Since CR is the biggest factor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ummagumma, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. Ummagumma Active Player

    in determining a toons strength. The luck based gear drops for the highest cr gear should end and be put in the vendor.
    Why should I have a lower CR on a character when I've finished the content twice as much as someone else. This makes absolutely no sense to me and many friends of mine who left after GU 47.
    Highest CR = Strongest, Highest CR = Luck, STRONGEST= LUCK
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  2. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Yeah it''s kind of silly that i need to be lucky in order to complete my set.

    Stuck at 125 on my HL toon because the head/belt and shoulders will not drop for me.
  3. Original Kal Well-Known Player

  4. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Working as intended.

    Replay badges are the only concern.

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  5. MrB Dedicated Player

    You don't like getting 2 dozen necks for your drops?
  6. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Stop complaining, this is an MMO.
    Its like people want to make this game even more easier and causal :rolleyes:
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  7. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    My issue is how fast the newest and greatest set of gear becomes irrelevant.
    Praying for a raid to drop the current "best" gear then you are having to replace it almost as soon as you finish it.
  8. Van_Gho Committed Player

    To hell with hoping for luck, that's a suckers game
    I'll go for the guaranteed everytime
    Now that i'm not chasing RNG gear
    My enjoyment has skyrocketed
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  9. Ummagumma Active Player

    Easy and casual are you kidding me.
    Easy and casual is someone who can't finish HH even with the glitch who is full 110 and I've finished it 20 times and his cr is higher then mine. I want this game to be hard as f.....k and if you saw how many hours I've played since jan. of. 2011 you would know I'm not casual.
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  10. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Each boss should drop only a certain piece. Atleast you know if a rare does drop, it will be the piece you need.
  11. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Absolutely agree. There has been an undeniable amount of rigging going on with many facets of the game. Now with content set to release more rapidly, there isnt much weight to the reason of luck based drops preventing players from gearing too fast. New gear would appear every 2-4 weeks.

    Putting vendor gear back as top cr tier gear means more replay sales in a fairer environment. Adding to this balance, not every tier piece will be available to purchase at once, but will release over time. Elite gear would remain and maintain exclusive set bonuses.

    This would be a much better balance for all parties involved and also better promotes episode purchases. More content equates to more mark intake daily/weekly.
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  12. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Makes to much sense, you better delete this before someone see's it and starts whining about it
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  13. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    The best gear should be raid drops but the CR scaling/CR thingy is pretty stupid. ;)
    That's why those "special points" should matter more than CR.
  14. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    ****, I cant.

    Adding to that, with mark accruement toward vendor gear being priority, it keeps more people playing content for marks, where as playing for loot is only as good until you get the loot and move on and dont need the content. Mark based gearing keeps content active, longer.

    Population issues, you see...
  15. ThisNinja New Player

    "special points"

    Much better name for them. its all about the power you play and the gear you get no skill is involved......especially when no one tries to make their own load outs and just goes to youtube to get the most currently OP one. Much skill such wow too stronq.
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    No it isnt. Called a "carrot in a stick" and its a staole of a mmo
  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Excellent points!

    If I buy full vendor gear which is a grind in itself I only get 108 CR. Gear I EARNED and yet I feel unfullfilled due to the fact that some lucky SOB got better drop rate and is now 126. How does that computer when CR is king.

    Time for a change in DBG method in gear drops as many players have already voiced their opinoin on wanting best gear in vendor and with GU47 and how CR is treated, it needs to come from the vendor going forward .
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  18. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I don't dps much. I'm mainly a controller.
    I do believe that I possess the skill, and common sense, which is key to being a decent player regardless of my "special points"

    lol at these pro vendor gear posts..
    What are you going to do after you get full vendor gear when its the best gear in this laughable scenario?
    What rewards will their be for "Elite" content?
    Nevermind, the Elite drops have stat bonuses but I guess ppl are going to complain about that and how their vendor gear needs stat bonuses :oops:
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    No as top tier gear might as well be purchased with real money
  20. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Save for the fact that the game successfully used the vendor system for more than half of its live cycle until SOE opted to monetize it with replays.

    Replay sales are definitely not what they were prior to.