Server Status

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ProfessorKanua, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Yeah, I'm one of those players who still puts a lot of time into DCUO even though everything is kind of falling apart. My playing time is not really affected by other people or even changes in-game, but more about whether I can actually log into the game or not. So these last couple of weeks have been very disappointing, and if they are going to alienate players like me, after players who left because of the declining player base or huge change number 50, then there is really not much left.
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  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea i had a league mate running PBe and he was dcd right as the boss died so he got no loot. U wait for elite to be open or reset it and that happens? I heard him over ts and he was extremely upset. And rightfully so. Im sure this has happened to multiple players. Will they do anything to make it right? Of course not :eek:
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  3. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    To be honest...I cannot even see how they charge a sub anymore....with all the bugs and glitches and crashes going on.......and no updates by anyone of knowledge........and then the joke of a sale on the MP.
    They are obviously more interested in the Xbox opening than taking care of customers that have already payed for the product.

    This company is a Joke.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Precisely, the server outages, and not 1 single thing of compensation for its paying members. Unless you count a 40% off sale compensation.

    I hope they have alot of Xbox players playing and paying, because the current PC/PS server is like a ghost town and the sad thing its a weekend.
  5. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Still down, I can't see my chat channels. Daybreak?
  6. Southbeatz Well-Known Player

    It sucks but it happens to MMOs. The game will not die like some people seems to believe but DCUO was in that hole that many MMOs fall into where the population drops then new players try the game and get the impression that it's a dead game. With the population issue seemingly fixed, the devs can't really afford to screw that up because there's no more server merges left to do and no quick fixes to undo damage done by people leaving. If the devs let things go downhill again then it just means those that continue playing will have a harder time pugging a variety of content where is if the population stays up then there will be people pugging everything.

    I know joining a good league is the best solution but even then sometimes we just want to run this or that, knowing no one online in league would want to do it or maybe just quicker. Before I ask on league chat, I'll look to see who is running what, if everyone's already doing something then I just use the queue, depending on what it is. Duos, Alerts, things like that, it's easy to ask on league chat if anyone wants/needs whatever it may be, if no one then it's quick and easy to use the queue to get things done but for that to be fun and not involving the boring bit of waiting in queue then the game population needs to stay up and devs need to keep the important parts of the game properly working such as servers, lag, any potentially game breaking bugs that may be around.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I am trying to figure out how people are saying the population issue was fixed. Perhaps it was for PC players, but for PS players the population is far from being "fixed"
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  8. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    This is why I cancelled my sub I refuse to pay for a game I can't play half the time because of crashes or lag or they put an update out that crashes the games and makes new bugs without fixing the old ones.
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  9. Cjmd74 Active Player

    Personally, I wouldn't be shocked in the least if, after Xbox launch, they move PC players to Xbox server, and pretty much ditch out on the PS3 and ps4. Game pop shrinking, glitches, dc'ing and just overall indifference from the devs, plus keeping ahold of the last gen game, is killing it further. With Xbox, they get a fresh start, no last gen to compensate for and new or fairly new player base. Plus a chance to milk new money from not only new players but former ps players that will have to start all over again. Granted this most likely isn't going to happen, but just positing a theory.
  10. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    I don't want to question at all how hard the devs are working on the issue, because I can't look behind the scenes, but without any kind of consistent updates it does seem like they kind of want to gloss over it.
  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Still broken. Just signed in for the first time in a couple of weeks to do my weekly EO run and crashed to desktop upon leaving the instance. /thumbsup