Share your bases

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Jan 15, 2020.

  1. Achikah All About That Base

    I posted this already on my Extra Life thread but figured I'd also post this here too for any decorators who were interested, and for prosperity's sake, haha!

    A very kind donor actually purchased a base collab with myself and I wanted to share the progress!

    The incentive is initially, and usually, for a Hideout base (Dive, Space or Volcano) but after talking with the donor and the theming they wanted, the idea kinda snowballed into an Ancient theme, haha! Luckily, the Save the Universe instances was also announced shortly after which revealed both AF3 and JLD items would be in supply, and that sealed the deal.

    For context, their request was a Themyscrian base for their character who's Hippolyta's son in this version of Earth/reality. The Queen Diana emblem is their character's signature on game, so that was a big influence on a lot of the banners and drapes throughout. They also asked for Cherry Blossoms to be featured throughout as well as a Temple to Athena. Here's the current work in progress:

    The base opens with a garden area meshed with stone architecture and columns. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was what first came to my mind when sketching out plans- a cityscape immersed in greenery and life.

    After the gardens is the cityscape area. Still a lot of vernal items throughout with the housing. There's also an aqueduct that runs atop the archways!

    The city from another angle. To carry on the Cherry Blossom theming, I used some decorative wall planters to ground some blossomed branches in the upper tiers of the base where tree trunks wouldn't have meshed as well.

    Here's the entrance to the patron's apartment! It takes up the entirety of the top floor (minus the wrap around exterior walkway.) One of my favorite things so far is the dual windows with adjoining planters that you can peer into or out of.

    It also has it's own kitchen with a open hearth.

    Opposite the kitchen is a small dinning nook, as well as a desk/workstation.

    And here's the bathroom which is tucked away in the upstairs nook/alcove.

    The start of the Temple of Athena. Behind the gate will be the sparring area as well as an adjoining Quartermaster area with a weapon armory and forge.

    That's pretty much it for now! It's still very much a work in progress but I'll be sure to post more updates as time goes on.
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    This is stunning!

    great work and a great reward
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  3. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Truly artful
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  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Just waiting on seasonals to pick up the grind for bases. :) And the new episode, too! I want to see the new base items!

    Also, really great tour!!! <3
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  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Sneak peek at my new base, for my Stray God's inspired Hecate character. This is her Reliquary, which is a big part of the game and It's lore. This is basically where she lives and all. If Greek Mythology's your thing, go play it lol
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  6. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Very nice so far. I look forward to seeing the completed base.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Thank you! considering I believe next Base Off is Halloween themed, I might try to get this as entry ready in time. lol

    Achi, thank you so much for touring my baby. I feel this is my favorite & most hard worked on base from every base I ever created and I consider it my best work. Thank you so much! For some clearity I re-wrote Flame's story, and she is the Daughter of a older Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Woman) and Darkseid but she is good. So it explains the Apokoliptian Weaporny in the hidden war room, too. For the most part, prepare yourself for a relaxed vacation at the Amazonian Retreat. <3

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  8. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Wonderful base. I really love the hidden war room. I also am a lore fan, so thank you for the background on your character. I wish we could at least teleport to other platforms' bases and then maybe I could even get the marvelous Achikah to tour my bases on the Xbox world.

    Again, great job and I look forward to seeing more of your bases.

    Peace and DCUO forever.
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Thank you! and, you know, I was trying to figure out a way. Since neither of the crafter team (Achi, me or Ryll) can go on XBOX, maybe we can try something else. Like have you record your tour and comment on it. I know It's not the same as seeing it live in your own eyes, though. But we are trying to figure it out.
  10. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    I am not a good moderator.;) I will continue to do my style of base showing on here, and just be in envy of the crafter team.:) You guys rock! Keep up the good work.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  11. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I'm excited for Homecoming. Abit torn if I want to take down the entire funhouse (currently using Manor theme for it) and then start anew on the House of Legends theme. Argh, decisions decisions.
  12. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    No matter what you decide, I am sure you will come up with something first rate. Look forward to seeing the results.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Thank you! Progressing a little, need a lot of currency and I did spend but mostly to get the feats done quick out of the way.
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  14. TeeVolt Well-Known Player

    Adjusting base colors is something I have just starting playing with and I must say, Zoe your wallpaper colors are awesome!
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  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Haha thank you. It's hard to find something that looks good or make sense sometimes. I'm also color blind (with dark colors mostly, but bright colors can confuse me aswell)
  16. TeeVolt Well-Known Player

    Wow! You must be like Daredevil, using all your other senses to overcome your color blindness!!

    Seeing the clown graffiti against a pink wall is so much more graphic than on my old basic gothic walls. Thanks for the inspiration! I didn't think about how wall items would really stand out on different colors like that.

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  17. Jaelia Committed Player

    Hey I’m working on a new base called “Hearts Equality” and I found this certain base item named “ Art Deco sofa (curved)” to be but as seen in pictures when I stand on top of it. It just bugs out and there’s like I’m floating on it wasn’t sure where to post or should I put in a ticket? :(

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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I think most sofas in games are like that, not really something I think the devs will fix though. I think otherwise your character will be inside the sofa, but I'm not sure. The base looks nice!
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  19. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Ok, so a week ago we finally got luxurious sinks and luxury toilets in the cheetah vendor! And they’re pretty cheap! ( ten source marks a pop!)
    So, not very hard to get!
    (And believe me, I had a lot of bathrooms to furnish!))
    and yet!……
    in the broker,……
    I saw two luxurious sinks! One for 9 million and change…..
    and the other for over a hundred million!

    who do these bozos think they’re going to sell these things to when anyone can buy a whole base load directly from cheetah?!? (Incidentally, I’d love to see exactly that! A whole base filled with nothing but luxurious sinks and/or toilets! The smaller the base, the better(funnier)!
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  20. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Episode 46 brings a bulk of base items, come take a look!
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