Shield melted by snakes in God Of Monsters (Normal) Raid

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by codyxrhstou, May 19, 2018.

  1. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Hello,I was going through a fast run of GoMn last night with some of my leaguemates and as soon as we reached last boss Ive noticed my main shield (redirected rage) was getting 2 shotted by the snakes.
    My toon's cr is 234 and my stats are: Deffense 33k & Dominance 12k.
    The snakes were damaging me for about 1k everytime they hit me,so my rage shield was absorbing only 2k damage and then it went off.The thing is Im also using HL shield in my loadout and Ive noticed that there was no problem with the damage absobption while using it..Its also not the first time Ive had this bug.
    Is there anyone who's experienced the same bug?Could someone look into it?
  2. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I hate to say it, but redirect rage has always been a weak shield to begin with. Before and after the revamp, it was weak. You are better off using amazonium deflection from the iconic powers in place of it. Its one of the strongest shields in the game with the only draw back of being stuck in one place while active.
  3. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Even if its not as good as other shields.From my experience Redirected Rage can absorb about 60k damage on high end raids.
    Also Im sorry for not mentioning that,but in the whole raid it would absorb all the damage until its cooldown was off(bosses&adds) so since the shield lasts for 12 seconds it should absorb more damage than 2k,considering the bosses hit you for more than 2k between those 12 seconds.:p
    The reason why using rediricted rage as a rage tank is a must is because it has a very fast cooldown,so that you can use it every time you go off the rage mode.Amazonium Deflection on the other side,even if its overpowered,it has a really long cooldown which would not benefit rage tanks.Not to mention that even Dampening Field can absorb more damage than 2k.
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  4. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Did you play LPvE any time before that run?
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  5. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Not really,I havent done Lpve in a long time.Although I think a bug that could originate from a different instance would affect my shield in every single enemy.I should contact some friends with a rage alt and get them to check it out.Also would it be nice if you or any other people with rage toons could try it,so that we have a better point of view on that matter.
    To be honest, its not as if this will stop me from running the raid,but in the end if we dont force the devs look into it we would have a bug in each instance we got in.
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I'll check it out later today on several raids. Also, I believe you, but the devs usually won't take action without video proof (not that they don't want to, but video helps them discover what is actually going on), so I'd suggest you record just a little bit the next time you go into GoMr if you have this problem.
  7. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Are you sure it wasn't the snakes hitting you paired with Typhon's raidwide attack? Just asking to double check.
  8. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Yeah,Ive tried it that way im standing close to only 1 snake and Im too far from typhon's attack.
    Also in combat log I would only see the snake's name.
    I'll try to record next time I'll run the raid
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