SM feedback

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Original Cryo boy, Mar 11, 2021.

  1. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Can't play til tonight, how is it? Can we sell the styles we get? Any way to milk this for the broker?
  2. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Never made it off the opening level. Was dying in 5 seconds. I'm gonna stay away from it.
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  3. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    You can just buy the data chip from the mp, instead of the broker crap.
  4. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    If someone passes the rounds, then can be bought from vendor
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Still have to run through all levels to get access to all rewards.

    Honestly I haven't ran it yet, waiting to run it with friends tomorrow. Should be fun, I heard It's really hard.
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  6. Shalayah Committed Player

    Gotta let the tank handle adds, and block when Von Savage pops his skull. It’s pretty simple if you have all 4 roles.
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  7. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

    Took awhile to get in, first group couldn't get past round 1. My second group made it level 3 Took awhile to take the minotaur down died on round 3. Didn't have the time to try again. This isn't my cup of tea so I'll pass going forward. Might be great for those who group up normally.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Can you share a bit about your character's combat rating, etc?
  9. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    We got to the first boss and kept wiping, then someone would inevitably leave and we'd have the same issue next round. NOT FUN.
  10. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Hopefully this is where the developers notice how severely underpowered gear really is and skill points. Get good people and use those 200 rank arts. float like a butterfly and sting like a bee its gonna be a very long wave
  11. Sammy Well-Known Player

    Honestly. I got to round 4. Round 3 took about an hour. Brutal. But I learned the tank has to keep kiting. No matter what his stats are, Manta is a beast.

    But we wiped on johnny quick through the learning curve. no big deal but just ran out of time.
  12. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    Was able to get to round 4. I primarily DPS but decided to tank it at cr 326 and I found it quite... a bit of challenge. Round 1 was a breeze but the moment I ge to round 2, it's like the boss is able to chip away my health in seconds and it seemed to continue that way up until round 4. Now I know i'm not the best tank out there but there seems to be a huge difference in damage recieved compared to the first boss.

    This is my first time so maybe I just need to get the mechanics down first, but I think i'll be sticking to DPS'ing it for the time being lol.
  13. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I'm really excited to try it out. Some of these items look great for some of my toons. Just gotta find a good time. Does anyone know if the Holographic Chroma is tintable or if it's only in that purple shown in the news post? It looks like it would be great for one of my toons, but I want to make it blue if I can, as that's the colorscheme I have in mind for her.
  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Holographic Chroma is tintable. The other one is not.
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  15. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Ive yet to come across a group that blocks at the first boss. A few times everyone went down in the team but me, so id text them to block when he puts his hands up... start up again and theres a stormcloud blocking vision or a singularity, atomic tanks juggle which im thinking makes some people not be able to see? I hope thats the case bc its not a hard mechanic at all.

    Idk i just need 5 marks so i can get the green lantern recharge item, hopefully i can get that done.
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  16. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Went into sm with my league; 2 of us had never been in sm before, ever. We made it through level 9 rather well, with a few wipes. Level 10 was challenging, but we agreed we just needed a break for awhile. We used a tank, single target dps, buff troll, and I was the healer. Our CR's hang around or just under 330.

    As a first time experience, it was rather enjoyable.
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  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Went in with me healing, 331cr 200/ max everything else, tank and troll same story and a 327 munitions dps with 200 arts and max augs. All of us are 440sp min. Rounds 1 thru 3 were easy. Manta caused some issues but mostly due to not seeing his bomb on the floor. (That floor is pretty annoying, it gets funky/ warped looking as you move around) but got him. Wiped once on Johnny. Then did manta again and beat johnny next try. Tried freeze once and seems like it will be sorta easy so we decided to call it a night.

    There is no way I'd think about pugging this. Our troll was the only non league mate but we run together often. All in chat otherwise no way. I can't imagine being undergeared or not communicating goes well.
    (Edit: I know myself and the munitions were first timers, troll may have also been. Forgot to ask. Hopefully this helps Mepps)
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  18. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Ok mad it passed boss 1 with a pug group. It was smooth this time around, the tank was earth healer magic and i GL .

    The min one shotted us the second he came out with heavies both times we tried.
  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Wanted to add some praise too actually. 0 disconnects, no lag whatsoever, or any issues at all. Tho maybe an issue with black manta that sometimes his beam kills you thru a block and some shield and sometimes it does absolutely 0 damage. If that's intended then so far so good.
  20. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

    Sure my CR is at 325 I'm DPS, I know my main issue is my dominance is real low so I'm going to try to tweak things I don't have any level 200 arts, and my sp is only at 175 so there's that. I wish I had more time to play