Skill points are a pain!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightnings Revenge, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Well, what won't help at all is allowing Episode-purchase of the feats, making running the content entirely moot. ;) So there's still that. Super NO to allowing Episode purchase of feats.
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  2. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I think what people also miss out on here is that many of these feats require you to finish a segment, a boss fight, or an entire instance in a certain way... in other words you need to use your skills and playing ability to accomplish this. That is stuff you just can't buy... the ability to utilize the mechanics necessary to do these things.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I think you'd need to define how these would be 'sold' better. IF (and i'm not advocating it) they were ever sold directly I doubt it would just be in a quantity like that (200 SP pack = $200 bucks...apply where needed), but more like each episode's SP would be sold as a package, like 'Battle for Earth' DLC SP is $15 bucks, but since 90% of those feats are easy, the $15 bucks is really going for the bottle duo feats no one wants to do. So now you are really paying $15 for about 2-3 SP. The gates and prime speed feats, no one would ever buy directly as they can both be done by walkin in a few minutes as well as a handful of other feats on the same they'd HAVE to either bundle them like this OR price those 250 bottle duos at 10 bucks for that one 25 point feat. Lightning Strikes is another one....all feats in there are stupid easy to get except the bounty feats...and even those, it's really only a pain after the 50 mark. You'd either have to sell them as a set for the DLC, meaning you are paying less per SP...BUT some of them you are paying for no brainer easy feats or ones you might already have.

    Maybe a bundle that handled certain DLC packs, but I'd highly doubt they'd be sold a-la-carte SP, otherwise I think you'd see a lot less of them sold, with only the most grindy or 'impossible' to get ones being the only sellers.

    Just as an aside, I could see at some point selling some sort of 'booster' that would raise your counts like the LPVE 10x counter weeks. A few targeted ones for the most grindy of grindy feats out there. This would not be outright selling of SP, but would mean you could maximize your effort. Similar to an XP or renown booster, $10 bucks for a 1 day 'count' booster of some sort. Run 1 bottle duo, get 10 25x for the feat. Kill 100 reapers, get 1000 credit...kill 500 for the feat. Not sure how the mechanics of such a thing would work, but meh....maybe it would be a half way point between the 'take my money' and 'never sell SP' camps.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I took a picture when i logged in of both LFGs, this is players simply trying to cast a line and fish for what they want. If LFG is going by quickly and you look away and you might miss a group, Nobody want to have to sit in chat having to spam shout repeatedly to find a group or players.

    "Thoughtful" in this screenshot posted 7 times looking for people for his group and their nothing wrong with that, if we had a rudimentary LFG system, he wouldn't need to post more then once, freeing him up to play other aspects of the game while the group fills, rather then being restricted to chat watching until the group fills.
    look at the information displayed here (Blue is Tank, Green is Healer, Red is Dps, Grey is Anyone, Check= Role filled), (Numbers like 500 / 550 are item level requirements) (The name of the content is listed and a description of their goal is listed within it) Before ever stepping foot in a group i have an idea of what what is required of me, and what roles are filled and the chosen minimum ilvl.
    Even a rudimentary LFG could work like,

    Instance: Bloodhaven
    Tank: 1/1
    Troll: 2/2
    Healer: 0/0
    Dps: 0/1
    Cr Req: 145 CR
    (X to join)

    Instance: War Factory
    Tank: 2/2
    Troll: 2/2
    Healer: 1/1
    Dps: 3/3
    CR Req: N/A
    (Group Full)

    Hell heres another example
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  5. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    You must be trolling... I would hate to work a 9 to 5 with you. Simple concept on giving a way for people lower than 400 to be able to get to that point because every new ep or tc we get more feats while more and more people fall behind just because you have alot of time on your hands doesn't mean I or others do.
  6. Berza Committed Player

    If you have zero on one toon you can buy 400 right? If you have 200 on another toon, you can buy in it those 400 (using the already existing system) and get 400+200=600.
  7. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Don't even mention skills or playing ability in these parts.... the "gosh darn Elitist!"-Brigade will be on you in a heartbeat! :rolleyes::D
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    OK....well A) you are on villain LFG (in the top screen shot). No offense, but the villain side LFG is a wasteland. I also play Villain and can tell you there is a 100% difference trying to get things done on that side via LFG. B) I never said that (assuming it could be controlled via controller) a better screen wouldn't work, but in your 2 examples above (well one group is full...not sure why it would still show up), if any of those required 8 spots were not filled, you'd still be locked out....regardless of what the method of posting a group up are. As far as missing a group shout because you looked away for a few seconds, yes that could happen, but for anything but the very hottest runs, I'd guess the same shout will go out 2, 3 or as in your example above...7 times. If you missed all of them you weren't really looking to join, were you? And whereas I can have my LFG up and running at all times doing most other things, it looks like your example screens are separate from the normal HUD...meaning, I can't be watching for groups while doing my bounties or farming exos or playing the broker...meaning I'd have the same chance of missing a group for that 'hot' run...unless i sat in this group making screen all day or started my own new group(now we are competing for the same people btw). Again, without seeing it in action, I'm making a couple of still didn't give me the game you are pulling from.

    Like I said, any improvement for one person might be looked at as un needed or a disadvantage from another person's view. Not that either idea is 'bad' (smaller/solo groups vs different group making method), but one would take a huge UI change and the other does not. I'd prefer to get the low hanging fruit we might actually be able to get first. Maybe a UI group revamp could come later as well.
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not to mention, I thought we were referring to getting old feats done in old runs. Not sure how many Elitist group there are shouting for AnB or HOP1 raids. Normally I see 'Need bodies....' I think 'bodies' is pretty all inclusive. Most everyone has a body.
  10. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    So you're telling me a new player who has never played dcuo gets to level 30 and has minimal sp and they are suppose to suffer on old content? You must be a watch the world burn type of person telling people to get banned and only stroking your I got it so why didn't you ego seems very selfish to me especially because it very old content.

    tsk tsk
  11. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Hold up...

    So if people can actually walk in to those really quickly, you mean to tell me that they won't do it?

    All jokes aside, so those feats are totally doable and quick, far easier than way back in 2011,2012, and even 2013...and people keep asking for portals and won't even take the what, 5mins to beat 3 missions.

    There is a lot of content in this game, if they are following this thread, I have a list of content that I want to skip as well and not play it...

    Put me down for everything from TT up to the last 2, I will even say the last 3, because it won't matter, to obtain the feats from.
  12. Berza Committed Player

    Is that your idea of the target customer of those SP being sold? Players who has just reached level 30 and never played dcuo before? Are those absolutely newbie players supposed to drop 400US$ in a game just to try it? Honestly I find the idea very naive. And not only naive. Terrifying. There are enough players with 500+SP and 331 CR but without the smallest idea of what they are doing, due to the cancer of speed hacking. Your idea will throw another bunch of usesles players in the end game.
    And not to forget it will turn the game more p2w than anything. People who can't waste 400US$ will have all the present problems to join groups but exacerbated by the loss of all those 1st world rich players that can just pay their way to the end game.
    Signed: a 1st world rich player.
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  13. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    What determines if players are useless? Lol a new player would have very little struggle in current endgame missions if equipped. Are there even any mechanics in the new missions coming next week?

    Then theres the the folk that don’t understand how a bundle works. If theres a bundle that has feats for 5 dlc, but you only need 3 feats from a dlc it wouldn’t matter you would still have to buy the bundle and you just wouldn’t receive anything for the feats you already have. So if a bundle has 10 feats but you only need 5, you would be forced to pay for all 10. Its not a hard concept to understand. If theres a box that bundles 12 pops but you only want 8 you still have to pay for all 12. How is this hard, complex or Un understandable, its very real world do you also not understand it when you go to the stores?

    Also. Why the heck are you acting like $400 is alot of money. If you cant afford $400 you need to get off forums. and get on i just bought 2 ps5 and a xbox without blinking, stop being cheap youll make the money back.. maybe take some type of class that teaches how to better budget money. You dont need cable, buy Netflix for half the price and watch your lil sports games on redit, hook your pc to the tv and then put that extra money into a gaming account like how i do ... how you gonna say they shouldn’t add something because your not willing to spend the cash.
    Then u taking ab people who are rich support the idea of buying sp.. dude im a teacher and a coach
  14. Isif Committed Player

    Feats for free= Content never revisted.
    I'm not sure why "renting" SP is somehow giving away the farm? SP not feats. Essentially, you are paying to have SP (up and not to exceed 400 or so) and in the meantime you can actually run content to actually acheive feats. If at any time you decide that you are ready to stop renting then you are reverted to your actual SP. So it would act as a finacial incentive to be above 400 SP. For the players that enjoy cranking cash into the game to "borrow" SP, let them. Personally, I have about 300 SP and feel secure in my performance, so I would not even use feature. There would be zero permanence on rented stats and that is why I am comfused as to why it would be a problem.
  15. Berza Committed Player

    If you think that 400US$ is not a lot of money, obviously you are a little minded person that should maybe stop buying 2 ps5 and go travel around the world to see how people lives in the real world. There are many people in Earth who would live one whole year with that money.
    By the way, don't bother replying me. I am putting you in ignore for this commentary. Congrats, you are the first one.
    And I was not talking about me dude. I can spend 1000US$ each month in the game if I want. But you and me are not the only ones playing the game.
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I work 7 to 3 actually.

    And with every new episode brings new feats for you to obtain while you can work on older feats on your down time.
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  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you're suffering on a video game then perhaps this isn't the game for you. Character building in a lot of MMOs is not something that can be done within a week or a month, it takes serious long time grind while trying to have fun. And if you're not having fun then what's the point of playing? What's the point of playing if everything you could work towards is just handed to you? What's the point of playing if everything you could earn from gameplay can just be purchased from a marketplace? You want to take the gameplay out of the game for what, some feats that you couldn't be bothered to earn?
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  18. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Yaya still makes no since why i cant have something because someone else can’t afford it. Tbh this is all a wack argument because you can buy nth, catalyst and seals on the marketplace and people are in here saying that artifact are worth more then sp. so how can one still say paying for sp is pay to win but artifacts arent
  19. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Yikes. Youre a little out of touch with reality here. Especially given what the past year has done to peoples financial situations on top of it.

    Artifacts are borderline p2w. I have a lot of sp. I've spent a lot of money on dcuo. But to sell skill points would be the final nail for me. I would drop the game in a heartbeat. I already have disdain for how artifacts are implemented and I've never seen a business model that allows players to sub and also ask those players to make extra purchases to stay relevant in a timely manner or fall behind the people who just throw their wallet at the screen. Games like final fantasy and WoW are incredibly successful in this genre and they do not use these tactics. Player's dont enjoy it but they fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy and the need to keep up so p2w feeds on those players.

    Anyways. Tangent aside. If sp is sold straight up Ill be gone. And that's a 9 year player whos been legendary and spent above and beyond that. Just because i can spend that kind of money on the game doesn't mean i want to and idk any player that would admit they WANT to have to dump that kind of money on a game to constantly keep up. Artifacts are egregious enough.
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  20. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    Hm so what’s that gotta do with me buying feats? Just leave this thread if you got your feats already.