Should Skins Be Updated?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Oriole, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Oriole New Player

    I think they should be updated or at least add more in game skins. For example looking at Cheetah compared to the cat skins you get now. That would be a lot better with claws and a moving tail as well as better looking face. Plus there could be new skins as well like an Insect style skin. I'm just wondering what do the DC community think? Also I want to add I know it takes time to program it but i know it can be done with Cheetah as a playable character I know they can update at least some of the animal skins.
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  2. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    skins, hair styles, body types yeah I'd say so :)
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  3. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I personally think so. The only human skin i really use is youthful, cause all the other human skins at least for males look like constipated 40 year old dudes. Females skins are alright though. I think we need more alien-esque skins, maybe alien themed gear so my characters can have multiple arms n stuff instead lf being so human
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  4. Oriole New Player

    Yeah looking at the Lantern aliens you can see they have some starting designs for them.
  5. StarSource Well-Known Player

    My secret identity! How did you guess it?!?!
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  6. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I would like a veiny muscle skin and Bane/Atrocitus personality.
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  7. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    And snouts would be cool too
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  8. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Inb4 someone says "ps3 cant handle it"
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  9. Oriole New Player

    yes it can if not then why is Cheetah doing it i've been in PvP matches with 16 Cheetahs on PS3 you mean to tell me that outside of that it can't handle it? Well you might be right about that lol. But I know it can.
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  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Would be hilarious since that personality is already in game lol.
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  11. Wickedone New Player

    I've so been thinking that maybe even have like shark skin are new eye styles like cat like eye's
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  12. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Whats a constipated 40 yr old look like? I'm a 40 something yr old & I don't have a clue.
  13. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    those eyes would be so cool on the reptile or demonic skin!
    Especially if I had small (Daredevil-sized) horns!
    And a tail with those skins!
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  14. Ice Lantern New Player

    No thanks. I would rather have those man hours put towards new content. NPC's having skins is easy because their sizes and styles are static. That's not the case for our characters so added skins would result in a lot of extra work. Some skins could be touched up a bit, but that's about the extent I would want.
  15. Terrible Theo Well-Known Player

    Didn't read most of the post but I'm pretty sure the answer is : sorry the ps3 can't handle it.
  16. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Well, ive seen my grandpa with handful of raisins and a twisted look on my face back when i was alot younger so im goin based off of past events xD. I never wish to such a twisted look ever again though, so odd
  17. CHUD Loyal Player

    Any character I've created I usually stick to a non-human skin,.....usually animal,.....feline mostly. Out of the animal-styled skins, they can use a bit of an update. Fox and wolf look the same. It would be nice to have those two skins with the pronounced muzzle. Lion skins could use the mane. Reptile,....yep.....could use a tail. Even the demon skin could use a tail.
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  18. Oriole New Player

    yeah there are some in game skins like the Catwoman mission of Book of Crime mission
  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, improve / add to - Lizard needs a tail and there's no Shark design...
  20. Oriole New Player

    its been years now its time to update and add new skins even hair styles