skiping to CR 210 for so shamefully NOOBS

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by reiko100, May 10, 2019.

  1. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    Further to this,I just realised a good way to make easy prestige-I've been buying earth 3 owl gear (for that new currency they throw at you alongside yr regular marks..forget the name) & just tribute it to your league hall..prior to this it was taking me like 4 weeks by myself just to maintain the damage and might proficiencies,now I can make 50,000 in a few that's cool..
    Edit: I really wouldn't mind running lower level content if it meant we could learn to work as a team & have feat nights & stuff..but it is hard getting anyone to join
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I disagree. Back when I started the game, the only help I got was asking people ingame questions. Sure, that won't work well now, nor did it at the time. Never has there been a time where most were helpful to new players. I'm talking before and after the hack attack. The issue I have with how you paint DCUO now, and how there is no way for people to learn or understand how to play their roles. Doing a simple YouTube search on how to tank, troll, heal, and even dps will bring you to 1000's of helpful videos. Heck, even better if your new. Just stream yourself in twitch and ask people for live help. I've been bored and ran some lower tier content, at level, on one of my alts with this group of three friends. They were lost, and I knew how to tank and walked them thru it. I've seen pleanty of others that do the same. If this doesn't help, joining a league or forming a league is still a valid choice. Send tells to other players around you, or in shout, and ask if they are interested in teaming up for common content.

    Nine years ago I would have agreed, but not now. Tanks, except for rages mechanics are all about the same. All trolls powers run about the same loadouts. Healers switch to the easiest power, like dps.

    This game is not hard, and it's easier now than any other time in the games history to find out how to play.
  3. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    This isn't new, just wait till next year.
  4. Brit Loyal Player

    I entirely agree with you. I don't understand where your disagreement even comes from, because you're repeating exactly how I feel.

    The game has no tutorial. You either have to ask questions or watch videos or whatever. Nobody is figuring this stuff out from scratch.

    So, the entire purpose of this thread, what is the harm in the CR-skip? If somebody skips a character to 180 or 210, is it really going to be cripplingly terrible and they're totally clueless? If they have any idea what they are doing in game, most of the mechanics transfer between powersets. And even if they were brand new to the game, there is no way that they were learning anything in the lower teirs where one high level character mows down the whole raid.
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  5. Heliotropix Well-Known Player

    you shouldn't be allowed to skip anything till you have one toon at 210....then skip anything you want, you've either got an idea about whats up by then, or you never will
  6. Inspo Active Player

    I agree with you, up until a point. In my experience, looking at a video is completely different than doing it. I've watched plenty of videos on how to heal and I didn't know how to do it still for the longest because a lot of those videos are very lacking.. in the sense that the mechanics are very different throughout content, and even change from regular to elite. Therefore requiring you to change loadouts or even play styles. Obsidianchill's videos are some of the most helpful I've seen but no one can cover what to do in EVERY scenario. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are no guides explaining the mechanics of every piece of content in the game, it takes doing it to actually learn. So you have to rely on running the content. And even today, if you're below a certain sp, you're stuck behind a wall of players shooting you down left and right for groups for elite content, which imo is where you truly learn how to use your powers most effectively. Very few players are respectful enough to just "call you out". Most will have no patience and kick you out if you don't know what you're doing the second you walk in there. I'm lucky that I found a great league that took me despite my sp, and got my skill up, but most people still struggle to find groups that help them and not just carry them through or kick them out. Don't get me wrong, I've seen people help others, but at least in my experience I've seen the other side of things far more often
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  7. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I agree that it is a terrible way to start the game. Nice for Vets running up Alts. Having said that I do have a few points:

    1) there are VETS who never bothered to learn how to play the game

    2) How willing are leagues to take in new players under 250 SP any more. Every one I see recruiting in game seems to want that (with a few exceptions)

    3) How willing are Vets to coach IN A POSITIVE WAY?

    Been playing since launch and it is a very different game today than it was back in the day. SP grinding in particular can be tough for newer players.

    Now the other side of the argument! :)

    To be fair when I run up an Alt I don't CR skip largely because I get at least twice the SP by the time I hit 120 naturally than I would by buying the CR Skip. I suspect a new player would accumulate fewer than a Veteran but my guess is STILL more than you get when you buy...AND they would better learn the game

    So it goes both ways
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  8. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Here is an idea, they need to make it where you have to have atlest 1 toon on the account with 210 CR before you can skip to 210 on a new toon.
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