i'd have to agree, getting the feats in the first place is absolutely impossible without an active league, and those are far and few between. random pug ques take forever to popup, and most leagues don't have enough people on to form a full raid party just from their members, certainly having 4 to 6 members from the league helps cut the time in half, but it's still an hour or two wait. like other posters above have said, dcuo's populace is dwindling thanks to pay to win and rng paywall methods, some not even pay to win, it's just daybreak dangling long asked for styles over the player base's head like a dog to a bone. while i agree that feats need to be more available given the structure change of how dcuo works internally recently, a pay for feats option wouldn't help, though if they had organized ques on certain days to help make getting in and accomplishing the feats easier, that would certainly make the feats and getting them viable.
I understand what you are saying about the daunting list of ever expanding feats but.................. This has to be one of the most ignorant & laziest ideas that I have ever seen. https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordeba.../forget-trophies-let-kids-know-its-ok-to-lose Forget Trophies, Let Kids Know It’s O.K. to Lose If children always receive a trophy – regardless of effort or achievement – we’re teaching kids that losing is so terrible that we can never let it happen. This is a destructive message, because how we react to kids’ failure is just as crucial as celebrating their success. A recent study found if parents thought failure was debilitating, their kids adopted that perspective. If parents believed overcoming failure and mistakes made you stronger, then their children believed it, too. Children need to know that we learn the most through failure and mistakes. Thus letting kids lose, or not take home the trophy, isn’t about embarrassing children. It’s about teaching them it can take a long time to get good at something, and that’s all right. Kids need to know they don’t have to win every time. It’s O.K. to lose, to make a mistake. (In a study of Gold Medal Olympians, they said a previous loss was key to their championships.) It’s through failure and mistakes that we learn the most. We must focus on process and progress, not results and rewards. Some claim that constant awards improve children’s self-esteem, and, once kids have high self-esteem, they’ll achieve more. But scientists have tested these claims and found them to be false. Kids with already high self-esteem see the trophies as vindication they really are as wonderful as they see themselves. In a longitudinal study, when parents regularly overpraised their children’s performances, their children were more likely to be narcissistic two years later. And for kids with low self-esteem, undeserved praise doesn’t help them, either. Research has found that kids with low self-esteem believe they can’t live up to their own hype, so they withdraw even further. Research has found that the best way to improve kids’ self image is to help them develop their abilities. Once they master a skill, they won’t need manufactured praise to tell them they’ve done well. They’ll know it. And they’ll be thrilled. Like the child who just learned to tie her shoes. That sense of accomplishment is worth more than any trophy. Therefore, instead of blowing a team’s budget on participation trophies, spend that money on kids’ and coaches’ skill development. Or donate the money to kids who can’t afford the basic equipment they need to develop their own skills.
Here is a question for you, how much SP is good enough for you to do the current content? Is it 100, 200, 276? SP matters, but if you are getting kicked because of it allc you have to do is make the group yourself.
I won’t flare and say anything Philosophy has said, but I do agree with him. I can accept DC giving obsolete feats to players who are going to need it, but I don’t agree with giving players an option to zoon all the way to top sp because that takes away the value in actually earning them. Sure you could say I haven’t played DC in a year, and idk what I’m talking about because Idk the atmosphere of this game, but I do know that you can’t take the hours upon hours of work that those players have put in to actually get to the new SP ceiling. Every feat in the game is earnable, just put together a feat hunting group, and you should be fine.
LFG can help you get groups together. I don't run into many problems with finding people. So I really think your opinion on this is off base. I should also mention that I am on the heroes side and don't play on the villain.
I'm sorry but no, no pain no gain, plus unlocking feats you don't have seems bizarre, like why make feats then. In my opinion the feat system should remain as is, work hard to get the feat on a character, it's buy-able for the rest of the characters on the account. Even if they were buy-able from the start as you were suggesting, probably most low sp players wouldn't buy it, absolute new players from scratch wouldn't know of sp anyway for a while
And I'm gonna just point this out, currently feat unlock system is using replays, so if this did get implemented, they wouldn't do a new in game currency that avoids real life money
i think its pretty clear what the next step for dcuo is after style phase is over. 10 point feats 100 replays 25 point feat 250 replays and 50 point feat 500 replays. and no u wouldnt get to 400sp in one day or one year unless u have 1 mil bucks real cash. with that said look for feat unlocking starting with old content coming soon..... the devs dont care about the time it took u to get to 400sp. i mean come on clearly they do not care. if they did op gear would be able to go into shared bank for alts, u would not be able to buy feats ur main has done already. u and i know how much that pissed many people off same with style unlocking. its all about replays to make them more money, so thats whats next its not that hard to see coming. from here on its about dropping way more content faster with more feats in them and getting the ranked gear system out there. so people dont cry about not being able to keep up. instead its gonna be about beating the content to rank up ur reg gear still gonna be reg gear with each ep. gear is not inline with artifacts and augments. so thats how i know a ranking system is coming next and way more feats which nobody will have time for so replays will buy u them. because youll be too busy ranking gear up with content to have anytime for feats. they already know 80% of players dont even do feats anymore people want to come on and enjoy the content rush through and jump onto alts. there for feat unlocking phase will come very soon before or after the gear system or after style unlocking is done
Style unlocking didn’t piss anybody off LMAO... most of the community were the ones who even suggested it. As for using replays to buy feats. I can almost guarantee you that this feat unlocking system will never go into fruition. Style unlocking unlocks styles already earned same with feats. You’re making it seem that this feat unlock v2 where you can buy unearned feats is inevitable when there is no system currently in the game that matches your theory nor have the devs givenany implication that this could happen. DC might be desperate with the cash grabs, but I know for a fact that they aren’t low enough to even think about pushing for this.
Feat runs are common, but PvP trade wins? ROFL, the day you get 14-16 people to do 8v8 runs I'll salute you. The last time I was able to get in a 8v8 arena was during 2015. I don't agree with the OP, but PvP 8v8 feats are indeed truly hard to get and something could be done about this specific ones (Not saying they should just grant them to everyone or sell for money/marks, that's just ******).
New Players should stay in there lane and take their time to get to end game level. You wanting to get max sp in a day is the very problem whyv older raids are not queing fast enough and low league activty. you'll get bored in day. buying everything isnt the solution, it will just make more problems. Stop your winning there are players who work and do the other things they have to do in life and still have 429 so.
Hmm... So, basically you are suggesting that players should have the choice of "purchasing" their way out of older content instead of playing it for skill points and feats. Don't we have something like that already called CR170 character advance? https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/new-cr170-character-advance.294738/ I do not think we need another way for players to bypass older content; if anything, we need the devs to find a way for players engage in older content more often and make it worth it. Any game with an "RPG" element to it will require some forms of grinding and farming; these types of games are meant to take longer to play and have a long lasting play value. Finding and having the time to play is up to the individual player to figure out; it's called Time Management. This game is large enough so that players can move on if an On Alert mission does not queue fast enough. And, iSuggest, to your point about finding skilled players, that will not happen if your suggestion comes to light; in fact, that is the current issue at this point. More players need to slow down and learn the mechanics of each raid from each content; they are not the same. Finding skilled players to do feats with is just as hard as finding players to run older content with.
This is OP's first post and thread and acct name is iSuggest. I suspect was specifically created for this. May be to troll the regular forumites or at least been with the game long enough to know the backlash for a buy2win. If gonna lobby don't hide behind a burn account.
Why would you think it would be a good idea to be able to purchase in one day what took years of hard work and dedication for the rest of us to achive? Play the game and earn the feats and sp like the rest of us did. Life isn’t fair. Suck it up buttercup.