Skipping enimes in RW alert

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Robotsidekick, May 14, 2021.

  1. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Pretty ballsy claim.....
    Im neither selfish nor weak an i prefer to skip. Thats quite the leap to drawl that conclusion smh.
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  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Rite, because only the way you want to play it is valid.......
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  3. Dogico Loyal Player

    Do you think "the game was designed primarily around combat" is the same as "everyone needs to play one way?" LOL some of y'all just like to argue. If I said "you need to beat bosses to clear raids" one of y'all would say "tHaT's JuSt YoUr OpInIoN."
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  4. High Troller Loyal Player

    if the group you are in is not working out for you, you have a few options (and can have more than one option):

    • leave the instance
    • excuse yourself
    • place the player(s) on ignore
    • report the player(s) for disruption of a PvE instance (this won't go far)
    • place the player(s) on ignore and cross your fingers matchmaking respects your ignore list
    keep in mind, i condone the monkey business you speak of. some of them are even regulars on this forum.
  5. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    That the point of playing the game.
  6. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    I got stuck fighting some adds because I had no clue that's what they were going to do. Now I always ask are we skipping adds beforehand to avoid those issues. Been working just fine.
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  7. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I often tank this alert and always let the group know ahead of time that I'm skipping the adds. At this point they have the option to leave, fight the adds or follow me. From my experience they often choose the latter. If the Devs wanted us to kill all the adds they would have placed a gate in front of the boss.

    Unless someone mentions needing adds on the beach beforehand, I will charge to the gate after Aquaman.
  8. Robotsidekick Active Player

    I'd happily let you go solo both bosses whilst I stay on the beach.

    "if the devs wanted to.." bla bla bla,
    The devs didn't design it properly, the point of the game is story missions. if you can skip large chunks of it with ease it's poorly designed and non immersive. This should be plainly obvious.

    If you're not gonna put the effort in remove the ads and just have the boss fights and nothing else. There's no point even having those sections if the design is lazy.

    also it's not just about 'put a gate on it' the sections between boss fights are short with uninspired map design. There is other content people could rush past but don't because of superior execution.
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  9. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Designed around combat (and styles) doesnt mean every add should or must be killed lol. Those are 2 very different things.
    Your opinion is that all must be killed. Its not objective fact as ur trying to say.
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  10. Dogico Loyal Player

    Bro learn to read, I never said it was an objective fact. I said it was my opinion. I do accept your apology for not understanding how words work.
  11. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I won't be soloing the bosses as there will be 2 other players with me if you're hanging on the beach. I will initiate a kick if you're not there by the time we get to Zoom and let the other group-mates cast their vote whether you should stay. I don't care if you're the weakest player in the group but I don't support non-participants.
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  12. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Lmao you presented your, now admitted, opinion as if it were fact countering the designed option of skipping vs non-skipping.
    I will certainly not be apologizing for your lack of cognitive function. Unless you were so foolish as to attempt to try an counter an objective fact with your subjective opinion in which case i am sorry (for you).
    All the best to you
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Not to mention there's those adds at the start off to the side down the tunnel where the blue briefing is.

    Outside of needing that briefing there's absolutely no reason to even deviate from to the side and engage/kill those adds.



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  14. Dogico Loyal Player

    This is a mostly opinion based forum, this is a thread about skipping adds, whether one agrees or not with skipping adds is obviously an opinion. Are you so stupid that unless someone says "in my opinion" you think they're saying a fact? "Designed option of skipping," lol yeah you're probably pretty dumb. The adds on the beach are specifically designed to be skipped. They are not impeding progress and can easily be maneuvered around so as to not get aggro. The adds leading up to Aquaman can not be entirely run past without getting aggro. Or do you not know what design means?

    Listen, I don't ******* care how YOU play. Play however you want. I already explained why I felt creating skippable adds was dumb (I even gave three solutions you ignored) so I don't even get what your point is other than arguing just to argue.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Aren't you doing the same thing...

    If I pop a shield and decide to run past something even if it is in the way, how is that any different or do you also think that's a perversion of the intent behind shield use?
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  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Wow, strike a nerve did i? Name calling? I remember elementary school too smh.
    Your 1st comment claimed improper design and you were citing your experience.
    I merely pointed out how self centered an subjective your claims were because you presented it as fact.
    Whe u got called out you reversed yourself an admitted its only opinion. Your now name calling and defending your opinion as if its more valuable then the opinions of others.
    You have now reversed your stance further and tellin me to play how i want (good to know i have your permission) which is in stark contrast your original comments.
    I get that it must be confusing reversing yourself so many times but name calling really? Feel free to ignore me if truth hurts you so much. I feel sorry for people as fragile as you. Didnt mean to point out the flaws in your thought process triggering an emotional burt akin to a toddler.
    Moving along now sorry
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  17. Dogico Loyal Player

    Another person who can't read. My very first post I said I'll skip if the group wants to. I'm not slowing down runs my staying behind to fight adds if others don't want to fight adds. Rather than create a dumb hypothetical how about you directly address my criticism or the three solutions I presented.
    Lmao sorry that cursing upsets your delicate sensibilities. I didn't reverse ****. I gave MY OPINION based on how this game is DESIGNED. You seem gravely confused on what my point is, as you have again failed to respond to what I actually said. Either respond to what I said or piss off. Lol I'd probably get higher boss damage than you in tank role if we were to run this.
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You have the option to build a group that will fight the adds. I don’t listen to the story at all. Haven’t for a while no. I couldn’t care less what you think should be the proper way to play. You think it’s bad design that the devs didn’t add barriers yet it’s very obvious that the adds can be skipped. So you think you know more about how the game should be played that the people who designed it? That’s pretty ridiculous. Especially seeing as they have a barrier before the final room.
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Is there a reading comprehension failure here or a writing comprehension failure.

    The first paragraph in yellow you've specifically stated that the adds on the beach are designed to be skipped, in orange you've then outlined your logic behind that rationale, that they're not impeding progress and can be maneuvered around.

    The act of maneuvering yourself around them is still premeditated skipping, you've then proposed an opposite exists leading up to Aquaman because you can't run past without getting aggro.

    You appear to be suggesting that "aggro alone" is the indicator that you shouldn't skip and that the game is telling you not too.

    That isn't the case and the reason that isn't the case is because the developers have previously designed content where the players must kill adds before a door opens, in fact it happens in the very same alert when you must clear the final room, you can drag the others along with you, but you must clear that final room.

    If the Aquaman fight was the same then there would be a door that doesn't open prior to entering the Aquaman fight, but there isn't, You're suggesting almost that the developers have made a mistake by insisting the players voluntarily engage in battle where it isn't necessary outside of personal desire.

    The developers clearly haven't made a mistake because they've designed the alert with a variation of both necessary levels of mandatory and voluntary engagement

    This is what a shield can be used for, not only to protect yourself in battle but also to move past the battle without engaging where the option is available, you might get aggro, but that doesn't mean you have to engage. In fact knowing this and undertaking this task is something that separates a casual player from a more expert player.

    I would argue that very rarely would an advanced or expert player engage in voluntary combat inside an instance, not unless there was a purpose, building supercharge and the like, or for a feat.

    To reinforce point as well, this is the reason why expert players when inside an instance won't kill boss fight adds unnecessarily either, unless required and at times will simply focus burn the boss, because when the boss is dead the instance is over, An example of this would be Lex on Fire & Brimstone, there's not a lot of point focusing on the adds when the goal is to kill Lex to end the instance. The opposing of course would be Trigon in Convergence of Unmaking, where you want to get rid of the eye balls as quickly as possible due to the threat they pose.

    However, in saying that there's also a feat for not killing any of the eyes and just killing Trigon, so not only is the game at times designed around a premise of not engaging all enemies, there's rewards for not doing so.

    The reality is numerous encounters in this game are voluntary and it is the player that chooses when to engage not because some other player(s) want to enforce a level of immersion on to other people because they feel the story line dictates it or because you gained aggro and think there isn't a choice to keep moving. ;)
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  20. Dogico Loyal Player

    Jesus Chtist, read my FIRST POST. I said I don't skip adds unless the group wants to, and later I gave my reason why I felt skippable adds in a game designed entirely around combat (a point you'd probably argue) is dumb. I gave three very reasonable solutions (make the combat with adds meaningful in terms of mechanics, make combat with adds necessary to progress to boss rooms, or remove them). You again failed to address any of my points.

    It's hilarious that your counter to my argument only supports my point. "If the devs wanted you to fight the adds they'd close the boss door until you beat them." How can you play this game and not see the inconsistencies with how adds are presented? In Legion HQ you have to beat adds before the door opens before the first boss. In Royal War you do not have to beat adds since there is no closed door. How do you not see that as arbitrary? How do you see how there is no rhyme or reason to how adds are implemented in this game as a problem? You also didn't even refute anything I said. Whether you decide to fight or run past the enemies, YOU must make a decision how to approach the adds because the devs DESIGNED it to be that way. Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure the INITIAL DESIGN was for players to fight adds that lead directly to a boss fight, but at NO POINT did I say you can't run past them.

    You keep referencing casual and expert players in a rather transparent attempt to say I'm a bad player or something. Pretty dumb, because at no point have I said I'm struggling with mechanics nor that whether I fight or skip adds is a conflict. You seem too much in your feelings to see that I already said I prefer to fight adds but will skip if the group wants to. Very weird that by expressing how I like to play you think I'm telling others how to play.

    That storyline jab is in reference to something someone else said so not sure why you're saying that to me. Did you think it was cute? Maybe what I said about you struggling to read was correct.