Shared Bases

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by K3str3lDC, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    So I have a Batgirl, as well as several other characters meant to be in or adjacent to the Batfamily. I wanted to give my Batgirl her own she-Bat Cave, but the cave base is TINY and I'd need several to make up the full Batcave. I figured I could have some of those toons use their deeds and make different rooms of it that those toons share, since buying a bunch of deeds would be expensive and it would it take me a long time to get enough, especially since I have several other things on my list. I had one toon, GraysonKestrel, make a base meant to be the room displaying all the suits, kinda like how the actual Batcave has an area with the Batsuit, the Robin suit, and so on. I was going to have each toon put their free armory you get in that mission in there and put their suit on it, again to save virtual and real money as well as time. However, I just found out that I cannot do this. I also cannot have the other toons place furniture they have in their base inventories, which is also annoying as some of my toons have furniture that would be good for each other's bases and yet I can't put them in.

    I'd love if all these things could be shared between toons. Not between other players as that would be chaos, but just between each of your toons on the same account.
  2. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    lol i couldnt imagine how epic that woukd be. especially if the add on was an entire 500 more items