Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Time Capsule

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Multiverse Creator League

    It was suppose to be in the Server Hotfix - June 11, 2021....

    But obviously the Hotfix did not happen today. So it will be..... this week-end?? next week??
    Who knows? Only the Shadow knows..... and Mepps of course. ;)
  2. Saturn's Last New Player

    A league mate of mines got the superboy collection completed today he did receive the jacket
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  3. Visubversa37 Level 30

    I'm just one short for both, could you please share the names of the 9th piece for the mullet and scarf? It'll make it easier when searching the broker
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  4. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah... we don't get the rewards right now. It will be fixed in the next hotfix. :(
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  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This morning's hotfix did occur, and what is in the patch notes is what is live.

    Players missing collection items were not fixed today - as noted in the patch notes - but we expect to have everyone and everything fixed for tomorrow (Saturday).
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  6. Visubversa37 Level 30

    I just got my scarf on switch. Mail showed up in about 10 min.
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  7. darry3275 Well-Known Player

    Did not get the feat for completing enhanced emblem set. I think this is a great example why feats should not be in tc's. Not blaming the devs, but feats for cash is a bad idea.
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  8. darry3275 Well-Known Player

    On an added note, having to turn around and get another uncollected style to pop a feat you already paid for sucks. The higher ups, not the devs, need to re evaluate how the tc's as a whole work. The devs are having to make content, artifacts, balance artifacts, balance powers, make patches to fix issues, etc. The addition of time capsules, and their prioritization over everything else hurts the game and puts added stress on the devs already massive workload. I'm sure it's just as stressful on them as it is us.
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  9. metro2k Well-Known Player

    I can't find the objects on the broker because the names have not been translated into my language.
  10. Jaelia Committed Player

    I got the mullet and scarf doubled why? I’m very confused nothing was wrong the first time ?

    Just my Rao 3 point feat didn’t pop still
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  11. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It looks like the time capsules need to be put on the test server before they go live next time this one has had the most issues out of them all.
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  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I finished the Kerchief collection, but my reward was 5 SOURCEMARKS? What the Heck is UP with THAT?!
    USPC/PS server
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  13. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    You now get the real time cap reward as a grant when you log in (the gold present box like the recent Pride gift).

    Also this from the June 12 Hot fix notes:

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  14. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Thank you.
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  15. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Thank you for not including an emblem. Several styles are ruined due to it! Im not a fan of supes at ALL!
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  16. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    The cool thing about it is I can use the Omega emblem or Subject Zero or just about anything so I like the decision they went with.
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  17. Controller Devoted Player

    Classy Time Capsule, this Sixth Dimension one.

    For the NEXT Superman-based TC I'd humbly recommend homage to the classic JL episode "Hereafter"


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  18. Beverly B New Player

    Still not receiving credit for the Roa emblem for the Enhanced crests of krypton feat
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  19. JLAmember New Player

    Did I do something wrong? My choice when I completed 2 collections were 5 source marks...
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  20. AlphaX89 Level 30

    I agree, but what I don’t understand is we have soooo many Batman emblems and even Wonder Woman has her emblem on some
    of the style sets. Why isn’t Superman getting the same live? Plus, why are the emblems so small?
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