Should the Four In a Row Feat Be Removed, Revamped or Auto-Granted?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Nov 20, 2018.

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  1. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    While the best solution, obviously, is adding a tell, to be fair neither removing nor auto-granting the feat is more "ludicrous" than the feat itself as it currently exists.
  2. not_again Dedicated Player

    Accidental Perfection became a different feat after a few months and was granted a tell. I imagine this feat will be the same way. The problem I see in this thread is people want the feat NOW!!!!! and are not willing to go grind for the feat.

    So either patiently wait or find a group that wants to grind for it.

    Now back to your normally scheduled feats in time capsule thread or maybe even a back from the hack thread!
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    I was expressing that there are now certainly numerous luck based feats in this game and having one in a DLC, in fact there's already numerous. OP collections anyone... isn't particularly fundamentally different.

    If you keep running this then it's going to pop eventually, it's only been 2 weeks of the DLC window. I'd understand your complaint if you could prove you had been running it the entire DLC and still failed to get it for months and months. ;)
  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I wouldn't even lie if I told you it would be super easy to prove you that. As I already said, this feat is almost impossible if you queue up for it with lfg people. There will always be one who thinks "this is taking too long I'm gonna activate as well". League-only runs are nothing you can expect from everyone. This feat has lower odds than the Accidental Perfection had.
    And it still stands, that this feat is no Lootbox with obvious rarities and low drop chances that require luck. This is a feat for an ingame mechanic in an actual raid.
    It has nothing to do with a two-week-window or something. In fact, this is the one of the select few feats where I (or anyone for that matter) have no control over getting it ingame.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    to be honest, I'm not saying I don't sympathise with your position, I'm just saying I don't think they should change it, I don't think they should have changed the artifact one either, so my position is consistent, it's just the opposite of yours :)

    We can agree to disagree
  6. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    For all we know there is already a tell and nobody has figured it out yet because it’s very subtle, and here’s why that may be true:

    I theorized that the rooms you get in the alert are based on something regarding the deaths of those first few adds... which one was killed either first or last. Last night, one of my league mates confirmed to me that it is the one you kill last.

    So keep examining the rocks... the stuff around them... even the entire room. If a tell already exists, it will become known.

    Alternatively, it could simply be a pattern... like a “first one on the left, skip 2 going clockwise, the next one, skip 3...” or something along those lines.
  7. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Tried the last thing, did not work. Even if rocks spawn in a pattern that you already know, it is not guaranteed that Rock X is a correct one.
    Also, haven't found anything in the room. No indicators on the ceilings, nothing to do with the roots on the ground or something, and no, bubble-patterns are the same for all of them :D
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  8. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    I tried with my leaguemates tonight with multiple strategies, picking all 8 rocks at the same time, only 4 rocks at the same time,1 by 1.

    On one of the attempts we got no rocks by digging the first 4,so we had 4 rocks left last.We thought we would get the feat for sure but feat didnt pop.

    Everytime we would get a wrong combo we kept killing thorn so that we can do rocks again instead of wiping.The description doesnt say anything about first attempt or that only by getting the 4 rocks at first will grant you the feat.

    But still I completed the feat,I dug up 4 rocks in a row.Where is my feat?

    I hope its a bug and expect to see it popping when I log in on monday.
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  9. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    From what I seen with my group, it appears it needs to be the first four dug up needs to be the four driftwoods

    My group got 3 different four in a rows and none of them counted, made a thread because of it, any four in a row should count
    ( 4 in a row feat not specific enough )
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  10. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    This feat continues to be extremely problematic and needs to be completely revamped, auto-granted or removed with the next hotfix.
  11. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    This is on the devs though.I cant read their mind so I wont understand what they mean if they dont describe it properly.We were there for hours digging up 4 rocks in a row while devs been like "LEL NOPE".
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  12. MainMan52 Well-Known Player

    Needs a buff. People apparently just want to be given rewards.
  13. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I'm all for tough feats that are achievable. Unfortunately, Four In A Row is a broken, 100% luck-based feat that many players will never be able to earn, despite skill-level, persistence or time spent.

    Hope that helps!
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    I've popped this on 5 characters not independently on 5 different occasions, it's not really all as bad as you're making out.

    You must have exceptionally bad luck.
  15. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Yep, this seems to be the experience of most people.
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  16. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I will never advocate that they just hand out feats like these, but something definitely needs to be looked at here. I've spent over 10+ hours total with 6 different groups trying to get this feat already and still haven't been blessed by RNG like a couple lucky people here. This isn't even including the numerous times I've ran the raid through LFG and league runs regularly. I'm almost at the point of calling people liars who said they have popped the feat on multiple toons just by running the raid randomly and not even trying for the feat. Those people need to buy lottery tickets if that's the kind of luck they have
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  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Revamped so that you can actually acquire it by an intended strategy other than insane luck of the draw? Yes. Auto-granted? Nope, why reward people for possibly no effort, people that for example have never even attempted to complete said feat? Makes no sense. Remove it? Nope, the people who then do have it are robbed on something that was supposed to be there in which they earned even though it was through blind luck.

    The only alternative that makes sense is "revamping" it, adding some form of tell to it in which you can abide by in order to achieve the feat.
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  18. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    People are already being rewarded with this feat for no effort. And many actually legitimate feats have been auto granted in the past. This is one that's best either removed or auto granted with the next hotfix.
  19. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    I did attempt that feat for hours.Do I deserve it less than those who got it by luck just because devs didnt describe it properly?
    Even if they revamp it I dont think it will be acquired only by an intended strategy,there were such feats in the past but they would always have an rng part in them.But I guess that would be better than nothing.
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  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    No, the point is everybody deserves fair chance at getting it. Auto-rewarding the feat is not a viable solution in regards to that because while you may have spent several hours attempting and failing, others gets it granted to them that may never have even stepped foot in the raid, and/or never even attempted it. That's pretty much what I was emphasizing there.
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