts have taken on too much importance in the game and it's a real shame!
  2. Own Dsg Level 30

    'Survival mode' ?

    More like 'We're too lazy to make new content so we'll rehash survival mode and dial up the difficulty to 11 so the elite players will shut up for 5 min mode'.

    Unplayable, unpleasant, unsatisfying experience.
    Especially for solo players.
    Forget about playing solo without a pre-arranged group.

    You can queue for hours without a match.
    Then most of them can't even get past the first boss, after which someone will inevitably leave.

    Terrible. Absolutely poor.
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  3. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    'Survival mode' ?

    More like 'We've adjusted survival mode and made it so people have to work as a team because it does say it's a 4 man and the hardest content the game has to offer but people don't bother to read it, so the elite players will be able to test themselves mode'.

    Playable, pleasant, satisfying experience.
    Especially for league players.
    It's been great to see lfg active and everyone communicating to get rounds completed or at least, attempted.

    Due to the high demand of SM, groups are being formed quick and efficiently.
    The groups that are being formed through leagues and even lfg are progressing quite well.

    Great. Absolutely great.
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  4. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    "Teamwork" ? Because the artifacts mess up the whole idea, because the players are looking for the artifacts, yep, very teamwork...
  5. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    the first judgment of the players, "your artefacts are too low"....
  6. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    Thanks! I was able to get up to SM RD 13, and I seem to have gotten the mechanics down so far. Now my biggest challenge is maintaining a party haha!
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You can't be in every boss's face, you have to learn to "kite". The more time a boss spends chasing after you is more time you have not getting murdered.
  8. Shalayah Committed Player

    I outdpsed a guy in healer role when he was in dps role. All I spammed was the Brawl/MA WM. In between my heals. He had level 20 arts and it took us 5+ minutes to beat one set of adds.

    There’s a reason people want arts to be high. Because if your arts aren’t up. It places a burden on everybody else. In SM. Especially 4 mans. Everybody gotta pull their weight and if you can’t. It drags everybody else down. SM is supposed to be a test to skill and even stats. A person with low arts and doesn’t know how to properly follow mechanics or do their role is a hinderance to the team.
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Well said.
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  10. nawanda Loyal Player

    Bosses have been responding to player trinkets for years.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Why not expand on it for abilities to give power diversity? As well as encourage boss interaction to interrupt a particular ability or force a phase or something?
  12. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    Definitely something wrong with Manta. Sometimes his eye beams don't even register they are hitting you and others its a one shot even while blocking.

    In the Mr Freeze round I have had more than one instance where the furnace doors cannot be targeted and you have no way of destroying them.

    Besides that I am surprisingly enjoying this season, I would enjoy it more if you could find a tank without an hour of looking on LFG.
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  13. Shalayah Committed Player

    Tanking on DC imo requires the most skill. SM has proven that to a lot of tanks. I was watching someone stream SM as a tank and he had to be on point otherwise he would die. Like every time he’d divert his attention to the chat even for a split second he’d miss something and die.

    A lot of tanks are used to just pulling adds, taking all the dmg and having the healer heal them. Now they have to tank in other ways otherwise they kill the entire group. That’s a big burden to place onto some people. Especially when they’re just used to the basic pulling, blocking and popping a shield/heal.
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  14. TritonD3 Well-Known Player

    It’s sad that a tank must become a glorified rodeo clown to complete the content. I know they’ve been doing it for a while in Elite, but it still sucks.
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  15. Shalayah Committed Player

    I mean just sitting there and taking damage while the healer heals you isn’t exactly a good indicator of a great tank lol. It just means you’re decent at pulling and getting hit but when some bosses come out and they hit higher than your health. Then those kinda tanks are rather useless. It brings the skill into tanking which in my opinion makes it fun :)
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Shalayah nailed it on the head. It's called Survival Mode, not Turtle Mode.
  17. High Troller Loyal Player

    my tank artifacts are at rank 120, 3 out of 4 augments are no higher than rank 24, i have no dominance modules, and i only have 4 out of 8 pieces of regular tank gear from the vendor. all else is a purple drop minus the blue utility belt. i have 436 skill points and by your standards significantly undergeared. i rage tanked to round 11 when the group decided to call it quits. i hope the developers also notice that you don't need expensive rich man options (or the grind involved to get to the same ranks) to get to round 11. i believe that this was their original intent was to make getting to round 11 easier than last season.

    and yes. i was the pug tank in the group. the league group was already filled up.
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  18. Own Dsg Level 30

    Would you recommend survival mode to a new player or a returner?
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I would recommend SURVIVAL MODE to any player who's properly geared for it and actually is interested in the intended purpose of a challenge, and you know... SURVIVING.

    Anyone who wants to just que up and fool around without bothering too much about actual teamwork still has various Seasonal Events and the Stabilizer Duo, I guess.
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  20. Shalayah Committed Player

    I wouldn’t recommend survival mode to people who aren’t interested in the challenge of survival mode but you gotta be properly geared as Lorax said. If you’re alright with dying a lot while learning the mechanics and what not. That’s fine but you can’t just go in there and mess around thinking you’re gonna beat it without having to sweat
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