Sidekicks revamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JKR, Jun 19, 2021.

  1. JKR Well-Known Player

    Two ideas for sidekick revamp, it would be great to have both:

    1. Fully Customizable Sidekick: body type, weapon, abilities and, of course, design. Allow a Batman character to create his own Robin or tiny character to have a big body guard. Could spice things up?

    2. Ability to link an active character from your roster to another character as a "Sidekick." So, when you trigger the side kick it calls on another one of your characters. It can be based by faction and maybe just limited to one character linking option but that would be lovely.

    In either case, they could still just last for a short period of time and their stats could still be tied to the main character even in the case of calling on support from one of your other characters to keep the game balanced.

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  2. JKR Well-Known Player

  3. TheOtherLeague Well-Known Player

    I've wanted this for a while. I'm sure there's probably some technical reason that would make this hard to do as a widespread thing, but it would be nice to be able to customize the sidekicks. It feels like that sidekicks are standing still while the Henchmen are getting cooler and more advanced. It may be time to update the Sidekicks in a similar fashion.
  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    One of the devs said they took a quick look at what would be needed for any kind of customization and at first glance even simply integrating a basic color mapping UI to allow for color customization looked quite cumbersome coding-wise.

    The idea I’ve put forth in the past as sort of a “meet us halfway” compromise was to at least make a couple more different style/type/themed sidekicks and perhaps tie them to who your mentor is. At least then we’d have some options with the ability to change via mentor respec tokens (which is more revenue! Win/win!) I’m fairly sure the coding would be pretty simple. Unless I’m missing something it would just be writing an IF/Then conditional statement within a basic querry. Designing five more sidekick styles would be the bulk of the work. But even then, since the design team appears to be a well oiled machine with good command of the process, chugging along and turning out lots of styles, at least they’d have a pretty good idea of how much time/work it would take as opposed to the functional side. That’s usually where the issues spawn as it can be a giant guessing game on how difficult it will be to insert the new code into the gigantic JLD Pub Crawl Teekyl sized yarn-ball of code that 11 years worth of stacked-yet-discombobulated programming creates. But like I said, in this case, it should be simple and relatively non-invasive to the rest of the game code.

    Of course, now that I’ve said that, watch them do it and it somehow breaks a totally unrelated part of the game like supercharge meters or something, lol.
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  5. JKR Well-Known Player

    lol, that makes sense. Having style options for the sidekicks would definitely be cool but then my question is what would be the differentiator between the sidekicks and the henchmen. I get that this request may not be an easy one technically and it would be a shame if the best we could get was solo "henchmen" styles but, hey, it would be a start.

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  6. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    I still want fury to be customizable as well as accomplices. Imagine my sorcery clown w/a tiny clown fury lol