Sharpshooter Back and Legs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Craven Green, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Craven Green Loyal Player

    For the last 8 months I have been praying to the gods,burning good luck candles, keeping my fingers crossed and even sacrificing small animals ( just a joke) in the hopes of seeing the Sharpshooter back drop in the vault. I do the vault daily,have run it at all times of the day, have used loyalty points and have even bought vault tickets in the hopes of boosting my chances of seeing the last piece of this style drop. I have talked to hundreds of other players and with the exception of 2 (two) people who have finished this style everyone else is looking for either the Sharpshooter back or Sharpshooter legs. I understand that you say the "drops" are random but I seem to get all the same " random " drops daily and sometimes multiples of the same items for example the Gorilla Stompers in one vault run. Could you please tweak the vault a little as it is frustrating to go in there daily just to finish a feat and be constantly disappointed. Thank you for your time .

    P.S. my neighbours are getting scared of the chanting they think I'm running some kinda of weird cult.
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  2. SilentTrollerMan New Player

    The Vault is a slot machine. You put money in (que up in the On Duty menu), and you pull the handle (destroy the boxes) and the house ( the developers) have rigged the machine so your odds of winning are very rare. Now some people do win. Which is why a casino remains open. So you are just an old woman at the machine with a card attached to her blouse and you are pulling that handle every day. I got the hood and back in the same day and finished the set. This was after I had been looking for both pieces for the longest. Now I have yet to receive a ring or neck piece from the vault and i'm sure when I do it will be for a tank. ;) I am a troller.
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  3. BO PERRY_CRS Well-Known Player

    Funny thing is, I received the sharpshooter back well over a year ago now. Ive even had it drop several times.
    Have the devs made this a rare drop?
  4. RlVER Well-Known Player

    I know your pain bro, but for me it is the shoulders. I have both the back and the legs but can never seem to find the shoulders.
  5. YodaDog New Player

    Im with you. I just got the back after running it daily since the vault update. Still looking for the legs which are completely non-existent as far as Im concerned. I'd be more worried about it but I think they're gunna give you those styles as part of the PvP season 2 grind.

    But I totally agree. The drop rate is ridiculous, and eventually, folks like you and I that have been trying daily to get this piece should be rewarded... one way or another..
  6. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    On 5 toons i am either missing the back or legs...i wouldnt doubt this set gets put in the pvp rotation eventually. The vault is a POS. Still pissed they put the knight & checkmate styles in there...they are worth way more than sharpshooter but are on the same good luck ever finishing drop rate.
  7. SuperMia New Player

    For the past year running the main character has everything except the sharpshooter alternate character has only the back and nothing else...

    DCUO! Stop trolling me! T-T
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  8. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    I have gotten the back on a couple of toons. The legs however are last piece I need out of the vault and they have succeeded in eluding my main. I really hope sharpshooter makes the next PVP rotation.
  9. Poo New Player

    Gear drops are not random in this game. Your secondary roll (. Troll, Tank, Healer) plays a part. As far as the vault goes? I have no idea how they have it set. But it is really a waste of time.
  10. SilentTrollerMan New Player

    Please explain this in depth because I needed the head on my main for a long time and I got one on my alt (healer) two days in a row. Then on the third day I got the back and head on the same vault run with my main (troller). They should really take out the vault style drops. I like the way they did the new 52 styles.
  11. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    The sharpshooter legs is a lie.
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  12. King Atom New Player

    I dont understand why for the love of Brainiac! The sharpshooter legs are a uber rare drop in the vault? Its been sooooo....many months maybe even a year. Ever since they introduce I guess these military inspired styles and never once I have seen the Sharpshooter legs drop,and what is worse is sometimes I get double drops of the samething.

    Its pretty ridiculous honestly,that you cant complete certain styles in the vault because they are rare for NO reason,when its not even purple nor legendary.

    The devs also need to fix the extra gift box in the right corner near the exit,because most of the time nothing drops out of it! I hope they tweak the vault,retire the old green items and make it a worth while visit.

    LOL@Craven Green
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  13. KCTAMU92PC122010 New Player

    I can't find my pants!
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  14. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Even though I see the back on other people I also feel it is a lie or at the very least a mirage.
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  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    I finished the style very quickly on my Troller alt, when it first came out, but still need legs and/or back on my Main and Tank alts. I honestly believe they changed the drop rate somewhere along the line.

    Of course, I have never bought a vault ticket, and I don't recommend anyone do so. It's like buying a lottery ticket. The odds of certain "prizes" are set very low. For that reason, your odds really won't increase very much with the purchase of multiple tickets, so it's basically a waste of money. One of my statistics professors in grad school was fond of saying that the lottery is a tax for people who are terrible at math, LOL!
  16. Fifinella Well-Known Player

    After having checked, I'm still missing the Sharpshooter back. Along with two pieces of Aeronaut and two pieces of Logistics Officer (in which I refuse to be bullied into going into PvP to get them).
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  17. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Simple fix.

    Devs, please make Sharpshooter one of the new sets of PvP gear for PvP Season 2.

    That is all.

  18. twist New Player

    No legs here..walking is difficult, I can only fly.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i finished the style myself and i didnt even want it or care for it, hell it keep dropping after finishing the set:mad: i think you shouldnt gve a sht about it so when it drops its a pleasant surprise
  20. jallenw23 New Player

    I get the sharpshooter back all the time it. The legs seem to be the hard one for me to get.
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