Skill points are a pain!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightnings Revenge, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Play the game man. There's enough you can already buy. You can buy catalysts nth metal aug XP level skips all kinds of boosters. You want to take the ONE thing left in the game that requires you to actually PLAY the game away? No. You can open some time caps if you want some SP.

    If i start an MMO i dont have to have everything a veteran player has nor do I expect to. They've made it very easy for a new player to dump copious amounts of money into the game to catch up if they want to. We all work. We all have jobs. You'll never be able to compete with the guy who doesnt or plays games for a living.

    Its one thing to sell short cuts and boosts. But when you take away one of the last reasons that actually makes you play the game. You're just playing a mobile game at that point. Why even bother playing.

    You posted on a public forum and not everyone will share your opinion so get used to people responding in kind.

    And if you think older Queues are bad enough? Doing this? Yikes.
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  2. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Are you the same person that we can find in threads saying that this is a business not a charity?
    And if you already have the feats for dlc that are are 8 years old why would you have to spend any money? Were not talking about any current dlc, were talking about the dlc from before they were called episodes, all those old ones nothing current nor near current. It would take another 5 years for dlc like dulge n up to to be considered as dead as the ones from back then. No one is saying once a dlc comes out put its sp for sale, we are strictly talking about the old ones
  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    A game being a business and needing to make money is one thing. Using poor tactics to achieve that goal is a different conversation. You piss players off when you step over certain boundaries. Ive given them money because i support the game. But to take away the last reason to actually play the game your just dumping on your entire playerbase that you ACTUALLY wants to play the game. And i dont care what feats you're talking about. I dont have every feat in the game. If i cant find a way to get it I dont get it. I'm not coming here asking for the ability to buy it. Its no wonder why DCUO has never ascended to the popularity of the top tier mmos. People think the game is already p2w as it which deters a lot of new players from even starting.

    You can come up with any reason you want but ill always disagree.

    You think this game is immune from failure? It's not. You push a playerbase far enough. They'll bounce.
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  4. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Pocket watching lol. You sound like you'd be happier on one of those AFK mobile games. Just spend moms money, put the controller down, and let the game do the rest. Why bother playing an mmo if this is what you want?
  5. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I actually used to play clash of clans, it was kinda fun.
  6. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

  7. coldchilln88 Loyal Player


  8. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Around these parts it's apparently never a wrong time to throw "gosh darn elitists" into the mix, no matter the complaint nor subject. :p
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No....I was saying IF....BIG IF... they were going to sell them there wouldn't be any way to just sell '200 SP' as a few are suggesting. You'd either have to sell them a-la-cart per feat (major PITA, and I'd guess....very expensive) or do them by DLC or DLC bundle (maybe 1-5 DLCs in a bundle). Either way, likely you'd be buying 50% feats you already had or could get super easy assuming there were walkins or AQS. Same thing with the CR skip we get today. Yeah it comes with 77 SP out of the box, but I don't think anyone was 'buying' the USE ONE BREAKOUT or OPEN ONE TREASURE BOX feats because you get those getting off the ship, which you have to do at least once to be able to apply the CR Skip at level 5. The feats you are buying with a CR skip are ones like the gather 20,000, break 1000 treasure boxes, etc...

    And again I'm not saying it should be or will be done...just saying the people proposing it seem to think they could just go in and buy some SP bundle of 100 SP and sprinkle them around the spots they need them most. Not sure how you'd program it that way.
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont think he means sell, the feats system should be reworked and have its stat gains removed, to be honest SP causes a lot of toxicity to form due to it. It works on paper, but not with human nature..
  11. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    As soon as you throw a few hundred bucks at me to buy the replay badges to purchase them I'll do that.
  12. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I get that, but the part I quoted you on was a point that most claim would solve most of the issues, with allowing people to solo queue or walk in to content they need to get into.

    I have been around long enough to get that what ever they decide to do, it will not be in the form that is requested and even if they were close it will not be to our advantage anyway but to the business.
  13. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I think it works as intended. Say you're shouting in lfg these days and you're trying to put together a speed feat group. Sp is the only way you can tell apart skip toons vs a "built" toon. Everyone is 325+ with high arts. Very few are above 400sp. The stats themselves aren't important from the sp, the knowledge that the above 400sp players have is what I'd be looking for. Yes, there are plenty of great players that have less but there are far more that aren't great players and a poorly built group is just going to waste everyone's time.

    Now as far as removing how it works, I don't want another game changing stats revamp. I'd wager most don't. Am I truly against it? No but it takes way too much time and it has caused huge issues the last few times similar things happened.

    And lastly, buying feats would have to be done like Reinheld is saying. You can't just sell 200sp without it coming from somewhere. Because then those 600sp players would also buy it and make 400sp players the new 200sp crowd. Plus those 400sp players would become 600s. Actions cause consequences so think this thru. Now if they decided to implement it that way, yes it would cost a small fortune for 200sp and it would probably be more like 100sp because people would already have some feats from each dlc just by playing them once.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Oh. Ok. Personally I do feel that it would PROVIDE a solution for most of the issues getting them done (I've been an advocate for AQS for years now). Whether people will do it or not...that's a different story. I believe the biggest hindrance in getting the older feats is just getting in, and that if that issue was resolved, they would be done. I would...and do...already. Although I have plenty of feats done on my main, I work on several accounts who need these feats. I'm always doing old raid feats and about 75% of the time they are able to be solo'd or duo'd....but I'm a weirdo.

    I've got a handful of players who know my alts in game and when I'm doing 8 man runs for old feats, I'll bring them along because they also want to just 'do' the feats vs buying them with replays...and that's just replays on an alt for them...not cash out of pocket to 'buy' feats. So I know those people are out there already.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    At this point, I'd almost say Artis are the more 'toxic' issue. SP check at least takes a trip to the zonexus site, you can just inspect someone to know if they are packing low artis...or the 'wrong' ones. I actually had someone call me out the other day for using Strat, Grim and Solar....all 200s BTW...Sorry, but I'm not spending another $20+ bucks on seals (got the cats) and losing 1/2 my XP to pick up a trans card vs that Grim. I don't care HOW much difference it would make in the almighty scoreboard, which BTW I was already on top of....doesn't happen often, but I was this time.

    SP is a part of the game, good or bad. Removing SP from the game would drop a lot of incentive to play some content, and would definitely drop incentive for doing things like 100 WV bounties or 5000 reapers or whatever. A MMO depends on people re-playing the content and a feat system is part of that. If the only thing getting us to run content were the loot rewards I think you'd see a severe drop off in players.
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  16. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    For me having the ability to buy SP has already been resolved when they allowed me to us SP to buy them from my main.

    The reason so many are having such a difficult time is more about people who struggle with grouping up than anything else, but is just my opinion.

    Even with that said, using the same reasoning.

    I can already buy SP for an alt, by simply buying RB and using the RB to buy the feat. Seems like the difference in what is being asked for is to cut out the extra steps.

    But that is not the case.

    The complaint is that since it is difficult to get a group to run it, which is not helped with having the ability to not even have to run it because people who already completed it can easily not run it again.

    That would mean that even if they did go into those pieces of content, there really is nothing to gain from it, really it shows the flaws in multiple discussions, just from that point alone.
  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Team not trans over here too. There's actually a lot of us and we tend to top the users very often. I use it on some toons but it isn't the end all be all that most youtube watchers think it is. It is a great one no doubt tho. Strat obviously works better with it but it's not like you aren't ever criting without a trans
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Again, make friends. It's an mmo. If someone is all about playing solo, that's their choice. But the point of this game is teamwork. Even if I can buy a feat on an alt, I'd rather save the rbs and go get it again. So even the "elitist jerk" (I've been called worse) that I am would join in if someone is shouting for old content. The actual complaint in here is that you can't buy a top teir toon. Because everyone wants to be the best but not everyone can be. But this option sure would help close that gap with minimal effort.
  19. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Not sure what you are looking to gain by your comment, rather sympathy or to try to make a point...I don't know.

    It is your choice whether or not you want to buy something or not, regardless if you spend money buying RB and buying SP or just spend it on RB and buy extra for buying feats.
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If youre feats require a reward for them to be fun, then the feats arnt fun. I find them both toxic, except 1 requires you to play content you may not enjoy and the other wants you to throw your wallet at it.
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