so lately DCUO has been stuttering like all hell for me. i got a generally new computer and when i first started playing it lag was pretty much non existant. then like a week later all of a sudden i have some crazy fps drops. I honestly think its the loading problem. I do mostly fine in instances. in any closed spaces. but in open world fps can go from the highest of 120 to 1. ive also tested other games. In one of them the loading screen takes unfogivable amount of time. In the other i need to set the affinity just so the place stops loading so slowly. in a rather closed instance game with no openworld fps barely ever drops. Its rather weird.
Please post your PC specs so we can help you more on your issue. Also, getting an SSD won't really help with your fps problem. However, it will help reduce loading times in games. If you can afford one, then you should definitely buy one.
I don't expect it to help my fps, I just expect it to load things faster. Like you said. I think the problem I'm having is that things load slowly for me. The buildings, characters, etc. AMD FX -8800p 2C/4C with an AMD Radeon M385 8 gigs
Your cpu and/or gpu is probably throttling. The 8800p has been reported to throttle pretty bad while running 3d applications. MMOs in general, DCUO included, also tend to be pretty cpu intensive so the relatively slow clockspeed isn't helping any. There isn't really a whole lot you can do about it honestly since it is a laptop.