Skipping enimes in RW alert

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Robotsidekick, May 14, 2021.

  1. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Typing out is the biggest key. It takes far less time then the cutscene. I give it a moment and if no ones typing out i ask flat out what the group wants to do. All the times i have ran (other than feat runs), i have pug’d an 100% have wanted to skip. Now not all were capeable lol but most were. Getting swarmed after aquaman due to aggro is no biggie, just hit a soda an calmly swim away but ideally if the group wants to skip, they know how to lol
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  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    All I takes is typing it out for sure. You type that, I'm in. I'm like rick and Morty time. But yeah no message, adds are dying.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I apply the same policy for the eavesdropper feat and the beach adds. Generally if someone asks about the first one during the diana or flash cut, I have no issue waiting the 1 min to let them insult each other. If you mention it after the cut, someone will be jumping in and I'm not wiping to give you a shot at it.

    On alts who do not have the adds on the beach, I'll shout during one of those cuts "I'm going back to the beach after Flash, so stay if you need counts"...simple enough to type in the long cutscenes and if someone needs it, I can get more in before the OP closes.

    It is amazing how so many people playing this game will go out of their way to avoid communication....regardless of the outcome.
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  4. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I know about the hole to the top left also....I usually get stuck with people who could not care less and blast past them wondering why they have extra ads in the doggie room to contend with.