Skill points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApolloMystique, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. ApolloMystique New Player

    I'm t3 right now...and still have no idea how to gain more skill points...they just seem to pop up now and then...can anyone plz tell me how to gain them...because i only have 36, and i see videos where ppl have over i must be doing something wrong for me to be t3 with so little skill points
  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Check your feats journal and do the things it tells you to do. To get there press N then the little X on the menu that will pop up, then click on feats when the new menu shows up. Ta Da! Feats journal, now go complete things! (sorry if you are PS3, I don't know how to get there...)
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  3. Lyte Knight Level 30

    It's all a matter of grinding them out. You get 1 SP for every 100 feat points. You get feat points for completing any number of feats (exploration, collecting styles, iconic battles, bounties, etc.) you can see which ones you need by selecting the tracker on the main menu. They are rated by stars. Easier feats are 1 star (10 points), medium difficulty 2 stars (25 points) and harder 3 stars (50 points).
    If you want to in increase them you just need to be intentional about going for them, so they don't just happen.
    Hope this helps.
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  4. Conduit New Player

    You gain Skill Points through Feats.
    100 Feat Points = 1 Skill Point
    1 Star Feat = 10 Feat Points
    2 Star Feat = 25 Feat Points
    3 Star Feat = 50 Feat Points

    I access the feats menu by hitting H, ESC, then click on FEATS at the top. But that's my way of doing it.
    I highly recommend doing the "Solos", "General", "Exploration", and such first. Those are the ones that break the ice, so-to-say.

    Happy Feat Hunting!
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  5. ApolloMystique New Player