shaded comic material ever again? new obtain ideas

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Punkpirate, Nov 9, 2024.

  1. Punkpirate Well-Known Player


    Well as we players and DEVS probably know this material is beloved by all and every single player pretty much wants it, but as its from a Booster Bundle and we never ever get repeat bundles, pretty much impossible to get this for anyone some people have the BOX but sells for all your money and now limited amount boxes i can see in trading chats.

    Maybe as its most popular item in game pretty much, have be obtained in some other ways?

    - Quark vender for like 6000 -10000 Range (would still help Devs with stab buying to get quarks)
    - A free Christmas gift as 1 for one character not per for members( Would see raise in monthly subscription 99% sure)
    - A Marketplace direct purchase but not for 200 Dollars that's insane
    - A special new event to hunt materials like the current running Outsiders event, so you can get any material you want for new Coins etc.(then people can also buy coins like now all will boost dev revenue)

    I think this is fair as it helps community player needs + devs get a healthy check:cool:
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  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    we got shaded comic twice in two different bundles. you missed it the first time and the second time? thats crazy
  3. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    Wasn't 2nd one 200 dollars though?
  4. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I know how you feel. I've been trying to cope with the stuff I've been asking for the last 7 months with all the staff changes several times on the forum. I've asked them to add the daily login rewards to the marketplace so they could sell all the styles players who took a break from the game can enjoy. Starting with the only style I've been wa ting since I missed out on January 2022 enhanced future warden style. I've also asked for the base item limit to be raised from 700 to 1,000. They raised it from 500 to 600 and finally 700 about 3 years ago but they stopped the very year they released the larger sized bases like manor and house of legends style.
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  5. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I think it's ugly, and wouldn't put it on any of my toons, but I have no problem with it being made available for the players who actually want it. The thing is, I think they want it to be an ultra-rare item, so that people will be frothing at the mouth to get it, so they can make bank off of it when/if they ever decide to release it on the MP again.
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  6. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I can see that however, SOE created 2 items for after the Sony hack, which were the Two Face inspired mask and the Batman inspired mask. Those two items were never to be released and exclusive for those players who returned the game after he hack. Those items were made available to Catwoman vendor many years after it was released and that wasn't even for real cash. These days they're so hard up for money that they're selling currency which makes all the DLC dry up faster for the community. This also makes it much harder to find the right roles to play the game with less players Because they've already maxed out their toons with the new d.L.C and left the game until the next one drops. With my suggestion, you're buy styles that they want and support the game by adding so many more items to choose from in a marketplace section that already has a styles section that hasn't been updated in years.
  7. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    vs the first time you could spend hundreds of $$$ and still not get one
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  8. kallader Committed Player

    Why create a better material if not to sell it so basically it guarantee we will never gonna get a better one in event for the rest of this game existence only in bundle .
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  9. Deathmournex Level 30

    Can we add toes to reptilian skin and shaded comic too?
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  10. CGEMINI Committed Player

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  11. aleeck New Player

    I'm just screwed ig cause from what I remember, it was almost like 1000 bucks in my country's currency
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