Game Update 135 All worlds will be taken offline at 6AM PT on June 1, 2023, to launch Game Update 135 and perform the name reclaim. Downtime may last up to 12 hours. Game Update 135 features the Summer seasonal event, Feat reorganization, Artifact adjustments and gifts, Pride gifts, new emotes, and more. The maintenance will also complete the name reclaim. The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes subforum when available.
well gifts? i cant say that i dont like it for the once who say now ppl only want if i lost days of my paid membership it feels right to do an little give away even if it isnt mutch
Downtime may last up to 12 hours. The amount of people that can't understand what this means is beyond me.
Are people complaining about gifts? AFAIK, you're the first person to mention gifts in this thread. The hilarious part is those are the same people that pull the 'reading comprehension' card when somebody calls them out or disagrees with them.
Agreed. The 'and gifts', where it is, says to me it is not about the 12 hours and more about "we are changing Eog.. here is some stuff to help counteract any pain you perceive" lol @Mepps - What about Static? Or is he saved for a future reward ?