I noticed that the chant being used sure sounds like the Chant Of Making from the 1981 movie Excalibur. Charm of Making a nal nathrak, uthvas bethud, do che-ol di-enve In Modern English Serpent's breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making.
You don't say... https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/silent-school-easter-egg.299676/ https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dc...tion-finally-looked-the-dang-thing-up.299685/
Or.... https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dc...ilent-school-alert.299397/page-2#post-4192118 Although it looks like they took the video down now....same vid. I think Darth Piper was the first to call it out. https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/ok-devs-who’s-the-“excalibur”-fan.299477/#post-4189622 Reinheld