Server Update - November 22, 2024

Discussion in 'Public Test Update Notes' started by Ender1Game, Nov 22, 2024.

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  1. Ender1Game Developer

    Wonder Woman (PC TEST ONLY)
    • Fixed Lasso Spin not stunning minions
    • Fixed Fury of the Gods FX lasting longer than the actual buff
    • Fixed Amazonian Bracelets block animation spamming out if AoE is triggered multiple times in quick succession
    • Sped up Amazonian Bracelets block animation
    • Added correct icons
    • Removed 3 second cooldown from Amazonian Bracelets combo
    • Added note about stacking debuffs at the end of Lasso Spin description
    • Lasso Spin places defense debuff before dealing damage and debuff now lasts the 12 seconds as described
    • Bases - Fixed an issue where base pets could be placed inside of walls, potentially falling out of the world.
    • PC Only - Some players will have their Visual C++ Redistributable updated on launch, if yours is out of date.
    • Broker: Fixed an issue where "Catalyst (Augment)" and "Catalyst (Omnipotence)" items did not fall under the Fortify->Catalysts category.
    Tactical Mods (PC TEST ONLY)
    • Adjusted the rarity of tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 dispenser tactical mods to be uncommon, rare, and epic respectively.
    • Tier 1 dispenser tactical mods now require Tactical Mods 1 trait to equip and function. All tactical mods now only display their ability description once.
    Loyalty Vendor
    • Item categories updated to match Marketplace categories
    • Updated category names on the Tempest Fuginaut tier gear vendor for clarity
    Summer Seasonal 2024
    • Reverted Summer Vibing emote to original animation
    Episode 48: Harley Quinn vs Apokolips

    • Added "Don't Get Gonged" to Demon's Plan feat tracker.
    New Genesis Undercity
    • Focus, Commitment, Sheer Will feat enabled
    • Hammer Harleen will blink to the center of the room for her Grand Slam attack instead of jump
    • You must take Lashina's repair tool before the calibration puzzle can be started
    • Removed the 2 packs of Parademons just before the intro cutscene to Lashina
    • Removed Elite from the description of An Athlete, Not a Mathlete feat as it can only be completed in Normal
    • The first attempt at a puzzle sequence no longer fails when user has an augment or augments equipped.
    • Red Tool will do a better job of staying in the fight during the Lasina fight
    Besieged Clock Tower alert
    • Fixed a typo in Stomping Mad Together feat description.
    Subjukator Construction Site
    • Edited the description for the Dork-Speed feat to be clearer on when the timer starts
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