Since CR is the biggest factor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ummagumma, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Instead of gear you get material in the raid which can be used to improve your gear. Helps with crafting feat...

    This material can be DPS or Support role focused. You cannot sell or trade the material. Encourage you to run the raid.

    For instance, DPS material will improve might by 100 for each piece. That is 8 pieces, so 800 more might.

    If that is not enticing enough, double it, triple, etc...

    Or make variation of material. you have common, uncommon, rare, legendary and OP...

    Common 1.05 modifier
    Uncommon 1.10 modifier
    Rare 1.15
    Legendary 1.2
    OP 1.25

    So true grinding players that want the best would work their tail off for the 1.25 modifer. This would make each piece 25% stronger for 1 stat...

    So 800 might you may have now is 1,000 instead.

    I'm for this as those that want the best will grind for it and those that just want to feel rewarded for their efforts will buy the gear.
  2. Ummagumma Active Player

    Very well said I agree 100%
  3. Ummagumma Active Player

    stat bonuses don't affect cr and should remain in elite raids
    • Like x 1
  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Going by my example, with vendor gear releasing incrementally to match the rate of content additions 2.0, its a better system. Content would release fast enough so that you wont want to skip a beat. Better control method and 100% straight forward.

    I couldnt care if elite gear had the same cr as reg gear but inflated stats and set bonuses so long as the cr scale issue was rendered moot, which is what a lot of player griefing/exclusion stems from.
  5. Eminence Dedicated Player

  6. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player


    Not sure what you are trying too say... "Carrot in a stick" - maybe you mean A Carrot on a stick.

    Either way, it all boils down to a cash grab that works great for the game, not so much for the sucker that plays...

  7. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    This game will never be hard again the last hard DLC was origin crisis and with their being a raid 2 out of 3 months they arent going to isolate 3/4th the player base by making an actual hard raid like paradox its a fact
  8. Ummagumma Active Player

    Agree with you completely.
  9. Ummagumma Active Player

    Agree with you completely
    • Like x 1
  10. generalzod Committed Player

    Must be lucky atlest if they keep the system make it so when weapon drops you can choose what weapon it is that would help a lot ! I have 3 toons all 126 and I have not seen 110 martial arts , bow , hand blast , dual pistols or shield ! I've ran HH and ngn so many times I cannot even began to tell you how many ! That's 6 weapons on 3 toons tons of runs and never once seen those weapons ! If system stays please let at min choose the untainted weapon of our choose!
    • Like x 1
  11. Ummagumma Active Player

    You can have 1 of my 20 MA weps or my 20 necklaces
  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    same here but need shoulders, legs, utility and weapon still which I got a 110 1h for DPS side, but not brawling for support side. Which I troll more then DPS so it sucks.