Server Update - June 30, 2024

Discussion in 'Live Update Notes' started by Ender1Game, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Ender1Game Developer

    Game Update 145

    Open World: Bottled D.C.
    Daily Mission: To the Skies
    • The number of Wing Armor to KO in order to complete the objective has been dropped to 8 from 20
    • Like x 12
  2. FaithfulJudgeDC Level 30

    Bless your sweet hearts for this update it pleases me Greatly.
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  3. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Finally I can stop having to swap phases just to finish one mission.
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  4. darksptll Level 30

    It's definitely a nice change. Kind of wish the spawn for the wing armors would have been fixed versus just lowering the amount needed but at least this solves the problem.
  5. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Now if the other dailies could be reduced so we can get them done faster before we lag or crash.
  6. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    This was definitely a positive. There are ways to combat fighting groups and swarms of other players over this daily, but the reduction is definitely a positive. I cannot imagine anyone having a problem with this change. It beats turning dials to complete dailies, that is for certain! Well done.
  7. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Reducing the kill count to 8 from 20 and still havent seen one. Why is it so hard to increase the spawn rate on winged armors, it was done on the vines... what gives?
  8. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    The wing armors formed a union and went on strike. That is the will of brainiac.
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  9. darksptll Level 30

    This reminded me of what I would say in voice to any league member talking about having lag in the current episode.

    "Brainiac has every advantage!"

    It just includes lag now lol
  10. Strkr42p New Player

    The tumblers are not spawning in any phase
  11. jhangirbhatti New Player

    Thank you for the update regarding the Daily Mission: "To the Skies" in Open World: Bottled D.C. It’s great to hear that the number of Wing Armor to KO has been reduced from 20 to 8. This adjustment should make the mission more manageable and enjoyable for players.
  12. babygiftcollection New Player

    Thanks for the update! Reducing the Wing Armor KO requirement will definitely make the daily mission feel less of a grind. Looking forward to diving into Bottled D.C. and seeing how the change impacts gameplay flow!