So, I was doin' some gameplay**, and I noticed that the Shaman top style looks weird on the Athletic Female body type. It's like I can see into my character's soul. Please feel free to rate my toon if you'd like. That'd be some nice social interaction. Thanks a ton, community! =D I usually keep 'em all to myself unless I want some weirdness fixed, like the oddity afoot. >:'D Video link to weirdness: Shameless excuse to post this in the Gotham City section**
A similar thing happens to me with the Split Personality top in the belt area, on a Sporty? aka Monarch medium body type. The bottom part of its trench coat part also glitches and can be seen detaching from the chest while moving so I don't wear it much cause of all that sadly.
the shaman top crops in a not so flattering way. its actually one of the more frustrating styles in game. doesn't take an emblem either if i remember correctly.
there are multiple styles that need fixed have you seen the void material on the astral alloy chest and legs style? there are holes in them. this happens with other styles when you apply void material on them as well.
I didn’t know that. I’ll have to check it out, myself. I think I use Nova almost exclusively (if that was its previous name). I really hope they fix these! Dang! Even their Time Capsule loot isn’t immune? Sadly, I’ve opened around 150 of the Qwardian Time Capsules, and I still don’t have the Void Essense. Gonna keep trying, though. Either I get Void or ~5,000 Quarks, whichever comes first! Haha! Thank you, thank you! (*^▽^*) ————— Lastly, thank you all for responding! =D
I agree, and it would be nice if whether or not emblems are present were up to the players (with obvious exceptions like the Scion of Ion, etc...). PS. I’m on my phone, so I don’t have much real estate (my poor excuse for missing your comment in my mega reply). Sorry! ^^;