Skill points are a pain!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightnings Revenge, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    This is on you, just because you find it boring doesn't mean others do and doesn't mean others shouldn't be rewarded when they put in the effort, not everyone likes every feat, but they do them anyway because its something extra to work towards that statistically benefits your character. Think of it like Mario, does everyone like every level on Mario, are there levels they'd rather not play? Of course, do they play them anyway? Of course, if it's required to get the game done.

    Is it really, or is it perhaps because you'd stand to gain from it, knowing you've been playing this game and clearly haven't put in any effort to get skill points in the 10 years you've been playing, again my intent here is to be respectful, but solowing you can't just demand the rewards when you're not even prepared to remotely put in any effort, I'd get it if you were trying, but you're not even trying and demanding stat points be removed isn't any different, it just comes across as equally salty because you don't have the stats others do.

    This isn't true, they don't have a leg up for being there earlier, they have a leg up for bothering to put in the effort, there's numerous people in this game that have heaps of SP and haven't been playing anywhere near the full 10 years, there's people 400, 500+ who have been playing less than a year, they got there because they bothered to put in the effort and they deserve the rewards.

    If you're upset that others are judging your ability on your SP then you should get your SP up, if you're wallowing around on low SP it isn't just an indication of your skill level, it's also indicative of your desire to learn and perserve and when running the latest content or hardest content that's also what people want.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    It's the general sentiment of your post, simply paraphrased in the only manner it can be interpreted, as per points made above.

    In addition I think it is important to note that there is absolutely zero, ZERO, regular instances of content in this game that require you to have remotely high numbers of SP. The only time SP becomes incredibly more worthwhile is in elite and even then there's limits on this as to when it all just becomes exceptionally negligible.

    With that being the case the only people that would suggest what you're suggesting or even support it can only be described as "super casual" and I'm not saying that to cause offense, it's just simply the reality, they're the type of players that casually enjoy event content and the like and if that's the case then you don't even need to care, period about the SP system much, if at all.

    And if you're upset you can't run elite content with your low level of SP then I'd question your rationale and reasoning because players that run elite are far more committed, they'd understand the importance of the feats, they'd get it done without complaining or asking why and they certainly wouldn't be the ones on the forums demanding their stats and rewards be removed to appease the "super casual event players". ;)

    I mean again, I'm attempting to be respectful but the idea that SP stats be removed or revamped is just the height of absurdity, you just need to get on with and put in the effort, the games there to be actually played at the end of the day.
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  3. Lara Committed Player

    Simple, No
    Wont happen and im glad, you can grind like everyone else is doing it you already get some sp with this noobs cr skips.
    Most of the Feats in this game are so easy anyway only a few elite feats are hard like wonderverse, most annoying feats
    are TC Feats (Thanks to nerd of prey) *ironic*

    But thats not the Point the Point is giving SP to everyone puts all the fun and hard work for other People away,
    So no forget it.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

  5. Krossmark Level 30

    If you're not interested in buying SP, it's none of your business - literally none whatsoever.

    Meanwhile it would bring more money into the game and more players into the end-game. To be opposed to such an idea is illogical and irrational, as is expecting players to run Gotham Hospital, Riverside, etc. duos 250 times, to run The Hunt 100 times, to spend two months in Gotham Under Siege maybe getting the down all iconics feat if one is lucky enough to roll the right hero/villain every 5 days.

    These feats were designed to give players goals while waiting for the next content drop, that is all, they were not designed for, nor does it make any sense, lording them over new players heads just because you wants your two cents put in.

    There is a problem that needs solving and there isn't one solution, players need both an easier way of attaining the feats for free as well as they option for purchasable unlock, the problem is not fixed otherwise.
  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If you think SP is a indication of skill....That couldnt be farther from the truth, experience and knowledge is a indication of skill. If you think SP is indicative of desire to learn and persevere. I can only give you that in the context of the instanced feats, (again that i said i find those achievements engaging because it changes your approach to the content)

    but anything outside instance feats? No, gathering styles or collecting exobits didn't teach me how to play my character. Taking my character an experimenting with abilities that work best for my needs is how i learned and i enjoyed years of it, and actually still enjoy sorcery healing. I dont need to give a damn about about your achievement system to want to learn how my character or how a boss operates.

    I didn't spend hours in trying to see a group to the finish line in a raid in DCUO only for you to tell me "your SP says you didnt try to learn and persevere" You're putting so much absolute faith in a SP number and a achievement system its zealotry.

    Stop equating skill to skill points
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You don't need a Feat League. You just need people that are willing to run Feats. LFG is the best option, and if you take the time to be friendly and not break Feats for people, add friends and ask them to add you, and people will invite you when they need help with their Feats.

    Yes, it requires some basic networking, but once people know you are reliable, they'll call you back. It doesn't have to be a boring content-repeating grind either - most times I'm grouped for Feats, we let each player choose the next content and feat in turn until everyone's had one, then start over again.

    Yes, this will mean running feats you already have, or even running content loot-locked - it's part of the deal - but if you have more feats to complete than most, you'll usually get the better deal out of it.

    I do sympathise, but taking an hour or so on the weekend or early in the week, when everyone's run their weeklies and is at a loose end, looking for something to do, really does reap dividends.
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  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    * im on my phone so i cant highlight right now
    But I promise you theyll never understand that first part. Theres a high level of pocket watching on these forums.

    Honestly just give it time, they said in mid year they’re going to make changes for new and returning. While walk ins will very much be part of it, i feel theres a chance that those old dlc feats will be granted or sold

    Ok so what if they dont sell old dlc feats but instead grant them? Id imagine cryers would still need tissue because they had to do something and others wouldn’t need to
  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Some of those "cryers" had to grind their Feats on multiple Alts back in the day, before you could buy them across with RBs. I've got no idea how explodey people would be if they still had to do that. The "cryers" here are the people that think completing Feats is too much effort, IMO. They do, of course, have recourse to the "alternative" progression system - levelling their Artifacts.
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  11. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    But what i absolutely cannot wrap my mind around, why is it one’s business what goes on in a account that isn’t theirs

    If you build your house from the ground up i guess you have bragging rights, i mean thats some peoples dreams.
    I personally have no problem moving into a house that i did not build.
    It was never my dream to build a house from the ground up, ever.

    So everyone who built there house from the ground up should be mad at others for just buying a house that already built? You do realize that i can apply buying sp to like 100 real life scenarios, ive already compared like 5 in this thread. I compare to real life because why should this games marketplace live in a fictional reality when other dont.. have you ever played a 2k game?
  12. Lexelot New Player

    Just a thought... why not add a (or multiple) special title/aura/accessory for achieving 300/400/500/600 SPs the old way, and don't grant them if someone purchases the SP from the marketplace.

    Gives people proof for their 'bragging rights' and eliminates the grind for those that find it boring (and are not opposed to a marketplace purchase)
  13. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You can compare it to as many real life scenarios as you like, as long as they aren't false equivalences - which the above example is.

    There are material benefits to increasing your SP. If there weren't, people wouldn't complain about having to work for them. It would be a non-issue. Try adding the following to your "house" example - "What if there were real benefits to building your own house, like being invited to loads more parties and not being thrown out as soon as you arrive?"
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Maybe the S in SP is for 'sticktoitiveness'?:D

    The big thing I never understand about this angle is if SP has nothing to do with skills (BTW...not saying I don't agree with that), and they don't matter all that much, why the push to make them 'easier' to get? Buying, giving away, easing up on feats/counts....all these solutions in theory are to get people SP....that many will also say don't matter for your 'skills'.

    I'll agree they are a point of contention when forming some groups "what's your SP?" is obviously asked often, but many....many times it's not. I don't find it to be as much of a gate as it used to be when it was A) a lot lower and B) one of only 2 things you can bring to the table (CR and SP). Personally I'd take a lower SP player with high CR and 200 artis over a medium CR with 400+ SP and nothing for artis....if dpsing. Roles are a bit different as some amount of skill is needed there....well except for EOG spam can just buy your way to that already.

    The only thing that SP shows is that you did, at one point, put some amount of work in to grind them out...You might still might be awesome but just have plenty of time to work on things. All these requests do is replace 'plenty of time' with 'plenty of money'.
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  15. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I got 368 sp in my first year, over 550 now after just hitting my 3rd anniversary.

    I have always loved the feat system. I love how you can go in, do the task, and get the rewards, without endlessly grinding for "Experience Points". Yes, there are some repetitive feats as well, but I am ok with some feats being more suited to different player's styles and desires.

    Love how you can pick and choose how to approach SP gain, from mixing it up with PvP to 'buying' SP with Capsules, to daily activities like CC bounties, to one-time stunts and challenging checklist feats. With 613 SP available, and only about 370 needed for most content, it gives players a ton of freedom in progression. And yeah, if you want to the best of the bestest-est, get 500-600, but 99% of players don't need that many.

    My best advice for any newer feat seekers is to find a single partner and get *every* duo feat together. It goes fairly quickly and gives massive rewards.
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  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Shenron already granted that one - "time capsule style feats" and "old style feats purchasable by source marks alone" make up an absolutely unholy amount of the Feats available in-game.

    That said, I don't think they should just straight up sell SP any more directly than they are already being sold, which is barely indirectly.
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  17. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    On my other account I have about 260 sp now its not alot but with arts it decent damage and I can do my role well. Now to get those feats I did easy none grinder feats like my general feats and races then used the free jump skip after that I spent 1 day doing all the one and two man alerts then I just played. Its was easy but I find alot of players new and then the lazy crying cause they jump skip and got kicked out of clock tower cause they have 97 sp and not even 80 arts. And sp does show people stuff like if you can stick it out for the long haul plus alot of feats do require skill and mechanics. Just saying if you haven't even done the easy feats you have no right to cry
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  18. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

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  19. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    I did a forum myself about sp and how the gape from New and old players was getting larger. My opinion was to get rid of the sp points and make a currency vendor that only has stuff you get from doing dlc objectives like a real bat cave or something like that or some feats will have rewards for doing them. Like 10 point and some 25 point feats will just give you currency but the 50 points give you a reward. They have a trinket that allows you to have batman or joker appear and help you.add more like that.make stuff from the market place purchasable with said currency. This way people will still do feats but they don't effect peoples status and new players can perform at jump skip lv if they have the gear and arts.
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  20. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    That is all I have to say to this as well. I scratched my head already the day Source Marks got on the MP. :(

    However I really like some alternatives for obtaining SP presented here.
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